Part 7 - Wake Up

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A/N: Ok so the majority of this is probably the lyrics of the song but I promised a chapter today so here we are! 

Julie's P.O.V:

All weekend all I could think about was Luke's words, and just Luke. I can't believe I nearly kissed him! What is wrong with me! It's lucky Flynn called, then again, I kinda wish she hadn't.

I'm laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. It's too early to get ready for school and it's too late to go to sleep. I let my mind wander and like it has been all weekend it ends up back on Friday night. Luke's persistent words fill my head, I want to move on, I really do, and I want to think about my mum and not hurt but it's not that easy.

With a sigh I finally decide to get up, even though it is too early. I get dressed in a gray shirt with flowy sleeves and gray checkered pants with a wallet chain. I put my hair back with two strands and pin it there with a clip. I grab my bag and walk down. The sun isn't completely up yet so I'm assuming dad and Carlos are still in bed.

I make my way outside and to the studio. I stop at the door leading down the stairs and stare at the garage door for a few seconds. I take a deep breath and hesitantly walk down, my body shaking like a dead leaf in the winter. I open the door slowly and walk inside.

My eyes instantly find the piano and I freeze. The room is much brighter even if the sun isn't completely up yet and I can see more than just the shadows. I make myself move and I nearly faceplant on the floor when my legs don't seem to get the message.

As I walk closer to the piano I see a small pile of papers on it. I walk closer and see that it's sheet music and lyrics. My breath hitches when I realize it's my mum's handwriting. I sit down on the piano bench and look up as if I could see my mum.

"I'm so sorry, mum, that I haven't been in here..." I whisper, holding back tears. I look down and at the papers, I pull them apart and set them on the piano in order. I take a deep breath, glance at the ceiling before placing my fingers on the piano.

Luke's P.O.V:

The sun's not even fully risen and I'm on my way to the garage. I've been avoiding Julie all weekend and considering that it's too early for even her to be awake and the fact that she avoids the studio I can go there undisturbed.

I make my way slowly down there and just as I'm about to open the door I hear piano notes ring out. I freeze, I look through the window and my eyes widen when I see Julie sitting at the piano. The garage is great for acoustics but is far from soundproof so I can hear each note as if I'm standing next to her.

Here's a one thing,

I want you to know,

You got some place to go~

I haven't heard Julie sing in so long it takes me a second to realize she's started to sing. Her voice is even better than I remember, it's hypnotizing.

Life's a test yes,

But you go toe to toe,

You don't give up, no, you grow~

I recognize those lyrics now, the song that's been sitting on the piano. I've read through it multiple times yet it's never struck me until this moment. I'd say they were amazing lyrics but I didn't feel it until now. Until Julie started singing it.

And you use your pain,

Cause it makes you, you...

Though I wish

I could hold you through it~

I can hear the emotion echoing in her voice and it's as if the emotion is mine.

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