ch 8

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Author's pov
Bhuvi passed out, as he was about to fall someone held him, it was none other than Jassi. Yes Jassi was saved by Siraj, his right hand who came to know about this bomb thing before. Looking at Bhuvi's condition Jassi panicked and said

Jas:-call doctor fast, bhuvi love open your eyes see I am fine look at me love

Siraj:- Jassi take him to your room right now I am afraid if there are spies nearby

Hearing his words he carried Bhuvi in bridal style and rushed inside to their room.

Jas:-Bhuvi love look at me see I am fine PLEASE LOOK AT ME BHUVNESHWAR BUMRAH.

Siraj:- Jassi doc is here let's go

Jassi shook his head, the bodyguard had no choice but to drag him down where they saw Shami huffing as if he ran a mile.

Jas:- Lala what happened

Shami :- thank god you are here and safe where is bhuvi

Jassi explained everything to him. Shami nodded and pat the boss's shoulder. Soon Dr came out and said "Mr bumrah congratulations you're gonna be a father but looking at his condition it seems he need to be taken care of." Hearing this a sad smile laced of soon to be father's face. Both the men congratulated him. Entering the room he sat beside the Male and kissed his hand

Bhuvi:- you scared us today, don't do this ever again do you hear me Mr JASPRIT BUMRAH.

Jassi:-(smiles) Never again love never again.

Both hugged each other and stayed in that position. A knock on the door broke their moment,groaning Bhuvi sat up. It was Shami

Shami:- listen to me right now carefully leave this country today, I've arranged everything go to Turkey for now it is the save country for you both, My men will be there so don't worry.

Hearing such a sudden news they were shocked.

Shami:- I know but right now saving you both is the only priority, this mansion will be surrounded by enemies soon so leave, for us, for your child leave this mansion, I will be here do you understand.

Bhuvi couldn't hold his tears and hugged him tight

Bhuvi :- lala how can I thank you for this tell me

Kissing his forehead shami said

Shamu:- Take care of yourself and my niece

ephew for me hmm now now don't cry and you Bumrah never make him cry otherwise I will come for you is that clear.

Jassi couldn't be more thankful so he hugged him tight and said

Jassi:- Take care of yourself and him for me.

Hearing this he sighed and nodded. Leaving the room giving one last smile,he went to the terrace to clear his mind. Surprise to see he saw him standing near the railing. Admiring him from far he thought. "What's the point of looking from far when he was close I was the one to push him and couldn't trust him." His thoughts were interrupted bu a cough. He saw him coughing to get his attention.

Shami:- Still like this Siraj can't meet my eyes when we talk.

Siraj:- I am worthless and downcast how dare I meet the eyes of the superior man.

Shami who know these words had tears in his eyes, the man he once loved was shattered by himself.

Shami:- h-how's Ai-ira l-love

Siraj:-(emotionless) Doctors said nothing but I know she will leave me soon and REMEMBER THIS MR SHAMI THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU M-m-y p-o-o-r d-d-daugh-t-er is fighting for her life.

Saying this he dashed out of the room leaving a heartbroken man. Cleaning his tears he looked at skies and prayed to his lord for betterment of his daughter.
Doon the supposedly couple came down. Siraj escorted them as shami was the one who was to drive. None of them spoke a word. Reaching to the jet, The bodyguard hugged the madam and said. "Take care." Bhuvi nods and sets inside the plane, which soon sets for Turkey.

Somewhere else
"Sir Bhuvi has left the country. " Said a man as he dashed inside the master bedroom. The Boss was sitting holding the hands of unconscious male chuckled bitterly. "Bhuvi now you also left Your Dada ." He then turned towards the Male who was unconscious. "Come back soon to me Jammy I can't live without you plz come back to me, Even Mahiya and sonu left me after you." He cries, the bodyguard felt pity but says nothing and leaves the room quietly.

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.

I know this chapter is quite confusing but trust me further chapters are gonna be very interesting

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I know this chapter is quite confusing but trust me further chapters are gonna be very interesting. So stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment 😉 love you 😘

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