Name #3

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L was pacing back and forth in his room, eagerly waiting for Watari to bring his kitten back from the vet.

The snow seemed to be much calmer this year. L recalled how terrible the snow had been a year ago when he was found by Watari. He would have probably not been alive right now if it weren't for Watari.

It also made him think that he did something similar for the kitten too, she was cold and hungry, just like him a year ago. She was found by L and brought to shelter, just like L. They were quite similar. L was determined to protect his kitten at all costs.

Suddenly the door to L's rather lonely room opened, revealing Watari with the long awaited fur ball in his hands. Watari released the kitten on the floor as it ran towards L and meowed loudly.

L quickly picked up the meowing kitten and hugged her.

"I missed you"


"The kitten is completely healthy and has no diseases" Watari said as he smiled at the sight before him.


"Ah right" Watari exclaimed as he left the room and came back shortly after with a plate of cooked fish.

He placed the dish before the kitten, as she jumped from L's arms and sniffed the fish before looking up to Watari with a thankful gaze. She meowed softly at Watari before starting to eat. L eagerly watched the kitten eat.

"L, it's time for breakfast" Watari said as he turned to leave.

L looked at the kitten and then at Watari.

"Um Watari can't I eat with her?" L said as he pointed towards the kitten who was engrossed in eating the fish.

"L, you must join the breakfast table, the kitten isn't going anywhere" Watari said as he held out his hand to L.

L looked towards the kitten who had stopped eating and was staring at L.

"I'll be back soon, you should finish the whole fish" L said as he waved towards the kitten who meowed quietly, she seemed sad which made L sad too but he had to go.

𝘼𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙛𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

L crouched on his chair as he picked up the spoon and fork.

"Watari I heard a cat meow yesterday!" A little girl exclaimed.

"Me too! Do we have a kitten in here?" Another child spoke up.

"It's my kitten" L said simply as he started eating.

"Woah, can we see it?" Another boy, 𝘈 exclaimed. A is a year younger than L and had arrived at the orphanage recently along with another boy B who is the same age as A. A and B are best friends, they are always together and they look up to L a lot.

"Only if you promise not to touch her unless I say so" L said after swallowing his food.

"DEAL!" "I wanna seeee tooo!" "Can we also see her please L?"

A lot of kids started whining, everyone wanted to see the kitten.

"Okay but you guys need to be quiet, I don't want my kitten to have a heart attack because of how loud you guys are" L said as he put his spoon and fork on the table.

"Okay" all the kids said in harmony as they ate their food happily.

All the kids huddled in the garden as L had told them too. Soon they saw the crouching boy walk towards them with a small fur ball in his hands.

L gently let the kitten stand on the ground, the kitten had a hand knitted sweater on because of the winter although it wasn't very cold.

The little girls squealed and the boys looked at the kitten in awe. It's so small and fluffy and adorable.

"Hi kitty!" Some of the kids said as the kitten meowed to each and everyone of them individually, normal cat behavior right?

"What's her name?" One of the kids asked.

L put his index finger on his lips as he tilted his head.

"...Name?.. I didn't name her yet" L said as he started thinking of possible names for the kitten.

"Hey guys, let's all think of a name and let the kitten choose!" One of the girls proposed as everyone agreed even the kitten as she meowed.

All the children were now thinking of names and writing them down on a piece of paper.

After about thirty minutes the children were done.

"Since it's my kitten, I'll go first" L said as everyone agreed.

"Shortcake" L said as he place the paper with the name written on it on the floor.

"Autumn" "Blossom" "Anesthesia" "Betty" "Fefe" "Celine" "Bonny" "Lamborghini" "Flower" "Sugar" "Oranges" "Fluffball"

The kids went on and on as the papers on the ground increased.

"(Y/n)" A said as he placed the paper on the floor.

The kitten perked up at the name as she touched the paper which had (Y/n) written on it with her paws.

"..... I'm still calling you shortcake" L said as he seemed to pout slightly.

The kitten went towards L and started rubbing her head against L's legs.

"(Y/n) it is then I guess. But I'll still you shortcake every now and then so..." L said as he picked up the kitten to his face level.

The kitten licked L's nose which made L giggle a little.

My cat is acting strange! (L Lawliet x neko! reader) Where stories live. Discover now