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chapter twenty-twoProposal

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chapter twenty-two

            Back at the station, Spencer couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the crime scene. As they were sitting in the conference room, JJ and Hotch were taking, well his eyes were only on Spencer.

Damon didn't give two shits if Harper was fucking Spencer right in front of him. He would still look at Spencer, eyes only on him, not anyone else.

Damon didn't care.
Why would he?

"Rossi said you guys found a ring?" Hotch asked Spencer and Damon. "Yeah" Damon said, handing the evidence bag over. "Ask Reid about it, I'm not much help here" Damon said as Spencer looked at him then at Hotch, clearing his throat. "Yeah, it's a 1940s original gold piece keepers ring, the owner didn't have any so I'm guessing it's the unsubs. The type of ring is very rare and there's only about seven in the work. There originally from Italy and this one looks like it's been wore multiple times so I'm guessing it's been passed down" Spencer said, Damon and Hotch looking at him as he spoke.

Derek listened and so did every else but no one was actually looking at Spence except for the two. Damon smiled, he liked hearing the rambling. He liked hearing Spencer go on and on about on topic and all of the things he knew and remembered. It was interesting and helpful.

"How old are you Damon?" Ryan asked, hands folding over each other as he looked at the young boy in his office. "I'm 17" Damon said, playing with his hands that were in his lap. "Young" Ryan smiled, it was a sick smile but at the time, Damon hadn't noticed.

Damon smiled as he walked behind Spencer. "You looking at something?" JJ asked walking up beside him. "Nope" he smiled, eyes looking away and to JJ. JJ nodded with a smile. "So for this case, we have a profile on the Unsub and we gave it. You weren't there and we couldn't find you so we had to give the profile" JJ sighed as Damon nodded. "It's alright" he smiled warmly.

As they walked into the house, Hotch was calling out to see if anyone was home. Derek was close behind Spencer well Rossi was with Hotch. Emily was with JJ, leaving Damon alone. As he searched through the house, he looked out the window. Nodding slightly then walking away. He grabbed his gun and kept it low so everyone didn't think he was gonna shoot them.

"Hey!-" Damon heard Spencer yell. Turning around, he saw the Unsub holding Spencer, gun to his head. "Hey, buddy, put the gun down" Damon said, as he watched the boy recognize him. "Take the fucking shot, come on" he screamed in his head.

"How about you let him go and we can talk about why you're doing this" Damon continued. "I know you!" The kid spat out. Damon looked confused, "sorry kid, I don't know you" he lied, gun still in his hands. "No, no you, you were there that night, when I killed the guy. You were the one who told me to burn his eyes to kill him?" Damon looked even more confused.

"Put the gun down!" Hotch yelled to the kid as him and Rossi came in. JJ, Emily, and Derek on the far end. The kid was trapped. "Greyson Greger, drop the gun and put your hands up!" Hotch continued as the kid held Spencer tighter. Damon was the only one with a clear shot, but he hadn't kill anyone yet, not well working for the FBI. It would show just how little he cared for someone's life.

Damon raised his gun.

Spencer walked next to Harper, hand in hand. "Tonight was beautiful" she smiled, as Spencer nodded. "Glad-glad you liked it" he scratched the back of his neck. "You okay?" Harper asked as Spencer nodded.

Over the seven years of them dating, Harper had gotten used to Spencer being quiet in public and talkative at home. She didn't mind it, him being quiet out in public.

"So, why'd you take me out to this fancy restaurant?" She asked, Spencer looking at her.

"Come on, you gotta propose to that girl you" Derek said, him holding Spencer's head. "I know" Spencer whispered, blood coding, Derek's hand. "I'm sorry" Damon said quickly as Emily stood in front of him. "I'm sorry, I didn't-I'm sorry" Damon repeated over and over as Emily held him back.

"I have a surprise for you" Spencer smiled to the shorter woman. Harper smiled, she hated surprises but for him she could handle it. "What is it?" She asked, her face glowing with excitement.

Spencer looked around, there was barely anyone around, just them. "Okay" he whispered as he watched her look around. Spencer got down on one knee, opening the ring box. Harper wasn't looking at him, which gave Spencer a second to catch her breath. He was nervous even though he knew she'd say yes. Harper looked back at Spencer, her eyes widening. "Oh my god" she exclaimed, hands covering her mouth. "Harper Elizabeth Cole, will you marry be?" Spencer asked, his voice shaking slightly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She squealed, Spencer getting up. Harper hugged him, basically jumping up onto him. Spencer held her, closing the ring box so he didn't lose it. "Oh my god! How long have you been planing this?" She asked as Spencer smiled, opening the box once again and sliding it onto her finger. "Awhile" he smiled back, kissing her gently.

Harper smiled, hugging her now fiancé. She looked down at her ring and smiled. "I got Aidan's opinion then Damon's" Spencer smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Damon?" She questioned, kind of shocked. "Yeah, he seemed really happy for you" he smiled, as Harper chuckled. "He probably knows me best" she whispered.

Harper knew what Damon missed quite a lot of her life, but he was also there for half and now he was back. Damon was there for the good and the bad. He helped her get into rehab, and then he disappeared. She was happy and glad he was back.

"You good?" Damon asked as he looked at Spencer, who was laying in a hospital bed. "Yeah" he smiled slightly. "Saved this for you" Damon held up the ring box, as Spencer chuckled slightly even though it hurt a little. "Thanks" he smiled as Damon nodded. "I've been hiding it from Harper. She's been here in and out, I told her to go home and have a shower, well I stayed here" he said as Spencer nodded slightly. "Thanks" he said.

Damon looked at Spencer, "I'm sorry" Damon apologized. "You got him, I was just there" Spencer said which made Damon feel slightly better even though he still felt like shit.

As Spencer fell back into unconsciousness, Damon looked at him. He slightly grabbed the other man's hand before pulling away as Harper walked in.

What was he thinking?

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Words 1174

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