Chapter 24

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Sunny's (P.O.V)

I was walking out of my science class when someone cut me off my path.

"Hey! Jerk, stay in your lane." I said once I looked at the person more and realized that it was Ethan.

Ethan stopped walking and turned around to face me. "I didn't know you went to this school."

"Yet somehow you knew I was in this class. We went from breaking girl's hearts to stalking people now?" I said annoyed.

He waited till I caught up with him before he started walking with me.

"How's Roxanne doing these days? Heard she almost died last night." He said ignoring my comment.

"Why are you asking weren't you there?" I said as I remembered seeing him right before Sandy ditched me.

"Yeah, I was also the one to give Roxanne that dare." We were walking down the hall-way in sync now.

My mouth dropped open. "You knew she was drunk and you still dared her to go in the water?"

"Yeah, so what?" He said in an emotionless tone.

"You're evil. She could've drowned!" I yelled, making a few people look in our direction.

"And that punch you threw at Roxanne's party could've broken my jaw."

"That's what this is about?" You almost killed her because I punched you?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You didn't really think I'd just let that slide did you?" His flirty demeanor changed to a cold one.

"If you wanted to get back at me why didn't you go after me?" I said once we made it out of the building.

An evil grin spread across his face. "I did. I don't know what lesbian thing you got going on with Roxanne, but I know you care about her. That punch told me so."

With that he left me standing at the front of the science building lost for words.

I didn't really remember the drive back home because I dissociated the whole time. I couldn't be present in the moment, not after what Ethan told me because then I would have to face the fact that Roxanne almost died because of me.

I didn't remember how I got home but here I was in the parking lot of my apartment building.

Once I turned off the car I got out and made my way to my apartment.

"She left." That was all Amanda said as soon as she saw me walk in the door.

I quickly put my backpack on the kitchen counter before rushing down the hall with Amanda following close behind me.

When I got to my room I saw that my bed was empty and nicely made. Roxanne's phone was no longer charging by my bed on the nightstand.

"She just left?" I said not knowing what I was expecting.

"Yeah, she said she had to go and she wouldn't tell us why." Liz yelled from the tv room.

I didn't want to jump to any conclusions so I just said, "Ok."

Roxanne and I still needed to talk about what happened last night. I wanted to know why she said I was a disappointment. I know she was drunk but those were obviously her true feelings.

"Hey, do you want to watch a movie later tonight?" Amanda said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Stop with movie stuff. I know you guys only do movie nights because of what happened last semester." I said, shrugging her hand off me.

Amanda didn't say anything because she knew it was true.

"Sunny-" Amanda started to say but I cut her off.

"You don't have to act like I'm a bomb that's about to go off at any time. I told you I got this under control this time. I've been taking my meds and going to therapy for everything so I'm okay now." I said trying to talk a bit nicer once I realized that I might have been a little mean a second ago.

I don't know if it was what Ethan had told me earlier or what Roxanne had said last night but something was making me stressed and really snappy right now.

"We just worry about you." Amanda sighed.

"I know and I appreciate you both but I need space sometimes and so do you. Go have fun at night, don't waste all your nights babysitting me."

"Okay, we'll give you space from now on."

"I have a lot of homework I need to do now so I'll talk to you later. I said, escorting her out of my room.


I looked through my outfits trying to figure out what to wear to dinner tonight. I didn't want to wear casual clothes because this wasn't like last Friday where I was going to a party. I went through my rack of clothes one more time before I found a navy blue dress that I used to wear to dinner with my dad last semester.

I grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom to get ready. Roxanne had said to arrive at her place at seven. I didn't want to arrive too early so to kill some time I took my time getting ready.

"There she goes again ditching us for her new family." Liz said once I finally came out of the bathroom.

"Going to another party?" Amanda asked as she ate her dinner at the kitchen counter.

"No, I'm having dinner at Roxanne's tonight." I laughed.

"You two just need to get married already." Liz gave me a look that told me she suspect something was going on.

"Yeah, when's the wedding?" Amanda teased.

"See this is why I don't like telling you guys things." I went back to my room to grab my shoes and when I came back Amanda was now sitting on the couch next to Liz and they were talking in a hush tone, but stopped when they saw me.

I knew they weren't going to tell me what they were talking about so I didn't even bother asking. I gave them a wave before heading out the door.

When I arrived at Roxanne's place the driveway was full so I parked by the lawn.

I didn't know when I was going to tell Roxanne about Ethan but I knew it couldn't be tonight.

Once I made sure the car was locked I made my way towards the front door. I made sure that my hair wasn't going to come out of its ponytail and that my dress covered everything before ringing the doorbell.

I waited for twenty minutes for someone to answer but no one came. I decided to knocked on the door a couple more times and still no one came to answer the door.

'Did Roxanne just stand me up?' I thought as I turned around and went home.

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