Part 8 - Show Scenes

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A/N: Heyyy! Sorry I was gone so long! If you saw my post you know I had exams which are finally over and now I'm backkk!! I have a few chapters ready to post but I want to proof read them but I can't do that rn so here's this chapter! I'm pretty sure I got some lines wrong so I'm gonna come back and edit them last but yeah- Also! Have you guys listened to Madison Reyes's song Moth? Not rlly my taste in music but it's awesome!! Anyways- I've done enought talking- Heres the chapter you all have been waiting 2-ish weeks for!

Julie's P.O.V:

I watch Luke leave behind Flynn and sigh, trying to ignore the disappointment that hits as he walks away. I turn to Flynn who's talking about something or other, already forgetting the fact that we were going to be late.

"Flynn..." She stops talking and looks at me, suddenly serious, she must have seen that I was suddenly unsure. "I just played the piano and sang again." I say way too quickly.

"What!? Why didn't you just say so!?" Flynn exclaims and I wonder if she had seven sodas again.

"I was trying to, and then your seven sodas kicked in!" I laugh.

"I'm so happy for you! And ME!" I laugh at Flynns silly antics. "Look at you, looking all, I don't know! Alive, again!" I laugh again.

"Right? It's like I drank seven sodas!" I point at myself for dramatic effect.

"What made you play again?" Flynn asks, suddenly serious.

I turn to the papers I put back down and sigh, I can't say that Luke made me play again so I lie. For the first time I lie to Flynn. I've never lied to her before, not even about the truces, I just don't say anything.

"I found this song my mum wrote me." I hand it to her and she quickly reads through it.

"Woah-" I nod at her.

"I know..." I look down. "I was so afraid to play it, anything involving music reminds me of her, and then I woke up this morning, realizing that's why I should play it, to keep her memory alive." I put my hand on the pages and wish I could still feel my mum's touch.

"Aww, come here." Flynn pulls me into a hug then suddenly pulls back with a gasp. "We need to tell Mrs Harrison you can play again so you can stay in school and so our life won't be that sad picture I painted for you last week." I laugh and grab my bag. Flynn pulls me forward grinning wide. "My girl's back! Double Trouble lives again!" She squeals.

"Not our band name." I tell her but she shakes her head at me.

"I gave you a t-shirt in the seventh grade that says otherwise." I shake my head at Flynn as we walk out.


I walk into my room feeling annoyed that I didn't get back into the music program. I freeze in place when I see Alex, Reggie and Luke in my room. Alex looking at a picture of my mum and I, Luke about to touch my dream box and Reggie on my bed.

"What are you guys doing in my room!?" I have never been more annoyed and confused in my whole life. Who let them in!?

"Uhhhhh..." They all simultaneously freeze and then look at eachother. "Weee were- Uhhhh-..."

"We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke says with wide eyes and Reggie points at him as if that made sense.

"This! This is creepy! Get off my bed please." Reggie rolls off my bed and I turn to Luke. "You know where the kitchen is." I snap. "You practically live there! Heck you were there only last Friday!" I ignore the way my cheeks heat up at the mention of last friday, and I ignore how he looks just as flushed.

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