Old Enemies

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"We don't care what your name is! Let us go!" Lexi said.

"You're a brave little one, aren't you?" Lucien says, "You have a lot of power, I can tell. Tell me, what are you exactly?"

Lexi hesitates, "A Tribrid."

"A tribrid? Well, I've never heard one of those before. You must be the original. But your something else too..." Lucien trails off.

"The last Petrova doppelgänger." Lexi says quietly.

"Ah, a Petrova doppelgänger. I thought Elijah learned his lesson with Petrova doppelgängers when he was with Tatia. I guess not." Lucien said.

"Do you want to hurt our dad?" Grayson asked.

"Not really your father, more so your uncle Niklaus." Lucien said.

Grayson and Lexi lifted their heads and Lucien began screaming in agony, "That's it?! Just one mention of someone in your family and you both give me an aneurysm?!" Lucien yells.

Jenna stands up, "We're doing this on our terms now."

Giving Lucien an aneurysm, landed the three children in a cage. Grayson tried to burn the cage to let them out but the cage was laced with vervain. And instead, it burned Grayson's hands.

"Can't you two just do incendia or whatever it is you do from your minds?" Jenna asked impatiently.

Lexi shook her head, "No. We have to be touching something."

"I'm so bored!" Jenna groaned.

"I'm hungry." Grayson complained.

"Me too." Lexi agreed, "Lucien!"

"Lucien!" Grayson called out with her.

"Lucien! We're hungry!" Jenna yelled.

Lucien comes inside with someone, "She looks compelled." Jenna muttered.

"How do you know what compulsion looks like?" Grayson asked.

"I've seen Mommy, daddy and uncle Finn do it." Jenna replied.

"I've brought food." Lucien says bringing the women over to the cage.

The three children looked at each other, "Um usually our uncle Finn or aunt Katherine makes us real food when we're hungry." Lexi said.

"Finn? He's still alive? I thought Niklaus daggered him. Guess he took the dagger out. Well that took a turn." Lucien says, "Anyways, I don't have time to make you three food. So it's either this or you get nothing."

"Don't be silly Lucien," Another woman with dark red hair and green eyes stands next to Lucien, "They're children. And this is probably their first time getting kidnapped. The least you could do is give them real food instead of a human."

"Who are you?" Grayson asked.

"I see Niklaus hasn't introduced me yet to the family," the woman scoffed, "My name is Aurora De Martel. I'm your uncle Nik's girlfriend."

Lexi looked at Jenna and Grayson and shook her head. Not believing that their uncle would date their kidnapper, "We don't believe you."

"Well how would you like me to prove it then?" Aurora asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Call him." Jenna said.

"Call him?" Aurora repeated as if she misheard her.

"Yes. Call him and have him come over here." Grayson said.

Aurora laughed, "Do you think I'm stupid? You three think you're so smart, but I know this just your way to get your uncle over and save you."

"Fine. Then just call him." Lexi said.

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