Chapter 20

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                            Roxanne's (P.O.V)

"Fucking Joey!?!" I yelled as I grabbed the painting I had finished minutes ago and threw it over the cliff.

It wasn't Joey's hand that she grabbed unless she was just grabbing everyone's hands.

How could she like Joey? She's said what all about three words to him since she met me, but then I thought about what Joey said at the party about how they had worked on a project of their own together and how they have class together and it all started to make sense.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw more things. I didn't have anger issues but I was so angry I wanted to kill someone.

After I packed everything in the car I drove home.


When I got home my friends were already there watching tv.

"Roxanne, hey how did it go?" Sandy greeted me first.

I looked over at Joey who was laying on the couch with jealousy. Maybe if I was a guy too Sunny would like me.

"It went fine." I said, finally answering Sandy.

"Did you get a lot of work done?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I said. I was feeling really tired.

I left the den and made my way to the kitchen

I didn't realize Sandy was following me until she said, "How was the date with your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend so can you please stop saying that." I said, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Roxanne," Sandy said, concerned when she saw the tears in my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"She's not gay. She likes Joey."

"What the hell? Joey? Are you sure?"

"She told me on the cliff?"

"Roxanne, I'm so sorry." Sandy said, moving to give me a hug.

"It's not your fault." I said returning the hug and crying into her shoulders.

It wasn't long before the boys walked into the kitchen.

"What's up with Roxanne?" Joey said, walking closer to us.

"Joey what the hell is wrong with you?" Sandy moved away from me and walked over to the fruit bowl. "You couldn't let Roxanne and Sunny be. Could you?" Sandy picked up a banana and threw it at Joey.

"What in the world? What did I do?" Joey said, dodging the banana.

"Sandy, it's not his fault." I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to me.

"What's not my fault?" Joey dodged another fruit.

"You just have to come along and ruin everything." Sandy said, throwing an apple and actually hitting Joey this time.

"Okay, can someone please take those things away from her." Joey rubbed the spot on his stomach where the apple hit him.

"Can anyone tell me why Sandy is abusing Joey right now?" Cody who has been laughing at Sandy throwing fruit at Joey this whole time finally spoke up.

"She likes you, you idiot." Sandy glared at Joey.

"Who?" Joey and Cody spoke at the same time.

"Sunny, who else?" Sandy rolled her eyes.

I love that Sandy loved me enough to get mad on my behalf but it wasn't fair to take things out on Joey.

"Sunny told me on the cliff today that she had feelings for someone and it's you, you're the lucky guy." I couldn't look at him as I said that because everytime I looked at his face all I felt was jealousy and extreme sadness.

"Oh, shit." Joey said, putting a hand on the back of his head as he thought about something.  "Are you sure it's me?"

"Yeah," I said, trying not to start crying again.

"That doesn't make any sense." Joey genuinely looked confused which told me he really had no idea.

"That's what I thought at first too, but then I realized that you two must spend a lot of time in math class together." I said.

"I mean not really. We just recently started hanging out in math." Joey tried explaining himself.

"Do you have feelings for her?" Sandy asked, giving Joey the death stare.

"What? No."

I know that maybe hearing that Joey didn't share Sunny's feelings was supposed to make me feel better, but somehow hearing that broke my heart because I knew it was going to break Sunny's heart.

"I think it's best if we don't tell Sunny that Joey knows because we don't want more broken hearts." Cody said and I agreed with him, but knowing Joey I knew he was going to find a way to let Sunny down easy and I didn't know if I was going to love him for that or hate him.

Sandy opened her mouth to say something when Ivy walked in.

"Don't go silent on my account. I know how you guys love to talk shit about me so continue to do what you do best." Ivy said before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and walking out of the kitchen.

"Why does that bitch think everything is about her?" Cody said once Ivy was gone.

We all went silent because we didn't know how to answer Cody's question.

"So are we all friends now?" Joey said, looking at Sandy and breaking the silence.

Sandy sighed. "Yeah, sorry I lost it. It's just that Roxanne has been crushing on this girl since the beginning of the semester and they finally started talking only to find out she likes Joey of all people."

"I guess it doesn't help that he's cute and charming either." Cody tried to lighten the mood.

"It's fine. If Sunny has to like someone else I'm glad it's Joey." I said not really knowing if I meant my words or not.

"Group hug?" Joey said, opening his arms out.

We all moved in for a group hug.

"Oh, gross feelings." Ethan came in the kitchen wearing a baseball hat, plain white t-shirt, and faded jeans. "Sandy let's go."

Sandy was the first one to pull away from the group hug and then the rest of us followed.

"Ethan, the show doesn't start till eight." Sandy said, looking at him.

"Well, I say we need to go now. The place is like three hours away. I don't want to get stuck in traffic and then have to hear your stupid ass complain about us missing the show all night."

Sandy gave each of us one more hug before leaving with Ethan to go to some play.

The rest of us kind of just hung out at my place before the boys had to go home to do some homework.

I didn't want to have to explain to Sunny what happened to the painting when I saw her again so I spent the rest of the evening on the balcony repainting the work I did earlier on the cliff.

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