Part 6 - Almost Too Close

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A/N: Oooo longest chapter yet!! Woooo and I am so excited for this chapter! Love itttt!! No beta read because I really want to publish it and I'm too lazy to wait for my friend to read it- Heh- sorry! I know I said I don't really have any ideas but I got a burst of ideas last night so I might be writing a few more chapters! Not today but you should get one tomorow! And I'll try to write on the weekend tho I can't be sure! Anyways I've talked enough! On to the show!!

Julie's P.O.V:

I lean against my locker clutching my flannel closed around me. Usually I would be in music but since I lost my spot I have a free period. I'm using said free period to sulk. I hate myself for giving up on the last thing my mum left me but what am I supposed to do? I've tried a lot over this past year.

Yesterday was progress. I stepped into the garage, which I hadn't done since the funeral. But I only did that in hope of seeing Luke because of a panic attack. It had nothing to do with music and the mere look of the piano sent me running.

This morning dad came into the room and talked to me about how I was kicked out of the music program, he gave me a pep talk and told me to not give up. Then Flynn had come over early, having drank 7 sodas the night before, she was very hyper and rambled about how I was canceling Christmas and how we wouldn't be able to stay friends. All in all she was very dramatic.

When the bell rings I wait for Flynn to show up but before she can Luke is standing in front of me. I raise my eyebrow as he smirks. This isn't 'Truce Luke' or Luke from yesterday. This Luke is here to start a fight. Which is exactly the kind of distraction I need.

"Need something?" I ask in a faux nice tone.

"Didn't see you in music? Lost your touch?" He asks, I'm surprised he mentioned music at all. He's never mentioned it in our arguments since mum died. I'm even more surprised at the fact that it doesn't feel like a punch in the gut. The most surprising thing, though, is the concern in his eyes, as if he wants to know I'm ok, that the only reason he started this argument is to see if I'm ok, this doesn't make any sense.

"Or maybe I was just being nice and letting you get the top grade in your favorite class," His eyes narrow at me but I see the relief in his eyes. "After all, it is the only class you even have a chance of passing." I blink at him innocently and he scoffs at me.

"I do not need your help to pass you in music, I am so much better." He snaps. I snort, he is definitely better than me but I am not about to let him know I think that.

"In your dreams, Patterson. We both know I'm better." I answer in my same calm voice.

"And don't we all know it." At Reggie's voice I look around Luke, since he's too tall for me to look over his shoulder, and see Alex and Reggie walking over with Flynn?

"Dude! You're supposed to be on my side!" Luke whines like a 5 year old toddler.

"It's the truth!" Reggie whines back. Alex sighs and mutters something about being surrounded by babies, I mean, he isn't wrong.

Luke and Reggie continue arguing and I'm starting to wonder why I'm still here. I could walk off with Flynn and I could offer Alex to join us and just as I'm about to do that Bobby walks up. This day is off to a great start. I try not to roll my eyes but I clearly fail.

"What are you two babbling about?" Bobby eyes the boys like their idiots, which they are but Bobby doesn't get to look at them like they are. Luke and Reggie turn to Bobby, both looking annoyed.

"Just discussing who's more dimwitted, you or psyduck," I answer for Luke and Reggie, "Wanna know what we all think?" I smile innocently and I hear a few laughs and a muffled snort from Flynn. Bobby glares at me, looking like he's about to burst into a tantrum.

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