The Miracle

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Without Elena's help, Esther formed a new plan. As soon as her first child is born, she will take it and use it for the ritual. Fortunately, Esther had another way of making sure Elena has her babies tomorrow. She did a spell while she was alone with Elena last night without her knowing. And by the time Elena wakes up tomorrow morning, she should be in labor.

Klaus and Finn stayed at Elena's house overnight with the Salvatore's to make sure Esther doesn't do anything. In the early morning hours, Elena awoke to screaming in agony. The four brothers immediately woke up and went upstairs. Finn helped Elena stand up. Klaus immediately called Elijah and told him to come over and Stefan called Rebekah.

While Klaus and Stefan were talking to Rebekah's son Elijah, Finn and Damon helped Elena downstairs. When they got to the door, Bonnie was outside.

"No time to talk, Bon Bon." Damon says and tries to walk past her but Bonnie gave him an aneurysm, as well as Finn.

"Bonni, what are you doing?" Elena gasped.

"I'm so sorry, Elena." Bonnie apologized. She grabbed Elena's arm and took her to her car.

"Where are we going?" Elena demanded.

"Short answer, I need to kill Klaus." Bonnie said.

Elena shook her head, not believing that her best friend would harm her children, "No. No no no no no. can't do this." She cried.

"I really wish I didn't have to, 'Lena." Bonnie said.

"It won't work. She doesn't have my blood!" Elena argued as another sharp pain in her stomach came.

"No. But your firstborn should inherit your blood." Bonnie explained tears forming in her eyes. She knew she was betraying her best friend by doing this. But she wanted to kill her arch enemy. And this was the only way.

"My firstborn is a doppelgänger." Elena muttered realizing what Bonnie was saying.

"I'm so so sorry Elena. But this is the only way." Bonnie says as she parked the car. She got out and went to the passenger side and opened the door for Elena and helped her out even though Elena refused it.

"Get her inside." Esther ordered.

"I hope you rot in hell." Elena seethed as she screamed again.

Bonnie helped Elena inside and she laid her down on the couch. Good thing Rebekah knew how to deliver a baby so she helped Elena prepare.

"I'm not helping them. Don't worry." Rebekah whispered to Elena, who tried to smile but her babies were making it difficult.

" Elijah?" Elena was able to get out before screaming again.

"Don't worry about him. He just knows I'm with you and that you and the babies will be safe." Rebekah says, "Tie her hair back."

Bonnie got a ponytail and tied Elena's hair back, "Okay, this is going to hurt, Elena. Are you ready?" Rebekah asked, Elena nodded.

It took a few minutes until Rebekah saw a head coming, "I see a head!" She announced.

Elena pushed one more time before her first child was born. As soon as the baby came out, Bonnie took it into her hands, "You have a beautiful baby girl, 'Lena."

"Please can I hold her?" Elena begged.

Bonnie said nothing as tears formed in her eyes, "You shouldn't be the one crying." Rebekah seethed.

"I'm sorry," Bonnie says and she turns and heads outside the door.

"Don't be sad, Elena," Esther appears, "You'll still have two children."

Esther follows Bonnie and her mother outside to prepare for the ritual. Elena sobs as Rebekah holds her, "My brothers have a plan. They'll get your daughter back."

"I hate her. I hated her." Elena cried.

Rebekah pulled away from the hug, "I know," she sighs, "are you ready to give birth to your next two?"

Elena nods. And Rebekah prepares her.

In the forest near the Mikaelson mansion, Esther was getting prepared for the ritual just as all of her sons arrived. Elijah wants to kill his mother when he hears his baby crying in the distance. Fire surrounded Esther. Keeping her safe.

"You don't want to do this, mother!" Klaus yelled.

"It's too late, Niklaus." Esther yelled back. Using her powers, she gave her sons an aneurysm. She put Elena's firstborn into the middle of the fire she was in. Esther had a dagger holding it over the baby. She started chanting a spell. Elijah's daughter cried harder and harder and Elijah wanted to do anything he can to save her but he couldn't. His body was growing weak and he was in pain as the aneurysm his mother put on him got stronger.

Elijah looked down for a minute and closed his eyes. Then he heard necks snapping. He looked up the same time as his brothers did. The fire that was previously surrounding his mother was now gone, burned to ashes. His mother was lying on the ground unconscious. He looked up and saw Katherine holding his daughter in her arms.

"No!" He shouted. Katherine sped off with the tiny baby before he could catch up to her.

"Katerina is not the important issue right now," Klaus says, "Go to Elena. She needs you."

Elijah nodded and sped off into the mansion where Elena was lying on the front couch giving birth to their last child. He sped to her and held her hand and comforted her as she gave birth.

"Where is our daughter?" She asked.

"With Katherine and the Salvatore brothers. She is is safe." Elijah comforted her.

The last of their children was born in the matter of minutes. Their youngest of their children was their son.

Elena had already picked out their children's names. Lexi, Jenna and Grayson. Lexi was their firstborn, Jenna was their second born, and Grayson was their youngest.

Elena stayed over at the Mikaelson's mansion until she recovered from giving birth. She of course stayed in Elijah's bedroom. Rebekah had set up a nursery for her babies but Elena wanted her babies near her so that she knew they were safe while she slept. Elijah didn't let Elena come with him when he went to the Salvatore Boarding House to get Lexi, he wanted her to rest.

Elijah got to the boarding house and knocked on the door. Stefan answered, "Elijah."

" Katherine here?" Elijah asked.

Stefan nodded, "She's inside. Your daughter is safe. And healthy."

"Thank you." Elijah thanked him.

Stefan only nodded and led him to Katherine, where his daughter slept peacefully in her arms.

"She's beautiful." Katherine says her eyes remaining on the sleeping baby.

"Just like her mother." Elijah replied.

"How is she?" Katherine looked up at him.

"Resting. She's staying at my family's night for a few days until she's recovered." Elijah said.

"Sorry about Bonnie." Damon said.

"Bonnie should be the one apologizing for her actions not any of you." Elijah said.

"I believe she belongs to you." Katherine says handing Elijah his daughter.

Elijah gracefully takes his daughter in his arms, "Thank you, again. All of you."

Elijah went home. All of his siblings were already asleep. He went upstairs and to his bedroom where Elena and the babies slept peacefully. October 17th was the most scariest and amazing day in the a thousand years Elijah has been alive.

AN: Two chapters in one day? I decided to make the chapter where the babies are born. And here they are! I'm probably gonna start the next chapter after this but I'm not sure when or if it will be posted today. Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far!

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