The Future

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Lexi, Jenna, Grayson and Hope are now sixteen years old. Hope had lost her mother, father and Elijah last year. The triplets have been grieving over their father's lost. Jenna has taken it the worst. Revealing her wolf side, she has been terrorizing the tourists of New Orleans by killing them. Her first vampire kill triggered her wolf side. Lexi and Grayson have yet to trigger their werewolf curse. Jenna comes home late every night and Lexi and Grayson always hear their mother and sister fighting.

Lexi hasn't taken her father's death too well either but she hasn't gone on a killing spree like her sister has. Lexi was mostly trying to control her witch powers. They acted out every time she had a breakdown. Her aunts, Davina and Freya, have been teaching her to control it.

Grayson has his witch powers under control. Now he just wants to trigger his wolf curse. But he doesn't want to kill an innocent person. He had watched his sister turn into a wolf for the first time when she did her first kill. But he doesn't want to go through the pain she did and he wishes he could take away his sister's pain.

Hope has been attending the Salvatore Boarding School, while the triplets have been attending a public school in New Orleans. The triplets don't know how Hope has been handling her parents' and Elijah's deaths, but their mother tells them she is okay and she is seeing a school therapist.

"Are you kidding me?" Lexi exclaims when she walks into the school's bathroom and sees Jenna in there feeding from someone.

Jenna retracts her fangs from the person's mouth, "What?"

"You know what," Lexi says and moves next to the boy, "You saw nothing. You came into the bathroom and fell and got a bad cut. Now leave."

The boy leaves mindlessly. Jenna groans, "Why do you and mom always have to ruin my fun?"

"Because you aren't doing this for fun. You're hurt because dad died." Lexi said.

"You don't know that." Jenna replied.

"Oh, really? Because back when he was alive you never did stuff like this. And now when he's gone, you start feeding off of kids from our school? You're becoming like Uncle Stefan." Lexi says crossing her arms over her chest.

Jenna scoffs, "I'm nothing like Uncle Stefan. Uncle Stefan was a ripper. He was reckless. He knew nothing of vampirism. I don't know everything, but I definitely know more than he did. And I'll be more responsible. I keep telling mom that but she keeps grounding me."

"Because you're murdering innocent people!" Lexi argued.

"Whatever, "Jenna cleans her mouth before leaving she turned back to face Lexi, "Tonight's the full moon, by the way. You coming to the bayou?"

"No. Unlike you, I haven't triggered my werewolf curse yet. And neither did Grayson." Lexi said.

"You're loss." Jenna rolled her eyes and left the bathroom.

Lexi sighed and used the bathroom. Taking out her phone, she texted Grayson to meet her in the lobby after class.

"What's up?" Grayson asked.

"Jenna." Lexi said.

"Ah. What'd she do now? Throw someone out the window?" Grayson laughed, Lexi glared at him, "Wait, she didn't actually throw someone out the window, did she?"

"No! At least, I don't think so. But I just ran into her in the bathroom and she was feeding on someone." Lexi explained.

"Jesus," Grayson mutters, "Mom's gonna kill her."

"Not if the full moon does it first." Lexi reminded him.

"Right. Tonight is the full moon. She's gonna be in the bayou." Grayson said.

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