++Chapter Two++

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Chapter Two


The hobbits traveled several days under the shade of the forest that they had seen when they left Osgiliath. Cody was still sad from the loss of Boromis but she tried to hide it. She forced a smile on her face when ever Frodo was looking but cried silently while they slept. She also kept the secret she and Gollum shared to herself, she couldn't bring herself to tell Frodo.

On the third day that they had entered the forest Sam spoke up out of the blue, "Do you think they will tell stories about us Mr. Frodo?" he asked.

Frodo and Cody walked side by side, hand in hand, and when he said this they both looked at each other with small smiles.

"Do you think," he continued, "A father will ask his son, 'Would you like to hear a story?" Cody laughed lightly when Sam made his voice deep and gruff, "And the boy will say, 'I want to hear about Frodo Baggins and the Ring of Doom!"

"But you're forgetting one of the chief characters!" Frodo smiled as he kept walking.

"Oh! How could I forget about the lovely Miss Cody Proudfoot?" Sam exclaimed.

"Hes talking about you Sam!" Cody laughed as she turned around to look at the Gardner.

"Ole Sam is just here to help." he mumbled with red cheeks and looked down in embarrassment.

"But I'd like to here more about Samwise the Brave." Frodo told him.

"Samwise the Brave," Sam said to himself, "I like the sound of that."

The atmosphere was much happier than it had been in days and the hobbits actually laughed, something they hadn't done in what seemed like ages.

"What do you think has become of Merry and Pippin or Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli? Do you think they are searching for us?" Cody asked one night.

"I'm not sure," Frodo replied, "But I know that they are not looking for us Cody."

"How do you know?" she asked and looked at him with a questioning look.

"Because if they were looking they would have found us by now." Cody's eyes instantly turned down and she stared at her lembas bread blankly, "You miss him, don't you?" Frodo asked her gently. All Cody did was nod her head solemnly and quickly wiped away a tear that had formed in her eye.

"He was like a brother to me," she almost whispered, "And I hurt him more than what I meant too. I said things I didn't mean to say, and now, I may never see him again. Those things I said, I will never be able to say sorry to him." she whimpered.

"Don't say such things!" Frodo gently scolded her, "We will see them again."

"Promise?" she whimpered and looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Promise," he said and kissed her lightly on the nose before he took a bite of his lembas. "Are you going to eat that?" he asked around a mouth full of the elven bread. Cody cracked a small smile and nibbled on the flaky wafer.


"You wont see him again if you don't take it!" She said.

"But how do I take it? When do I take it?" Cody whimpered.

"Soon Precious, soon."

"Don't call me that, I am not a creature like Sméagol."

"True, but if you don't take the Ring he will be like that creature."

"Then why don't we destroy it?"

"Gollum! Why would you say that?!"

"No! I am not a creature of darkness, I am a hobbit!"

"You are a servant of the Dark Lord himself, a host to the Witch King."

"I never asked for any of this." Cody whimpered.

"Sméagol never wanted the Ring, neither did Bilbo or Frodo. But in the end they wanted it."

"Frodo is the one who is trying to destroy it, he doesn't want it. He said it himself, all he wants is for all of us to be safe."

"All he wants is the Ring, not you! Look at him, he cannot take his eyes off of it. At night he sleeps with it wrapped in his hands so none may take it. You are a threat to him and you know it."

"I am no threat! He loves me!"

"He loves the Ring, Precious," She said as gently as she could, "That is why you must take it so he will love you instead."

"Cody?" Frodo moaned and rolled over to search for her.

"Say nothing, he mustn't know."

"Hold on Frodo." she called. She scurried over to him and laid herself next to him. When his arm was wrapped around her in his usual position he asked, "What were you doing over there?"

Cody's blood ran cold when he asked this and tried to think of something to tell him, "I was clearing my head, thinking of what we will do when all of this is over." She hated lying to him but she had too. 'At least I did not lie to him in the eyes.' she thought.

"I know what we can do when we get home." he breathed in her ear and caused goose flesh to ripple down her body.

"And what would that be?" she rolled over so she she was facing him when he told her.

"We can get married," he smiled shyly, "Maybe have a child of our own."

"That sounds nice." she smiled and rested her head on his chest.

"We wont have any troubles to bother us, we will be free." he sighed and kissed the top of her head.

"Things wont be the same though." she told him and looked back up at him. His eyes seemed to be illuminated by the moon and seemed to shine with a light of their own.

"I know, but we can try to make them the same. We can try to forget what has happened to us."

"I don't want to forget, I want to remember this."

"Why do you want to remember this? This journey has been filled with nothing but pain and death!"

"Yes, but on this journey I learned that I truly loved you." Frodo gave her the biggest smile and kissed her before she said, "If I forgot this journey I would have to forget you."

"I hope that never happens for I will never forget you." he whispered and began to run his fingers through her once silky hair. "Never will I forget you." he sighed before she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

He, however, laid awake and stared at her sleeping face. She seemed to have grown younger as she slept, all lines of worry and pain vanished before his very eyes. He wished she could look so care free when she was awake, but he knew she carried a burden that would not allow that. He wished he could reach Mordor now and cast the Ring into the fire. But something in the back of his mind told him he shouldn't do that.

'I must,' he thought to himself before he fell asleep, 'For Cody.'

----------Hey everyone (I didn't say guys this time!)! So, this awesome writer by the of neonsunshine1 has this new original fanfic; I know you're all probably like "What? Since when have fanfics been original?" let me explain; this one is a love story about Sauron. Cool right! You guys should totally check it out it's called Once Upon a Time.~God Bless----------

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