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Emptiness is dangerous. Imagine a feeling where you have a lot going inside but you cannot speak it out loud. The overwhelming feelings , the words , the insecurities fill your inside like a volcano . The things which you want to scream to the world , to share them with someone become so overwhelming that at one point you become empty . Even at that point you would want to lessen your pain , to scream out your feelings but then you will realize that there is nothing left inside you to share. That is dangerous, toxicly dangerous.

And that is what Nimrat and Yuvaan felt at that moment as they both completed there seventh phera. People say that seventh phera symbolizes the lifelong companionship and love between the couple but did they knew about it? And even if they do , will they ever be able to be together?

Nimrat looked at Yuvaan , In his eyes , they were empty but red. A kind of red which showed that he was barely controlling himself. His wrist clenched in agony before she looked at the holy fire , promising to complete every promise she took around this holy fire.

Because even though he was not hers but she has always been his.

Stepping down from the mandap,  both of them made their way towards their parents. Yuvaan clenched his jaw , his wrist tightly clenched as he refused to look at his parents.

Akshara who had tears in her eyes and Akash who just stood there , helpless. As both of them bend down to touch their feet as per the rituals , both Akshara and Akash blessed them , Akshara's hand gently caressed Nimrat's chunari cladded head "Hamesha khush raho aur sada suhagan raho"
(Always be happy and happily married)

And finally a drop of tear left from Nimrat's eye ,  falling on Yuvaan's wrist who closed his eyes , abruptly standing up . His red eyes staring right through his mother's teared once as he looked at her dead in eyes.

"I don't think we would ever be happy again maa" his mare sentence shattered Nimrat , her eyes casted downwards hiding her tears.

"Mind your words Yuvaan" Akash warned him only to receive a smirk in return . Yuvaan dropped opened the knot of their tied chunari,  storming out of their angrily . Leaving Nimrat there to stand hopelessly.

"YUVAAN" Akshara called out for her son , her tears not stopping . But he didn't stop.

Akash signaled Shivansh to go after him who nodded his head , quickly following his bestfriend.

And then somewhere , there stood the Batras , bidding off goodbye to their guests with a large fake smile. After bidding bye to every guest , Anand and Nandini neared them with a large smile plastered on their face. Pratik who has been standing with his sister slowly held her hand , giving it a firm and warn squeeze.

Not wanting to initiate any conversation,  Akash turned to his wife "Chalien?" He asked.

(Should we leave?)

Akshara nodded her head slightly,  taking Nimrat's hand from Pratik , holding it softly. "Ghar chalo" she said.

"Meri maa ki photo leni hai mujhe" Nimrat said , scared to offend anyone. That is how it has always been, she was forbid to talk about her mother in the mansion , and so she never did.

(I want to take my mother's photo)

"Mai sath mai chalti hun , aao" Akshara said before turning towards her husband who nodded in response.

(I will come with you)

As they both left from their , Akash turned around to call his driver but he stopped in his tracks and turned around when Anand called him.

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