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chapter seventeen Part Two: "Cannibalism"

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chapter seventeen
Part Two: "Cannibalism"

Ok, now maybe it was the alcohol, or the childhood memories, but after they had apprehended the Unsub. Damon and Aidan got to talking, and that led to more talking and a couple more drinks. Not to the point where their judgment was compromised but to the point where they could feel all those emotions from when they were kids.

And that led to Damon going back to Aidan's house. "So we doing this?" Aidan asked as Aidan smiled at him. "Oh fuck yeah" Damon said, kissing Aidan.

Aidan kissed back. It was wired at first but then it came naturally. The roughness of it. Lips pushing together like two horny teenagers. What can I say, Damon was a fucking horny teenage at this point and so was Aidan. Damon took off his shirt as Aidan looked down at the scars. They felt familiar and natural. "Nice tattoo" Aidan smirked as he started taking off his own shirt. "You too" Damon said as he saw the Navy Seal tattoo.

Damon's lips slipped from Aidan's lips to his neck, feeling the groan from the man's throat. Their lips locking on each other, as they pushed down onto the couch.

"This brings you back, hey?" Aidan smiled then moaned as Damon bit down into his neck. "You like that?" Damon teased, him moving farther down. "Damon...this isn't the..best fuck~" Aidan couldn't finish his sentence. "This most definitely wasn't the best way to introduce yourself after years". "You gonna let me do what I want?" Damon asked as he slowly took off the belt that was around Aidan's waist.

"Yeah" Aidan nodded.

Damon was holding Aidan as he slept. Damon couldn't close his eyes, nor would he. Even blinking is dangerous. Damon closed his eyes for a minute, wanting to get some sort of rest.

Aidan was laying on his back, knocked out, so he didn't feel any pain. The knife cutting through the skin of his back like it was butter. "Wake up" Aidan's voice screamed as he felt his skin being split open. "WAKE UP!" Aidan screamed again.

Damon opened his eyes, running a hand down his face. Slowly pushing Aidan off of him and grabbing his jacket. Walking outside, he threw up in the bushes. "Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with me?" Damon whispered as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"You okay man?" A man asked, as he walked past him. "I'm feeling quite sick, actually" Damon said as he looked at the man. "Here. Let me help you" the man said as he helped Damon up to his apartment.

Damon looked at the man once he entered his apartment. Damon stood up straight once the man turned away from him, then grabbed the closet thing to him. He was very fortunate to have an umbrella next to him. Damon took the umbrella and smacked the man in the back of the head then stabbed him with it. "Well you didn't bleed much" Damon said almost amused. "Better for me" he shrugged, taking the umbrella and putting it close to the sink, so the blood was dripping into it. Damon couldn't find gloves so he had two options, no, one option.

I'm gonna put the warning here.

Damon grabbed a couple tissue from a box then opened some of the cabinets, looking for something. "Bedsheets it is" Damon sighed as he looked around for bedsheets. Once he found the bedsheets, he walked back over to the body. Grabbed a knife from the kitchen then slowly shifted the man onto the sheet. The knife cut like butter through the skin then through the muscle. The muscle was a little harder to cut through than the skin, but skin is like rubber.

Rubber is tuff and like skin. Soft but also hard. Skin and the human body, has a bunch of nerves, so when you cut through it, those nerves flinch back at you.

"So, Damon, how was your night?" JJ asked as she walked over to his desk. "Fine" the bone was the hard part. Damon didn't cut this time, he butchered the bone. "Fine" Damon smiled back to JJ. "Well, Penelope told me, you went home with Aidan McCall" JJ smirked as she took a sip of her coffee. Damon took the legs first, then the arms. "Old friends" Damon said as he put his pen down. He found a pot and made a soup base. "So, I heard Rossi talking about a charity thing?" Damon asked as he leaned back in his chair. Slowly Damon skinned the man, so he could bake it then cut the muscles up, and seared them in a pan.

"Yeah, it's a for a soup kitchen" JJ said. Damon took the bones from the man and put them in a plastic bag. "May I join?" Damon asked. Putting the soup into containers then putting all of his stuff into a big bag he found and cleaning up. Walking back to his car, he put his stuff into his car then driving home. "Of course" JJ smiled then walked away. Damon brought the containers of soup to the soup kitchen the BAU would be volunteering at, later that week.

That's when thing with Cannibalism, you could be eating someone and you wouldn't know it. It would be in anything. Anything you eat.

Damon smiled at Spencer as the BAU team walked into the soup kitchen.

It was sick and twisted but Damon liked sick and twisted. Watching the people eat the soup without knowing what's in it. You never really know what's going inside your body when you eat not out of the comfort of your own home. Always eat what you prepare, or what you watch others do.

When Damon got home that night, he couldn't get what he had done out of his mind. That urging feeling todo it again. He didn't know why, but this kind of killing always felt....right. In a sick and twisted way, it was art. You may not think that seeing how Damon slaughtered a man then fed him to unwilling people but in Damon's mind it was art. The art of knowing how to kill someone in such a way that would make others sick.

Damon took off his shirt, and laid down in bed. He knew there would be a case tomorrow, JJ had said so.

It was art.

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