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Slamming the door behind him , Yuvaan breathed . His eyes filled with unknown rage while his jaw clenched . He was angry , not on her but on himself. His feelings , they were killing him second by second. The moment Nimrat uttered Misha's name when they were so close , it triggered him. It felt like someone slapped hard across his face , mocking him and telling him that how much of a pathetic man he is .

He was dumbfounded the day he got to know about Nimrat's feelings. He still remember the rhythm of his heart beats at that moment , they were so fast and loud. It felt like his heart would stop and he didn't like it. He didn't like that feeling because for him love don't exist . For him love was just a stupid illusion which make a person weak and pathetic. No one knew this but saying yes to Misha when she proposed him was also because he just wanted to get rid of that feeling , of that fast beating of his heart whenever he would see Nimrat . And then when his father asked him to marry Misha , he didn't say no because again he wanted to get rid of this feeling , the one which is making him weak and pathetic.

Rushing out of the back door of the mansion he sat in his carslamming the door behind "Its alright, just three days and everything will be over" He chanted and drove off.

But what he didn't know was , that it was not the end but a start of something beautiful.


As the sunrays peeked through the curtains glowing up the dark room, Nimrat sat there. Looking at nothing in particular. It was still very early as the the sky still has the hues of dark but looking at it Nimrat smiled. Now even the tears have dried up, no matter how much she want , they won't come out but the heaviness, that suffocation was still there as alive as it was when he went away yesterday night. It was like she want to breath but she couldn't. Like she can see light but she couldn't reach there.....this was killing her every second and at this point , she don't even know if she would be able to make it or not.

Slowly standing up from her door step , Nimrat made her way to the bathroom freshening up . Even if she can skip her university, she certainly couldn't skip her part-time jab.

Climbing down the stairs Nimrat made her way towards the door ignoring her step-mother who was murmuring some curses for her under her breath only to get stopped hearing the voice she didn't want to

"Where are you going girl?" Anand Batra asked , drinking the glass of juice that his wife gave him.

"University" Nimrat replied as she began to move out only to stop by a loud voice.

"I didn't asked you to leave , did I?" Anand roard making her flinch. Her head was bursting with headache and now it seemed like it was only going to get worse. Heaving out a tired sigh , she tuned around , walking towards the dining table.

"I don't let you stay at my mansion for you to slack around everywhere. You are not going anywhere until Misha's marriage, handle all the arrangements and do as you are asked to. I want everything to be perfect on my daughter's wedding otherwise you very well know the consequences" He ordered, his each word dripping with hatred that he had for his own daughter. 

If this would be the first time then maybe Nimrat would have been hurt , crying over the fact that her own father resented her for something in which she had no hand but now she didn't feel hurt because a person can make it for sometime without food or water but he shatters the moment he lose his hope . And for Nimrat , she lost her hope the moment she saw hatred in her father's eyes for his own daughter.

Nodding her head lightly , she kept her backpack aside. Mentally preparing herself to call her boss , no matter what she couldn't lose this job. How will she pay her college fees.

Anand left , leaving for the company while Nimrat started making her way towards the kitchen only to stop on her tracks.

Why is everyone stopping me today.

𝐀 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭  Where stories live. Discover now