Cake #2

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L successfully sneaked back into his room with food. He looked at the kitten who didn't move from its initial spot.

"I got food" L said to the kitten as the kitten perked up.

He placed the milk bowl and a plate of cake in front of the kitten as he kept one piece of cake for himself. The kitten looked at the food then at L.

"Go" L said to the kitten as he watched the kitten start eating immediately. The kitten started with the milk.

L took this time to observe the kitten as he put his index finger in his lips. He stood up and started slowly walking around the kitten.

"Hmm.. quite small in size, perked up tail, and...definitely female" L finished his sentence as he stopped behind the kitten to confirm its gender.

The kitten stopped eating for a moment then slowly turned her head around to face L whilst still being in front of the milk bowl. The kitten gave L a rather distasteful gaze as she squinted her eyes at him as if she was saying he's a pervert.

"Hey! I didn't mean i-it like t-that you know..." L panicked as he said this, bizarre how a 9 year old could even understand these things but L did.

The kitten slowly turned her head back to the food before her and stared at the cake as she carefully sniffed the cake before starting to eat it.

L watched the kitten with pure curiosity. He liked the fact that this kitten was eating cake, he loves cake just as much, perhaps they could be best friends.

Suddenly watari came inside L's room and he wasn't quite pleased with the sight he saw. L was crouching next to a 𝘤𝘢𝘵 that was eating... 𝘊𝘢𝘬𝘦? Well both the little boy and the kitten were eating cake. It was normal for L, a human to eat a cake but Watari was pretty sure a cat or kitten is definitely not supposed to eat cake.

L looked at Watari who came in as L seemed to slightly panic but quickly went back to his usual demeanor.

"L, explain" Watari said simply which gained the kitten's attention as she looked up at Watari then L who seemed to be slightly panicking. The kitten just decided to finish the food for now.

"I..found her under the garden bench..she was cold and..hungry so I brought her in" L said as he looked down at the floor.

Watari sighed. "Then you should've informed me or Roger, we could get this kitten a new home".

L seemed to not like the idea but perhaps it will be for the greater good.

The kitten however seemed to have grown liking the little boy. She definitely understood their conversation as she stopped eating and jumped on L.

L held the kitten as she just clung onto him. L looked at the kitten who looked back at him, he was starting to reconsider, he didn't want his 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 to go.

"Watari! I-i can't let her go! I'll take care of her I promise, I'll feed her, bathe her, take her on walks and...stuff?" L said determined. "She's my first friend, she listens to me and doesn't judge me.." L said the last sentence in a low voice as he held the kitten close to him who muffled a meow.

Watari sighed. "Very well then. But first we would need to bathe her and tomorrow I'll take her for a check up at the vets" Watari said as he smiled at L. It's been a while since L had a friend and if keeping the kitten meant that L could be happy then Watari would be more than happy to comply.

"Thanks Watari.." L said as tears fell from his eyes, he ran up to the adult and embraced him while the kitten was still in his arms. The kitten meowed and jumped down from L's embrace as she went back to finishing her unfinished business, the cake.

Watari just watched in confusion, maybe the kitten was eating it because that's the only thing offered to her.

"I'll bathe her now, although she seems clean, we can't risk bugs or diseases" Watari said as he picked up the kitten in his arms while the kitten meowed as if it was offended.

"Don't you worry little lady, you can come back from the bath and finish your food, I'll get you some proper food after the bath" Watari said as he looked at L one last time before leaving his room.

My cat is acting strange! (L Lawliet x neko! reader) Where stories live. Discover now