Episode 3... evil plan.

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Stella wake up as early as 5:00 in the morning she do her 15minutes morning routine which is jogging, after she returned she takes her bath, brush her teeth.
Coming out of the bathroom she dry her body and hair, she wrap herself in the bathrobe and went to her laptop.
She boot it on and waited, after it was fully on she checked her email and thankfully she got a reply from the restaurant.
She cannot wipe out the smile on her lips because she was luckily accepted.
She doesn't have any classes today so she went to the restaurant for skills display, and guess what? "the owner already like her a lot"
*Guys shouldn't we go out? It's really bore without bitches entertainment. Bryce suggested.
*Can't you even stay without ladies? Caleb said.
*Nope! I cannot stay without them, so are we good to go. Bryce replied.
*Sure! Blake replied.
*You! Bryce blink his cute and tempted eyes towards Caleb.
*Hey! Boo! Don't blink like that it's disgusting jeez. Caleb groaned. Bryce and Blake laughed at him.
*So we're good now? Let's go dressing up. They both cheers
At that moment Caleb phone beep "it was a text from his dad". He checked it and look at his friends disappointedly.
"Your dad?" Blake and Bryce chorus.
*Yeah! He told me to meet him at his office, I am sorry guys, I will make it up to you two. Caleb apologized.
*This old man is such a mood killer. Bryce hissed.
Caleb ran to his room and dress before he wave goodbye to his friends and drove out.

Caleb drove into the company and he park his car in the parking lot, he headed directly to his dad office.
"Welcome! Young master!!" The guards greeted him as he walked past them.
Caleb halt and face them,"how many times do I have to remind you people not to call me that huh? It's uncomfortable for me, bowing to me and calling me young master all are uncomfortable" He snapped at them.
"We're sorry sir but we can't call you by your nam....."
*Call me by my name from now henceforth if you don't want to be jobless he threatened.
*On what right do you have to threatened them? What if they call you by your name what can you do? You're a one night stand product, a worthless soul. Liam said without even knowing what they're talking about.
*Remember what I just said guys. Caleb said to the guards, totally ignore Liam.
*Hey! How dare you ignore me. He snapped pissed.
Caleb went into the office and he met his dad, "good day dad" He greeted.
*How are you my boy?
*Fine dad! I hope you're taking care of your health? He asked.
*Don't you worry boy. His dad assured.
Then the door open and Liam and Angelo enter, they greeted their dad while glaring at Caleb.
Liam was the first born while Angelo follow both have the same mother.
But Caleb mother was different which he doesn't even know.
Ahem! Mr Albert clear his throat as he began, "Wayne company offer us a huge contract with a huge interest, I called everyone of you here as my heir to bring out your idea about it. The investment is trillion dollars and it's 50/50" so what do you think should we invest? Mr Albert asked.
*Yes of course dad! It will favor us according to the contract it says 50/50 which is equally share, I suggest you sign the contract. Liam said excitedly.
*I support Liam. Angelo supported
Mr Albert face Caleb for his own idea "what do you think boy" He asked which made Liam what to punch him.
*In my own view you should look into it first. He just said it simply thought he has so much to say but looking at his brothers who are about to explode he held it and decided to text his dad after.
*What's there to look for? Can't you hear the amount and the income? Liam snapped.
*Exactly what I am saying, the income is uncomfortable. He said
*Bastard!!! What do you know? A prostitute product shouldn't voice in this matter. Liam shout angrily.
*Enough!!!! You're all dismissed! I will think it over as Caleb said. Mr Albert said. And that make them hate Caleb more.

Bryce and Blake was enjoying themselves In the hotel as girls entertain them.
*Ahh! It hurts! Please slow.....
*Do you think I was here to pleasure you? You slut. He said grabbing her hair roughly and slap her butt cheeks. The girl scream in agony regretting coming to him.
Minutes pass and when he reach his climax he withdraw and turn the girl over weakly, he thrust his d!ck deep into her throat twice and he pour his seed in her mouth.
*Swallow it!!! He command. And the girl who was terrify swallow everything at once.
She was indeed a slut but she never met a guy like Bryce.....he's a pervert a molest... She cry out as her p*ssy was sting badly.
Bryce got angry and slap her hard on both cheeks. He like to see girls get hurt when having sex with them while only him enjoyed.
She fell down weakly as she sworn not to cross his part ever again.
Get lost!!! He said as he threw Money at her.

BBs was having funs at Harper place they cook, eat, drink and swim all day.
*Harper what do you think we should do to those bastard? Their getting in our way lately. Camila said
*I was thinking of what we could do. Harper replied
*Why don't we set them up. Violet suggested.
*Setup? How? Chloe questioned eagerly.
*You know it was only two of them who walked and do everything together right? Violet said
"What are you getting at? Girl" They chorus.
*What if we find some baddies to beat them up what do you think?  She said
*Yay! I think raping is more better. Chloe said happily.
*Yes we should pay some guys to rape them while we record it. Camila said.
*school forum never lack an interesting news. Hehe! Harper giggled. But how should we able to get them? She asked
*But don't you guys think you're going too far? I mean rape isn't what one can pray for, it's a bit too much girls. Violet said getting uneasy.
*That's why we're using raping method to show them we are not to be mess with. Harper said.
*If we upload their video, I bet they will withdraw on their own. Hehe! Camila said.
"Yes!!!!" They said cream happily.
*We should look for the guys already. Harper said.
*Don't worry I know some. Chloe said.

Stella walk back to her apartment with a smile, the work isn't that stressful and to say the owner like her already is something.
She takes her bath and dry her body and hair, she was full from work she doesn't need to eat anymore.
Caleb was watching football when Bryce and Blake came in.
*Hey! Buddy! Do you return early? Blake ask Caleb.
*And you don't bother to call us or meet us huh? Bryce roar.
*Hey! Boo! Calm down, I was down and not feeling like having fun or sex, that's why. Caleb explained.
"Your brothers" aren't they? What did they say this time? They both asked.
*Forget! They're not worth mentioned. He said.

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