Chapter 17

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Sunny's (P.O.V)

After I walked out of Roxanne's place I had Amanda come pick me up. I didn't want to stay in the same house as Roxanne's ex because she was obviously a dangerous person. Who pushes someone down the stairs and then locks them in the basement?

I'd never done anything to Ivy. I barely knew the girl so I didn't really understand what she had against me.

My head and back hurt a little bit but I seemed to be doing fine.

When I had gotten home I explained everything to my roommates who were livid.

To make me feel better they decided to have a movie night. They had me text Sandy to invite them over. Amanda actually told me to text Roxanne, but I was scared to because I didn't know how she would react to me having her number. Sandy was the one who gave me Roxanne's number, not Roxanne. I didn't know if Roxanne would be mad or okay with me having it when she didn't give it to me herself so I never messaged her.

Amanda was tending to my wounds while Liz set up the tv.

"Are they coming, Sunny?" Amanda asked as she put some Neosporin on my wound.

"Yeah, they should be on their way now." As soon as I said that I heard a knock on the door.

"That must be them. I'll get it." Liz said, standing up and going to answer the door.

"Hey guys, welcome." Amanda said as Roxanne and the others walked in through the door.

"Thanks for having us over." Roxanne said, looking at Amanada as if she knew Amanda was the one who set the whole thing up.

"It seems like we all had a night so I thought I'd put on a movie to cheer everyone up." Amanda smiled at Roxanne.

"Yeah, we heard you have a psychopath living in your house." Liz said, going back to working on the tv.

"Oh, yeah she's my ex and she definitely is a bit crazy." Roxanne looked over at me for the first time and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, you can say that again." Cody replied to Roxanne's comment.

"So I'm right she is a psycho?" Liz said, looking at Cody.

"Oh, girl let me tell you." Cody said moving to go where Liz was still working on the tv.

"Roxanne do you mind finishing this up for me? She only needs a little bit more of Neosporin and then a band-aid." Amanda said, stopping what she was doing

"Um yeah, of course." Roxanne walked in the kitchen.

"Sorry we haven't met. What's your name?" Amanda asked Sandy.

"Oh sorry. How dumb am I to not have introduced myself the first thing I got here? I'm Sandy."

Amanda smiled at Sandy. "I'm Amanda. Would you like to help me grab some blankets from my room for the movie?"

"Yeah, I don't mind." Sandy said, following Amanda down the hall.

"How are you doing?" Roxanne asked once we were the only ones in the kitchen.

"Fine. You?"

"I'm okay now that I see you're doing okay."

"You could've warned me about Ivy, you know." I said after a second.

"Sunny, I'm so sorry. If I would've known she'd be home I never would've left you."

"Where did you go and why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

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