Part 10 - Fight

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A/N: This chapter is more on the shorter side but I wrote majority of it at like 11 pm so give me a break please- Also it has not been beta read so excuse any and all mistakes please!

Luke's P.O.V:

"Had fun?"

I sigh, great, this is just great! Since when does Bobby come to spirit rallies? Why is he here? Did he come here 'cause he couldn't find us?

"Yeah, we did," I smirk at him and he glares. "Too bad you didn't like the song, huh? Everyone else seems to love it." I cross my arms, knowing I looked smug, which was definitely gonna drive Bobby mad. He hated being wrong.

"Luke.." Alex warns me, we all know Bobby does some shitty stuff when he's mad and clearly he's mad now. But he can't do anything to me right now. I'm just as mad. I'm mad because he dissed a song I worked really hard on. I'm mad because he's a jerk to everyone. I'm mad because he treats my friends like trash. I'm mad because he's looking at Julie like she's nothing.

"Since when are you such great friends with her?" Bobby looks at Julie as if she's something disgusting stuck on his shoe. I feel my hand instinctively curl into a fist. "Thought you hated that bitch." He scoffs, still eyeing Julie.

"That bitch can talk for herself." I turn around in shock to Julie. I have never, and I mean never, heard her swear before.

Bobby raises an eyebrow and stalks closer to her. I roll my eyes at his attempt at the "villain entrance", as he likes to call it. Julie doesn't step back as he starts invading her personal space.

I feel my anger rise and curl my hands into fists to keep myself from wrenching the two apart. I watch as Julie, though shorter than Bobby, stares him down as if she was towering over him.

"Finally found your voice?" Bobby scoffs. "Though you're very clearly out of practice." I feel my hands curl into fists, ready to break Bobby's face like I've been wanting to for years.

"At least I don't sound like a donkey everytime I open my mouth." Julie retorts with her tone level, as if she's talking about the weather. "Though that is a very rude insult to a donkey." I just manage to change my snort into a cough but Alex, Reggie and Flynn laugh outright.

"You fucking little bi-" Julie cuts off Bobby's rant.

"What? Bitch? Don't you have any other insults? Or is your brain really that empty?"

"At least I don't try to sleep my way to the top!" Bobby hisses. I feel my anger churn in my and I am so close to just knocking Bobby the fuck out.

"That's because no one wants to sleep with you, Robert, but nice try." Julie gives Bobby a sympathetic nod and smile and he growls. Like he actually growls! I stifle my laugh with my fist and I see Julie's smirk break through.

"I'm done. I'm done with you and I'm done with this stupid band." He rounds on me, finger pointed to my face. "I quit."

"No. We kick you out." I shove his hand out of face and glare down at him. "You have been nothing but a complete asshole since we let you join our band and we are sick of your stupid bullshit."

"Well good luck finding somewhere else to rehearse." He's clearly grasping at straws but he isn't going to walk out with a win.

"Julie?" I keep my glare on Bobby. "Could Sunset Curve practice in your studio?"

"Of course! The garage is always open to you guys!" Her voice rings out cheerily in the empty gym and I grin at Bobby who looks like he's going to blow.

"Fuck you, Luke." Bobby hisses and I snort.

"In your dreams, Robert." I smirk at him but my eyes find Julie's and she grins at me.

Bobby storms out just as the warning bell rings.

"Well that was something..." Alex mutters.

"Julie! That was so awesome!" Reggie hugs Julie and spins her around. I feel my stomach twist and I don't know why I'm suddenly imagining twisting Reggie's neck around a pole. I glance at Flynn who looks just as annoyed.

Julie giggles and tells Reggie to put her down, which he does, and she smiles up at him. Her bright smile that I've barely seen since last year. And suddenly the twist in my stomach is growing and I wish that her smile was directed at me.

What's happening to me!?

"Anyways, I'm gonna head off to class... Reggie you coming? We have maths now." Flynn announces and Reggie looks over.

"Yeah ok! Let's go!" He instantly lets go of Julie and grabs Flynn, his smile growing, and sprints off without a word to us. Flynn waves bye to Julie and she waves back.

"I have class too, what about you, Julie?" Alex turns to Julie.

"Free period." She shrugs and Alex rounds on me.

"Same." I tell him. He narrows his eyes at me and nods.

"Julie. Please make sure Luke goes to his next class."

"I don't need a babysitter!" I snap, though I wouldn't mind hanging out with Julie.

"Clearly." Alex purses his lips and crosses his arms. He couldn't look more like a mum. I scoff. Alex finally walks off.

Now it's just me and Julie in the gym.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Any sugestions for things you want to see in this book are welcome!!


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