Ch - 5 ° The Red Bow

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Mizubashira - Water Pillar/Hashira


It has been around 15 minutes since Giyuu had gone to the infirmary to find the bow. Shinobu didn't see him coming back so she got a little worried.

'Did he find the bow? It seemed important to him. I should go look.' Shinobu thought since she understood how some things held sentiments, like her haori.

'Tomioka-san? Are you here?' Her head turned in all directions while her eyes scanned for the Water Pillar.

'Oh. Kochou. What are you doing here?' Giyuu tapped her shoulder from behind.

'Oh my! I didn't sense you. Well, it is my house, why wouldn't I be here? Did you find the bow?' Shinobu smiled as her veins protruded from her temples.

'No, not yet. Kanzaki-san went to the laundry room to find it.' His tone reflected a hint of disappointment.

'Oh don't be sad! You'll definitely find it.' Her eyes softened while she smiled. She very well mastered the art of changing emotions.

'I hope so.' He slowly murmured.

'Is it important to you?' Her tone lightened, reflecting a bit of empathy.

'It is, very much. It's from an important person.' He quietly answered her. It was his sister's and he very much cherished it. Though he usually didn't open up, he knew she shared the same pain and she would understand him.

'It's alright. I understand you.' She genuinely smiled.

'This also makes me remember our mission. I've decided that I will go to the village.' Shinobu added.

'It's really not necessary you know-
Giyuu disapproved.

'Well I'm not taking no for an answer, besides I'm going there to get plants, not follow you like a dog's tail.' Shinobu scoffed.

'I can do it for you, y'know.' Giyuu turned to look at her with complete eye contact.

'You got some confidence today. Well sorry to say but I am going and you cannot stop me. What will you do? Complain to master? You have no choice. Are you so flustered to talk to me? Did you fall for my beauty?' Shinobu placed her hands on Giyuu's shoulders and inched closer.

'Mizubashira-sama I found the- 
Aoi stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes falling on the compromising posture of the two Hashira.

Realization hit hard as rock as both the Hashira sprinted away from each other. Their faces flushed, the red tint spread all across their faces.

'What the hell? When did this happen? Shinobu-sama is flustered? Mizubashira-sama is showing emotions? I don't remember them having such close a relationship??? I'll have to ask Kanroji-sama about this.'

'I'm so sorry Tomioka-san, I didn't mean that. I mean I did- but I didn't. Like the last sentence was not meant like-' Shinobu tripped on her own words as her brain only gave more scandalous thoughts.

'It's completely fine! I'm very sorry.' Giyuu's tone betrayed his usual demeanor.

'I-uhm. I found your bow.' Aoi interrupted the completely confused Water Pillar.

His attention quickly shifted when he saw the bow, a small though dim light appeared in his eyes as he quickly walked up to Aoi. By that time Shinobu also calmed down and mentally slapped herself for her reckless actions.

'Thank you so much for taking the time to find it. Is there any way I can return the favor?' Giyuu asked her, his gaze softening in the process.

'What? Did that bow mean that much to him that he started smiling? Wait. He is smiling?!' Shinobu's eyes could not believe what they had just seen. The expressionless face has actually shown some emotions.

Seeing the Insect Pillar so stunned, both Aoi and Giyuu looked at her, completely confused.

'Kochou?' Giyuu shot a puzzled look at her. His expression still remained happy.

To Shinobu, he suddenly started looking more charming than his usual expression. Heat immediately rose to her face, painting it with a red tint on her cheeks.

'Kochou!' Giyuu waved his hand in front of her. Still no response.

'Is she blushing? What is happening to her? Did she fall for- No. I don't even know what is happening. Is the Water Pillar that dense? Can he not see her blushing? They act like young teenagers!' Aoi's eyes twitched in confusion.

'Kochou!' Giyuu tapped her shoulder a bit forcefully.

'Oh. I'm sorry. Got lost in thought.' Shinobu smiled to brush off any suspicion.

'Anyways, I just wanted to thank you.' Giyuu turned to Aoi once again.

'There is no need Mizubashira-sama! This is my job afterall.' Aoi smiled warmly at him.

'No need to call me with such formality. Just call me Tomioka.' Giyuu replied.

'Oh my. Tomioka-san, why don't you give me such treatment?' Shinobu teased him, completely in contrast to how she was acting a few seconds ago.

'Maybe if you'll stop teasing me, I will.' Giyuu blankly looked at her.

'If it costs you to actually socialize with others, then fine. I'll stop teasing you. Deal?' Shinobu smugly smiled, raising her hand forward for a handshake.

'Deal.' Giyuu turned his hand forward to complete the handshake.

While all of this was happening, a certain pink-green hair girl was standing behind the wall, watching the absolute rollercoaster of emotions.

'Oh my! I must ask Aoi-san about this!' Mitsuri internally giggled, trying her best to contain her emotions.


I tried my best to stretch this chapter to 900 words since this was originally near 500 words. Hope you liked it! Angst will be coming up in a few chapters since we need ✨drama✨


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