Chapter 15: This Isn't Goodbye

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Okay so I've had massive writers block and I've honestly been so confused about what to write and such but I finally got up with an idea! This will be my final chapter, maybe I'll have a sequel but probably not. I've loved reading your comments and I hope you guys go read the other stories I have. I'm thinking of starting a Supernaturals story, if any of you guys watch that I'll alert you and you can go read it when I've started. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the final chapter, I'll miss writing this story!

Much love xx


Sky's POV

Morning came around fast after the event filled night, as all the tourists crammed into the main hallway, waiting for the next boat to arrive to pack it with as many people as possible. I sat next to Owen, analyzing the families huddled together and the medical staff treating wounds of people around the room.

"Well, I can honestly say that was... a very different day in the office," Owen chuckled slightly from beside me, making me turn at him and grin.

"Don't get used to being the hero, Alpha, you're an old man," I smirked at him, watching his face turn to fake offense.

"Honestly though, I think you were the bigger hero in this situation. Since the start, really. You have massive bravery to work with the animals that you do and to work with a T-Rex like that out of it's habitat, if anything I think you deserve the name Alpha now," He smiled genuinely, patting me on my back. Wow, honestly I'm feeling emotional. So much has happened. My life is changed forever, and I've lost my baby dinosaurs.

"Thank you, Owen. But I believe the name Alpha has no purpose now that we have nothing to be Alpha's to," I smiled back slightly, running a hand through my hair and leaning back on the chair, looking around the room.

"Sky, this isn't over. Jurassic World will still go on, after some work, and we'll start fresh. Come on, we're like the dynamic duo. We're going to go through hell, but we're always gonna stick together. And now, we need each other more than ever," He said, putting his hand on my shoulder and looking me dead in the eyes.

"Yeah," I mumbled, letting out a sigh, "It's just... things aren't going to be the same,"

"Sky, things aren't supposed to be the same. Things change, that's life," He smiled, making me smile back. Woah, hold the phone. When did Owen get so... wise? Like, he's an immature adult - at times- so, where is this coming from? Things really have changed.

"Sky, Owen!" Claire called and we snapped our heads up to look at her, bright ginger hair and white attire standing out from the rest of the gloomy crowd - and her damn heels. We stood up and walked over to her, as she looked up at us.

"Zach and Gray's parents are here," She smiled sadly, looking behind Owen making us both turn around and see Zach and Gray hugging their very emotional mother and father, making me feel warm and happy. Seeing families reunite, it's one of the things that makes you think about how important family really is, and right now it's tugging at my heart thinking of my mother and father, sitting back home having absolutely no idea of anything that's happened here, unless it's been on the news and they're probably flipping their cool and tugging at their hair, trying to reach us. Mental note, call mom and dad later.

"Mom, this is Sky, she saved our lives," Gray grinned up at me, tugging slightly on my shirt, making me smile down at him and look up at his parents who looked at me in awe.

"Hi, I'm Sky-" I reached out my hand to greet Mrs Mitchell, but instead she pulled me into a hug, burying her head into my shoulder and sobbing. I didn't know what to do, so I started to rub her back slowly, Zach chuckling slightly and I stuck my tongue out at him.

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