Part 5 - Deja Vu

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A/N: Sorry I didn't upload over the weekend I was busy- But I hope this makes up for it! 

Julie's P.O.V:

I wake up in my bed and wonder how I got here. The last thing I remember is falling asleep on dads shoulder at the hospital. I slowly sit up and look around, my eyes aren't focused yet and everything is blurry. I still feel panicky but my breathing has gone more normal now. I look at the time and realize it's already 12. Dad and Carlos are probably asleep.

My chest still hurts and I still feel like crying, I wonder if Luke would be in the garage? He sometimes spends the night there so I wouldn't be surprised. In fact I want to see him. I hesitate before making up my mind. I slip off my bed and quietly open my door. I peak my head out to check if anyone is outside and when the coast is clear I slip out quietly.

I make my way down the stairs, jumping the one creaky stair, and walk out the door as quietly as I can.

I walk over to the garage and as I reach for the door handle I freeze. I haven't been here since the day I had my panic attack, after mum's funeral. I want to see Luke but I don't know if I can make myself go in there. I take a deep breath before opening the door.

Taking a step in is much harder.

When I walk in I'm disappointed. Luke isn't here. I call his name silently, just in case he's sitting in the dark, nothing. I slip to the floor in tears again. I lean against his couch and hug my knees to my chest. Tears slip from my eyes as if a dam has just broken and I can't stop.

I remember the last time I had a panic attack, I wasn't crying that time. I couldn't breathe and had been gasping for breath when Luke had found me.


My breath was stuck in my lungs, refusing to get out. I was sitting on the floor next to the piano doing a great job feeling sorry for myself. I missed mum and I wanted to hug her. I'd never had trouble breathing before and now suddenly my lungs felt like they were on fire. I had tears in my eyes that were refusing to fall.

I was a gasping mess. I felt numb physically but emotionally I was burning from the inside out. I wanted to get out of my body. I wish my soul would leave me so I could go join my mother wherever she was.

I didn't hear the door open but I heard the panicked footsteps running towards me. I heard a voice gasping my name in a panicked whisper but I couldn't figure out who it was. When I looked up I saw a blurry figure, my eyes were blurry with tears that wouldn't fall.

The figure hugged me and I melted into their embrace. I recognised the arms wrapped around me, Luke. Luke was hugging me while I gasped for breath. He pressed calming words into my hair and rubbed my arms in comfort. He held me as I learned how to work my lungs again. He held me until I was calm and my breathing had evened out.

I looked up and stared at him in confusion. He pulled my hair out of my eyes and kissed my forehead. If I wasn't feeling so broken I might have felt confused or flustered.

"I thought you might not want to be alone so I went to find you," He whispered, "You feeling better?" I look down at my hands to find them shaking. I look up and shrug.

"Better. Not ok, but better." I say simply. He nods and pulls me back into his warm embrace. I cling to him like I always do when we hug, like he's my life line.

I realize that I hadn't called a truce. I hadn't asked him for comfort and he had made me feel better either way. In a way he was returning the favor for the time I had done the same. I was sitting in the same place he had sat. He was hugging me the same way I had hugged him.

I felt safe and I hoped that's how he had felt.

*End Flashback*

The memory fills my head, I haven't thought of the day of the funeral since it happened. I haven't thought of the way Luke had helped me since the day of the funeral. I wish he was here to help me again. I wonder if I called, would he come?

I scoff at myself, mentally. Of course he wouldn't come. We're not friends. We hate each other and the only time we're nice is because of a truce. Or more recently since my mum died. I don't need his pity.

I let my head fall back against the sofa and let more silent tears fall. The memory of him comforting has strangely stopped the panic but not the tears. I wish it would stop the tears. I wish it would stop the pain. I look over at the piano, in the darkness I can barely make out the silhouette.

Suddenly I can't bare to be in this room anymore. I stand up, nearly tripping over the small table and rush out of the garage. I run all the way to the front door but stop when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and nearly scream of relief.


Luke is walking here. He meets my eyes and frowns, he rushes up and he instantly puts his hands on both of my arms. His hands warm me from the outside and it's different from the burning sensation I felt before. Without warning I slump into his body and fall into body wracking sobs.

How did I find myself here? Crying into Luke's shirt? Twice in one day.

Luke's P.O.V:

I'm not good with crying girls. And the only thing worse than one girl crying is two girls crying. But the actual worst thing is seeing Julie cry. Twice. In one day. I would do anything to take away the tears falling from her eyes, and that thought scares me. Julie and I aren't even friends. We have our truces and other than that we're enemies.

I wrap my arms around Julie hoping that I can make her feel better. Because that's all I want, for her to feel better. I wonder what made her cry. I wonder if I can fix it. I wonder if she'll even tell me.

After a few seconds she stops crying and pulls away. "Sorry! I- I didn't mean to do that!" She looks panicked for a completely different reason now and I can't help but smile at her embarrassment, she looks adorable.

"It's fine," I smile to let her know I mean it then ask, "What happened? Why were you out here?" She suddenly looks uncertain and I feel like I shouldn't have asked.

"Um- I had a panic attack on the way home today-..." My eyes widen but before I can say anything she continues. "Dad and Carlos had no idea what was happening and took me to the hospital. I fell asleep but I just woke up and felt panicky again so I came out here- I- I was hoping you'd be in the garage and went to check..." I couldn't exactly tell but it looked like she was blushing, and I most definitely was blushing.

"O-oh- Are you feeling better?" I ask and she nods. "Good, I'm glad." She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Soo.. What are you doing here?" She asks and I sigh.

"Didn't feel like staying at home today so I was gonna chill in the studio." I shrug.

"Oh- Well it's late- I should get back to bed... See you in the morning!" She opens the door and disappears inside.

A/N: Hope it was good! I don't really know how to continue this for now- I'm trying to plan it out with more details before I continue so I will take a while to update!


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