Chapter Two; Alpha and Beta

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"Charlie! Back off. I see you approaching," Sky commanded, pointing her finger downwards to the velociraptor below, swinging her tail around in a would-be threatening act. Owen stood behind her, glaring down into the yellow-orange eyes of the young dinosaurs.

"Good girl," he said as Charlie backed up into her position amongst her three pact members. Sky put her hand into the bucket leaning against the catwalk of the Raptor paddock, picking out a fresh piece of raw meat.

"Echo, this one's for you," Sky said, making eye contact with the slightly smaller raptor before throwing down a raw piece of beef as a reward for her patient behaviour. Owen threw down two more pieces of meat to Delta and Charlie before Sky threw down a dead rat for Blue upon her having the best behaviour of the day.

Sky and Owen let the raptors run lose before Owen turned to her, "Your little Charlie needs some work," he said. Charlie only seemed to respond when Sky was the one giving the order. Sometimes even then she wouldn't respond. Charlie was always closest to Sky, as she had held her for hours when she first hatched.

"Don't down my work, Grady. She's a little tough-minded, she likes independence, nothing wrong with that," Sky responded with a smirk. Sky had had an immediate connection with Charlie since she hatched and Owen found it tough to get through to her as opposed to the remaining raptors.

Barry, the other trainer, walked up onto the catwalk and gave Owen a big pat on the back, before giving Sky a high five.

"Good job, Sky. You're really a natural. If only Terry was that easy, huh?" he gave a little chuckle which was responded with one from Sky as he bumped his shoulder against hers. Terry was the park's only T-Rex. Sky imprinted on him when he first hatched, and she's the only human that Terry even allows to get close to him. Sky had a special way with the dinosaurs, and no one really understood what that 'special way' was.

Before they could walk down the stairs to the caged room, an elder man with a little white goatee and a plain beige shirt came walking up to them, an arrogant look across his round face. Sky rolled her eyes immediately, followed by Owen. Barry just let out a sigh and turned around slowly. Of course, it was Vic freakin' Hoskins.

"I thought I hired the wrong crew, but now you got them eating out of your palm. Really warming up, huh?" Vic asked. Sky stepped forward, pushing her hair behind her ear and looking dead into Vic's eyes. This guy was a real royal pain in the ass and Sky had no hesitation in showing it. She had often dreamed of how glorious it would feel to punch him square in his stupid face, but Owen always found a way to hold her back.

"Hoskins, do yourself a favour and screw off you ignorant twat," she said lowly, and turned around, facing Owen and raising her eyebrows as if to ask if he was proud of her for not initiating physical assault.

"What do you need, buddy?" Owen asked with annoyance laced in his tone, staring down Hoskins. Hoskins wanted to use the Raptors for war, so he could use them to fight. But whenever he came around, Sky and Owen would get very protective over their raptors.

"A field test," Hoskins replied, getting Owen to turn around and start walking, Sky following hot on his trail, trying so hard not to turn around and throw the punch she desperately craved to throw.

"They're wild animals, Hoskins. You don't want them in a field. They can't identify between who's the enemy and who isn't," Sky said, not even turning around to face him. Her boots stomping against the metal became louder in annoyance as Hoskins continued following them, not getting the hint.

"Look, we are dogs of war. We need to lower casualties and now we know dinosaurs can take orders," He continued. Sky turned around and faced him, her eyebrows raised. Owen turned around and grabbed her arm before she could do any damage to the man.

They continued walking down the stairs to the little cage so that they could interact better with the raptors, Hoskins still following closely behind and Sky debated whether or not she'd send Hoskins in with the raptors to see how well he could train them. 

"These animals could replace thousands of soldiers and weapons, they could save the world," Hoskins stated confidently before Owen and Sky walked into the cage and closed the door in Hoskins' face, keeping him at a decent distance.

"Do you hear yourself when you talk?" Owen asked, making Sky chuckle loudly. She quickly coughed to cover it up, gaining herself a glare from Hoskins and a wink from Owen. She turned around and walked to the metal muzzles, which they had often used to hold the raptors when maintenance was being done in the cage. Everyone was cut off from their conversations when they heard a shout coming from above.

"Pig loose!" The young intern shouted, gaining everyone's attention as he launched down a lasso to grab the young piglet, which was running wild in the cage to avoid being eaten. Sky ran to the bars and gripped her fingers tightly around them, eyeing the enclosure to check where the danger might be lurking. Before they knew it, Blue had grabbed the pig and ran, causing the intern to fall flat on his back right in the middle of the small opening.

"Oh, crap," Sky muttered as Owen ran to her side, muttering a string of curse words before pressing the button to open the gate. The two of them ran in as the intern scurried to safety, whispering about how he nearly died. With their hearts beating quickly, Sky and Owen quickly became surrounded by their four raptors.

The men with guns quickly came overhead, aiming down to the raptors but were quickly told by Owen to hold fire.

"Hey, Charlie, I see ya girl. Back off," Sky said in a calming yet ordering tone, looking directly into the raptor's yellow eyes, which eyed her as if she were a meal. She held her hand close enough to the dinosaur so she could feel her breath on her palm, the irregular breathing being a clear signal that Charlie was just as unsure about the situation as Sky was.

From beside her, she heard Blue snarl defensively at Owen, who snapped back, "Hey, Blue. I said stand down!" the two continued to be circled, and Sky now knew how it felt to be prey. She turned her back to Charlie and locked eyes with Owen, who gave her a nod, asking her to trust him. She nodded her head back and turned to face Charlie, who was slowly beginning to close in on her. 

"Close the gate," Owen told Barry, who looked like a nervous wreck as he glanced back and forth between the people and the dinosaurs.

"Are you crazy?!" He shouted loudly before Sky turned around and faced him, her hands still up. She understood Owen's intentions, as the two of them had already set up an escape plan that they'd use if ever they got placed in the enclosure unwillingly - like right at this moment.

"Barry, do it. Close the gate. We got this, don't worry," she turned around quickly and looked into Echo's eyes, who were gazing at Sky like she had been starved of food. Barry cured and rushed to press down on the button, rubbing his hands on his head in stress.

Before the doors were fully closed, Owen grabbed Sky's hand and pulled her back, making it inside just in time to hear the raptor's heads hit the metal bars behind them. Sky let out a sigh and a small laugh, before raising her hand and high-fiving Owen. 

"Hey, it was a success," she grinned at him, looking back at the four raptors who snarled angrily, having been robbed of a meal, "Sorry girls." 

She looked down at the shaking intern who was still wide-eyed and pale, "Hey kid, ever wonder why there was a job opening?" His eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly, causing Sky to shake her head with a small laugh.

Owen chuckled, "Yeah, don't turn your back on the gate." They turned around and faced a smirking Hoskins, who had watched the entire thing go down with a cocky smirk on his face. Sky had had enough, so she picked up the pebble sitting by her foot and chucked it at his nose. Hoskins yelped, holding onto his nose and taking a step back, a small bloody scrape now making its way onto his skin. Sky let out a content smirk.

"Sky, calm down, okay? Yes, he's a jerk but we don't need you getting fired now, do we?" Owen asked, giving her a small wink and a pat on the back. Sky nodded slightly before seeing Hoskins walk away with an angry expression, a proud satisfactory feeling bubbling in her chest.

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