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Kaminari has no idea how long he has been staring at his ceiling. Hes got- what, 10 minutes to get ready? He couldn't seem to get enough room in his head for that information, though. The only thing currently occupying his mind is what the hell happened yesterday. He knows Mineta doesn't want people to know he's gay but, come on. He openly defended a little girl in front of a homophobic father. He hangs out with this "Jackson" dude every chance he gets. Does he and Kaminari even hang out anymore? All of class 1-a is accepting, too. The only thing we really have against him is that he is a bit of a creep. But Kaminari knows Mineta knows this. So if this isn't about him being gay, what is it?
Sighing, he stretched and got up from his overthinking pile. He was determined to find out what it was Mineta was so freaked out about when Shinsou took over his mind. Even if it was an invasion of privacy, he seemed so spooked, it can't be good to hide. After all, he is his best friend. Yes, Mineta denied hiding something but.. maybe hes calmed down a bit and is able to trust him now.


The dorms were a little more gloomy after yesterday. The rest of class 1-a had no idea what happened, since the girls felt too bad to say anything. They still had no idea about the thing only Mineta knew. The fact that he wasn't lying when he was forced to say he got his period. Kaminari and the girls weren't suprised to see Mineta hadn't bothered to show up for breakfast. They assumed he was still hurt that they took advantage of him.
On the other hand, Shinsou was experiencing a bit of the same experience in his dorm building. Nobody seemed to noticed how he stared of into the distance, hands not touching his now cold breakfast. He was lying, right? No, he couldn't be. His quirk didn't allow anyone to lie. When he gets people to speak, they are only under his control. They don't have the willpower to answer for themselves. So when he said he got his period, he had to be telling the truth. Not that he cared about that, but it was clear he was hiding it from everybody. That's a big thing to burden on yourself. He rested his head on his fist. Why was he doing that to himself?

Homeroom arrived soon, and everyone filed into the class. There were hardly any chances to talk to anybody before the bell because of Iida's constant yelling to sit down. So, it was pretty easy to see Mineta as he walked into the class a few seconds after the bell. Even Iida was too shocked to reprimand him for being late. Minetas outfit was the first thing you could notice. A few of the buttons were undone, his tie was possibly worse than Bakugo's, and it was severly wrinkled. The next thing you could notice was his hair. Most people know him for having slick-backed hair and being very neat (despite the balls on top of his head), but this time you could say it was the complete opposite. You could visibly see his curly hair, which was going in all types of directions. The final thing you would notice was probably the worst. His face. He hadn't taken the time to cover up his dark circles and eyebags, so it shook everyone. He had a honestly heartbroken look on his face, which would make you pity him if you saw him. Everyone stared as he sat down,  though he didn't stare back. His eyes were fixated on the desk in front of him, never moving. Some people wondered if anyone was going to speak up, when it happened. "M..Mineta? Are you okay?" Kaminari got up from his seat and walked over.
He stopped in his tracks when Mineta glared up at him. It wasn't a friendly glare or even just a calm one. He was full-on death glaring him. That, added with the dark circles under his eyes, was kinda scary. Kaminari seemed shocked, but he got the message. A few seconds later Aizawa came out from his sleeping bag, unaware of what just happened.

The next few periods Mineta acted like Kaminari didn't exist. He even declined a pencil from him when Mineta realized he didn't have a pencil. It seemed every opportunity he tried to talk to Mineta he rudely ignored him. It didn't take long for Kaminari to get a little pissed. Lunch seemed like it took forever to get here. Class 1-A was still really shook about what happened during homeroom, which led to some gossiping. Mostly at the bakusquad table, though. "I mean honestly, he looked like he went through a war!" Sero pulled down the bottom of his eyes, imitating Mineta. "You're right Flat face. He's always been weird but he's been
extra weird." Bakugo said, suprisingly calm. He looked over to Kaminari, who was tapping the table nervously. "Aren't you and Mineta friends or something?" Bakugo shot him a look. Kaminari looked at him with confusion in his eyes. "Yeah?" He seemed to be a little hesitant in the answer. "He gave you that death glare right? Kirishima told me cuz' I couldn't see it. What's got him acting like there's a stick up his ass? What, he on his period or something?" He, Sero, and Kirishima snickered at the joke. They soon stopped when they noticed Mina and Kaminaris silence, the usual jokesters who would be dying at the joke. "You guys alright? You've been acting weird since yesterday." Kirishima put a hand on Minas shoulder.
"Look, something.. really weird happened yesterday with Mineta," Kaminari started, "Why don't you tell them, Mina?" He shot her a look of pity and basically telling her to be responsible. She sighed, "Well, you know how Mineta got sent to the office yesterday, right? He seemed really secretive about what happened so.. well me and the girls got curious. But we knew Mineta wouldn't tell us, so we hired, um.. Shinsou to brainwash him." She twiddled her fingers. "Mina!" Kirishima yelled. "Sick." Bakugo laughed wearing a nasty grin. "And.. we basically told him we were going to play truth or dare.. and thats when it happened. We asked him why he went to the office and he said he got his, uh, period?" She seemed to still be confused about the last part. "He got his.. period? Yeah right. Bet he's watched to much porn he's starting to think hes a woman." Sero chuckled. "I still don't understand what he meant by that.." Kaminari sighed into his hand. "Well then why don't we just go ask him?" Bakugo stood up suddenly, jumping over Sero sitting next to him. "B-Bakugo where are you going?" Kaminari yelled at Bakugo who was rapidly walking towards where Mineta sat somberly. "Hey small fry! Whats your fucking deal?" He slammed his fist down on the table in front of Mineta. His eyes shot up quickly and was taken aback. "First you walk in looking like a zombie, then I get told you were babbling weird shit about periods? You really that big of a creep? You obsessed with women so much you just gotta be them?" His face leaned in closer to Mineta who was still a little shocked. Suddenly he was defending himself. "Sorry, king all-mighty. I forgot I have to make sure everything I do is your desicion and okay with you. When I got to the bathroom next, can you choose the toliet paper I wipe with?" He spit at his face. "Do you wanna fucking die runt?" He pulled Mineta up by his shirt. "I don't fucking know, make the fucking desicion yourself I couldn't care less anymore!"
"Bakugo, god dammit, stop it! You aren't gonna get any answers by yelling at him!" Kaminari pulled Bakugo off of Mineta by his shirt and pushed him away. By this point a chunk of the cafeteria was watching. Bakugo seemed to calm down a little and gave Kaminari a chance to speak. "Honestly, Mineta, you gotta talk to me. What is up with you? Im your best friend. Isn't that what they're for??" He walked closer to Mineta, putting his hand on his heart, sweat building up on his face. "How should I know I can trust you? People that go around asking for people's secret are hardly best friends." He looked up at him with anger in his eyes. Kaminari seemed to snap at that comment. His look of nervous pity morphed into a nasty frown. There was no going back from what he was about to say. "Im so sorry Mineta. Im sorry that I've been trying for years to try and keep up our friendship because I felt bad that no one wanted to be your friend. But seriously, what did you expect? You're such a fucking creep! You sneak into the locker rooms just to get a peak. Who does that? I was fine with it because we had a lot in common, but with the way you're acting now its just bullshit!" Kaminari threw his hands into the air, as if he was trying to express his emotions better. Mineta stood up suddenly as tears formed in his eyes. "You want me to reveal a secret to everyone?! Fine! I don't even fucking like the girls like that! I don't! Every single creepy thing I've ever said was just a cover-up for the fact I like boys too! I've never sneaked into a locker room, I was just pushed into it by a strike of pure bad luck! And maybe these feelings that I should be avoiding you are just because of my fucking sister who killed herself years ago. I don't know anymore!" He tried to stop the tears falling down his face by covering his eyes with his fists. "Theres your secret for everyone to share around. I don't give a fuck anymore." He walked away forcefully pushing through the crowd. Kaminari was left there feeling like a piece of his heart had been ripped out.

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