Episode 12.... upsetting.

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After the party, Noah take Aya home, he apologized for the treatment she got from BBs earlier, it's nothing Aya said to him with a smile played on her face before she went in they're small fence, Noah smile and drove out of there.
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*Do you see what your betrothed wore earlier? Caleb teased.
*Shut your mouth before I shut it for you! Bryce threatened.
*Am saying the truth don't you see it? She's try to seduce you.
*I said shut up men!!!!! He said while punch his shoulder but Caleb ran out of him.
*Hey! What's up why running? Blake asked coming from the kitchen with a snacks.
*I .. I was just saying but he got angry. Caleb said.
*Just saying what exactly? Blake asked.
*Yunno, the things his betrothed wore earlier, don't you see it?
*Hmmm! I saw her wore G-STRING PANTS why is that concern your running? Oh don't tell me you tell it to his face, I mean call Harper his betrothed to his face.
*You also see her as my betrothed, didn't you? Bryce voice in from behind.
*Bryce don't misquote my words I mean....
*Forget!! I will be in my room. Bryce said and walked passed them.
*You see what you have caused? You know he hate the fact he was betrothed but you went ahead to tease him. Blake taught.
*Yunno, we always teased him with that and we will just laugh it away, I guess the memories is back, he wasn't in a good mood. Caleb explained.
*Maybe, we should let him be for now. Am going to bed, good night. Blake said.
*Same here.

'Isla have you contacted your brother? Mrs Ethan ask Isla.
*I texted him earlier he will be here tomorrow morning. She replied.
*Okay, you should go to sleep now.
*Alright mom. She said and retreat to her princess room.
Next morning..... Bryce came as he promised his little sister.
*Brother!!!!!! She scream excitedly as soon as she saw her brother, she jumped on him while Bryce lift her up kissing her cheeks.
*Happy birthday in advance to my cute little sister. Bryce said while pinching her nose playfully.
*Ouch!! It hurt. She complained dramatically which they both see it funny and laughed.
His mom hide at the corner while watched them with a smile and tears on her face. 'I want my son back, I want my old Bryce she cry and retreated to her room.
'Come let me show you my birthday gown Isla said leading Bryce to her room.
*Wow! It's pretty but you're more prettier. He complimented.
*Aww! I am blessed to have you as my brother. You always make me feel good and the most beautiful. Hehe! She giggled while hugging him.
*And I am blessed to have you as my cute little sister. He replied stroking her hair.
*What are you going to give me as my birthday present. She asked.
*It's a surprise yunno? He replied.
*Not fair. She pout.
*How about we go do decorations now? He changed the subject.
*No, you're taking me to the mall am going to shop. And tomorrow we're going to spa then next tomorrow is my day!!!!!! She said happily.
*But you said I will help you in decorating? Bryce said confusing.
*Yes! But I changed my mind.
*You little brat!!!!!
*Yeeees! Your little cute sister love you!!! She said blow him a flying kiss while running.
"I can't believe she strike me, gosh!!!" Bryce mumbled.
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BBs come to violet condominium to have fun, Camila and violet was in the kitchen make some meal while Chloe and Harper sat in the living room watching TV, they're the lazy who can't cook but to eat.
*How's your engagement with Bryce? Chloe suddenly ask.
*Still in progress. She simply replied.
*Oh! I mean would he agree to the so call betrothed of a thing? You know the kind of person he is.
*He don't have option than to marry me, and for your information it's not SO CALL we're really made to marry.
*Oh! I am sorry if I upset you. She fake smile.
*Food is ready!!!! Camila said setting a table with Violet.
*Wow so fast! What are we having? Harper asked standing up.
*Chicken pot pie, dumplings, fried rice and chicken with crab. Violet listed.
*Awww! My mouth is already wet. Chloe said seeing the dishes
*Am not eating crab, Harper complained.
*That's why we're having many dish, fetch the one you like. Violet said.
*Wait! But you love crab if I remember correctly. Camila reminded.
The girls face her and waited for her answer.... 'Yes but Bryce don't like crab so I am trying to avoid it. She explained.
Hahaha!!!! Are you serious? Isn't that he have marry you, he might not even marry you why quit eating your favorite food. tsk. Chloe scoffed.
Harper hit on the table angrily..... Watch it Chloe!!!! Don't ever talk of my marriage ever again, I eat crab or not shouldn't bother you, I can do anything for my man in case you don't know. She yelled.
*Man? Who said he's your man? He's not ye........
*Chloe stop it already!!!!! What's all this nonsense you're blabbing huh? Violet snapped stopping Chloe for saying it further.
*I don't get it, what's happening here? Camila asked confusing.
*I was just saying, she shouldn't quit her favorite now as she's not yet marry to him, is that bad? Chloe explain innocently.
*If you said it that way it have not be a problem but you Said it other way. Camila taught.
*It's okay girls!!!! Let's eat our food is getting cocky. Violet said
*Am out! Harper said standing up to go.
*You should apologized Chloe violet said.
*Yes! Apologized to her this minute. Camila supported.
*Why would I apologise isn't that what I said is bad so......
"Apologized this minute Chloe!!!" Both Camila and violet chorus.
*Ok fine, Harper I am sorry I don't mean to sound that way, forgive me.
"Please forgive her she don't mean it" the girls chorus.
*Fine but next time I will not be soft. Harper said sitting down.
And they start eating their food chatting happily.

Ouch! My back! Stella whine dipping herself in her bathtub.... today work was so tiring for her though her madam pay her extra wage.
After, she watched the ongoing kdrama episodes TITLE: MISSING CROWN PRINCE before she climbed on to her bed, she like historical drama so much which she create time to watch despite the upcoming exam.

Not edited.

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