Chapter 10-Time to Pay Attention

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In my amazing sweatpants, and a plain tanktop and jumper, I grabbed the pizza out of the oven with an oven mit.  Andy was sitting at the counter texting or playing on his phone. Molly was on the computer in her room, and talking on the phone to her parents. Noah, was in the living room, because he had just handed off the phone to Molly. Now, he was walking in here.

“Neveah? I thought it was your turn to cook yesterday? And why are you in pajamas?” he questioned. I rarely wore pajamas this early. Or while I was cooking.

“I just decided to cook tonight, I guess.” I shrugged.

“Okay, Babe. That’ll be our cover story.” 

Andy said mischievously and winked. “But Noah is cool, so he can know what happened, okay?” he began.

“What are you talking about?” I said raising one eyebrow. This kid was seriously scaring me with how stupid he can be.

“So we’re playing this game?” he laughed. “Okay Noah, what happened is upstairs when you heard that scream-”

“Don’t go there!” I shouted. If Noah knew I was afraid of spiders, he would hold it against me for life. He would stick them in my bed. He would get a pet tarantula. He would- he would- well you get the point.

“What, Love? I was just telling him how after all the effort we put in up there, we must both be hungry. Actually I’m suprised Noah didn’t hear anything. Remember? I asked you to go make me a sandwich afterwards, and smacked your ass after we had been laying there for a few minutes? I must be lucky because instead you made a whole pizza.” he motioned, putting an emphasis on the word lucky.

At first, I was just glad he didn’t bring up any spiders, so I shook my head rapidly. Then I zoned out, deciding I would thank him later, and bring up an excuse to make him not tell Noah about the spider thing. At this time, I was still shaking my head. By the time I came back to reality, Noah and Andy were laughing so hard, Andy fell of his chair.

“Wait, what’s so funny?” I asked innocently. What did he say that was so hilarious? Did I miss something?

“Wait, are you serious right now VeVe?” Noah asked as his eyes widened.

“Ya. What’s so funny guys? Seriously!” I questioned, still oblivious to what Andy had said. I looked at them both. “Hello? What’s so funny?!” I demanded.

Andy was still cracking up, and Noah was standing there with his mouth in an ‘O’. “I just can’t believe you actually did it..” Noah said quietly. “And you’re defending it. Okay Andy, you won the bet.” he said speaking louder.

“Wait, what did I do? And what bet?!?!?!” I yelled.

“Oh Hun, you know what we did.” Andy said emphasizing the word know in a seductive way. Then, it clicked.

“Lord so help me, Andy when I get you you better hope-”

“Excuse me Noah, but this is my cue to leave.” he said towards Noah quickly and then ran off in inhuman speed.

“Noah, whatever he said did NOT happen, okay?” I explained.

“But you shook your he-” he began, but was quickly cut off.

“Nothing happened!” I said harshly. “Nothing at all!” Then, I dashed after Andy, in a hurry.

He had been locked in his room. Well, time to think of one of my brilliant plans, I thought, as I crept up the stairs. I was also praying I wouldn’t fall and ruin this. Got it! I thought.

I tapped on Andy’s door quietly and whispered his name. It was loud enough for the stupid prick to hear me though. He shuffled around in the room.

What's Neveah's oh-so-brilliant plan?? Any guesses? Comment, and all that other crap I always say. <3 Sorry the update took forever, btw

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