Chapter Seven: Jurassic Park

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Sky continued running through the trees until her legs grew tired, she calmed down and started walking faster. Every step she took, leaves would crunch under her feet and branches would snap. Luckily for her, not a sound was made in the nearby trees. But from experience, Sky knew the dinosaur was good at hiding. She continued walking until she heard rustling. She darted behind a tree, covering her mouth with her hand. She peered out the side of the tree and her breath caught in her throat.

Zach and Gray.

"Hey!" Sky called out, running towards the two young boys. Gray's worried face broke into a smile, and Sky could swear she saw one on Zach too. Gray ran up and hugged her, making Sky break into a smile as well. Her hair still dripping, she pushed it back. Before she could register, Zach had come in on the hug too, making Sky smile even wider. Now that she looked at him, Zach was a pretty handsome guy. His dark hair was slightly wet and clinging to his forehead, his big brown eyes shining slightly. Sky shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"You two are alright?" She asked, looking them both up and down. Apart from a few scratches, none had severe injuries. Sky nodded before looking around the trees, "We should probably get going," She said, looking up to the sky, which was now slightly covered in clouds. They continued walking in peaceful silence, before Gray asked her a question.

"What was that dinosaur? The big one that was in the trees back there?" He asked, his big eyes looked scared as if he was reliving the experience he had not too long ago. Sky put her hand on his shoulder, but continuing to walk.

"That, is the Indominus Rex. Not a real dinosaur. Your aunt Claire and a few other scientists made it genetically in a lab. I'm not sure I'd call it a dinosaur, though. It's a monster," Sky said, eyes growing narrow at the memory of her and Owen's close escape back at the paddock just that morning.

"Why is it loose?" Zach asked, turning to face her.

"Your aunt was bringing me and my co-worker to check out the paddock, making sure it was safe from vulnerabilities when all the cameras around the cage said that it wasn't in there. So Owen - my co-worker - and I went inside and she was in there," Sky said, staring off into the distance, "It hid from thermal cameras and it camouflaged. That's no dinosaur, they're hiding genes from us," She finished.

Zach and Gray looked at each other before nodding. Though Sky didn't know them too well, she felt comfortable answering their questions. She trusted them.

"How did you get into working with dinosaurs?" Zach asked, looking into her eyes, making Sky crack a shy smile.

"My uncle worked at the original park, his name was Alan Grant," Sky said, smiling. Zach nodded and Gray jumped up.

"No way! Your uncle is Alan Grant?! I have all his books at home!" He said, a huge smile on his face. Sky grinned, nodding her head. After walking for a few more minutes, Sky stopped in her tracks. Zach and Gray kept on walking, before turning and seeing her.

"Are you alright?" Zach asked, placing his hand on her waist. Sky nodded, but pointed to two large doors covered in vines.

"That's the original park... Jurassic Park," Sky said quietly, a small smile on her face. All the stories she's heard from this place, the few memories she has from being really young. The fear that her uncle would have upon seeing these doors. The three stood there for a good moment before Sky stepped forwards, the two following behind her.

She opened up the doors, with a loud bang, they opened. Inside, old fossils were scattered across the floor and the large glass dome for a ceiling was smashed. Dust and vines covered everything, making Sky feel hollow inside as she thought of how once a place with so much light and life and fear could become so out-grown and dark. She stepped inside. Boy, she had to tell uncle Grant about this.

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