Part 2 - Only You

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A/N: Like I said a few seconds! Enjoy!! OH! ALSO I CHANGE THE TIME LINE FROM THE SHOW A BIT! Ik the Sprit Rally happened like 2 days later but in this its the next week! Dedicated to my betareader!!

Julie's P.O.V:

I walk out of my class feeling dejected. Maths was boring and now I'm about to go into music class, the class I have been dreading all day. I open my locker and stuff my books into it and grab my music folder when Flynn walks over.

"Hey, Underachiever!" She exclaims in a bright and cheery voice.

"Hey, Disappointment!" I reply in an equally annoying voice.

"Ok, I know you don't want me asking but do you know what you're going to do today?" She can only be asking about one thing, music.

"I'll know in the moment." I say vaguely.

"Really, Jules? That's all you're giving me? Mrs Harrison said this is your last chance!" She says that as if I wasn't standing right there when Mrs Harrsion told me that.

"I know, I was there." I say.

Flynn's about to reply when we both hear an overly enthusiastic voice. "See you there!" We both look over to see Carrie handing out fliers.

"What is she handing out?" Flynn asks, sarcasm lacing every word.

"Desperation?" I say with matched sarcasm.

"Here you go!" Carrie says walking over. "My group's performing at the spirit rally next week! I'm sure you have nothing better to do." She says it sarcastically and usually I'd snap back but my attention is drawn to Nick who has just walked up behind Carrie and is leaning against the pole.

"Oh my gosh, Carrie, thanks!" Flynn says, raising her voice and rolling her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don't bother coming!" Carrie responds before sashaying away, Flynn instantly crumples the flyer.

I see Flynn turn to me from the corner of my eyes. She's about to say something but stops and glares at something behind me. Someone behind me. I turn and frown. Bobby has walked up to us and is leaning against the lockers as if he owns the school. I glare at him which only makes his smirk grow.

"Hello ladies," He says in an overly confident voice, "Learned how to play the piano again?" He asks me, leaning closer and his smirk growing, which I didn't think was possible.

Before I can respond Luke walks up and throws his arm around Bobby. "Hey!" He says as if he was looking for him everywhere, though he was probably avoiding him everywhere. "I need your opinion on a new song!" He drags Bobby away and I share a confused look with Flynn, everyone knew that Luke hated other people telling him how to edit his music.

"C'mon," Flynn turns me around and slips an arm around my shoulder, "Lets go prove everyone wrong." and we walk to our music class.


I clutch my blue music folder so hard my fingers turn pale. Nick is currently doing his performance, a guitar solo. When he finishes everyone claps but I keep my head down and will myself to disappear.

"Good work, Nick," Mrs Harrison says, "Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale." Nick and a few other people laugh, Nick walks back to his seat as Mrs Harrison turns to the rest of the class. "We have one last performance, Julie." I glance up slowly and I feel the gazes of every single person in the room.

I take a deep breath and stand up, I put my folder and my cap down on my chair and make my way up to the piano as slow as I can just to stall.

"Could she go any slower?" I hear Bobby's voice echo in the quiet room. A few people laugh but when Mrs Harrison turns to them with a disapproving look they go quiet.

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