Chapter 16- Not Much of a Morning Person

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The Next morning, I was up way earlier than I should ever be on a Saturday. WAY earlier. Saturday is a sleep day, for me. All day. But I just so happened to love my niece and I didn’t get to see her all that often because my older sister didn’t like her coming to our house. All because there was a guy here; Noah. Anyway, my niece’s name was Alexandria. No, not Alex, not Alexa, not Alexandra; AlexandRIA. She was turning 8. She was a slim girl with wavy brown hair and adorable big doe eyes. They were brown, of course. She acts just like I did at that age. She was mature, but could have fun when she was comfortable around you. And I, being as cool as I am, am the awesome auntie Neveah! The kid loves me. So-I’ve decided on this early morning-I was going to plan a shopping trip for her birthday. Her mom-my sister- ought to love that.

“Molly, get your slow ass down here! Alexandria probably wants to see us before 2021.” I shouted up the stairs.

“Dude, just go upstairs and talk to her.” someone said from the couch. “You’re waaayyyy too loud this early.” The person sat up slowly, running a hand through their hair with the blanket wrapped around him. That person was Andy.

“Just be happy you get to lay back down and go to sleep when we leave.” I said yawning.

“Well, you could always just stay and lay down with me.” he shrugged.

“Why are you on the couch anyway?” I asked totally ignoring his previous comment.

“I don’t even know. I must’ve just fallen asleep here watching tv last night.” he said yawning too. I must’ve passed my contagious yawn onto him. Which made me yawn again. Well this is great, let’s just have a big yawning fest.

“Well, Molly is taking her sweet time and showing no signs of being ready anytime soon, so hand me the remote.” I said. He turned and got it then handed it to me, plopping back into the couch. “At least scoot over a little, Asshole.”

He did wordlessly. Well someone’s not a morning person. I flipped through the channels, until I found a random murder mystery show. Yes, I loved those. Don’t judge. In the meantime, Andy sneakily got closer and closer to the edge of the couch. He squirmed a lot in his sleep, I concluded. I suddenly got a fun little idea. Yes, how cliche of me.

I tip-toed my way towards the kitchen. Yes!! We have whipped cream! I did a victory dance, careful to avoid stubbing my toe. It would blow my whole entire plan, if I did. I tip-toed back to the living room, more specifically the couch with the whip cream in hand, and began my masterpiece.

Five minutes later, Wala! I had a whip cream faced Andy and a picture on my cellphone to prove it. I really am mean to him, aren’t I? I thought to myself. But it just looked so fun! Molly would flip out if I did this to her. And Noah wouldn’t really react, which would be no fun. So, that leaves my target Andy.

He hadn’t moved at all. And it was super boring. So, I decided to speed up the process. I went to the front of the couch, and leaned over, slightly blowing on his ear. Wait, his ear? Wasn’t I supposed to put the whipped cream into his hand or something? Whoopsie daisies.... so-

That was the last thing I could think while still blowing on his ear before falling down on the couch.... super close to being on Andy.... and by that I mean on his arm. That woke him up, and as soon as I realized he was waking up I dropped the evidence(fyi the can of whipped cream) and tried to get off the couch. FAIL. He must’ve felt the cream. He held onto my wrist making me fall right back where I was.

“Would you mind explaining to me what’s on my face, Neveah?” he said in a calm voice with his accent a little slurred. He’s still sleepy. He looked like a pissed of panda bear.. which are adorable!!! They’re black and white and have chubby cheeks-which he doesn’t have-which reminds me, wait, what was I saying to him?

“Oh, um... well you see... you fell asleep with shaving cream on.. while watching tv!” I hurried. I think he bought it! But the look he gave me said otherwise. “Just kidding... Smurfette came in and put unicorn foam on you to help with... um... to help with..”

“Oh really?” he questioned. “Well, I hope Smurfette planned on me getting revenge.”

“Revenge?” Revenge? I thought. What could be possibly do-

The next thing I know, his face is rubbing against mine, while we’re both still laying on the couch. Eew. Whip cream face. No bueno! Abort mission! Abort mission! Suddenly his lips landed on mine with more whip cream. Yum! I thought. Wait, what? I was talking about the whipped cream! I swear!... okay, no I don’t swear. But you have to believe me! That Icy Hot feeling had taken over again, and I was in pure bliss. And I shouldn’t be. I pulled back. But, he is half asleep. Maybe he won’t remember this? Ya, he seems like a stupid sleeper. I didn’t want to flip out, because obviously that wouldn’t get me anywhere, so I just turned around and watched tv again. But I stole his blanket. We fought over it for a while. We ended up sharing it, which was muy uncomfortable.

Then, all of a sudden, the channel switched. To football. Aw hell no.

I turned around awkwardly like a sea lion, because I was under the blanket. “Andy, we’re gonna have issues aren’t we?”

“Yup.” he said tiredly.

“Anything but NFL. Anything.” He mumbled something like ‘fine’, then changed it to the NBA. Not much better, but I can deal with it. He gave me a suprised look and then I turned to face the tv, also checking my phone. 1:05pm. Shit!

I jumped up and scared Asshole half to death. And I stole his blanket. Mwhahahah. I win!

“Molly!!!! LET’S GO!” I roared up the stairs.

“Neveah! Didn’t we already have this conversation?!” Andy sat up annoyed again. “Go UP to her.” Well, if he was half asleep earlier, I’ve woken up the asshole now. And he doesn’t seem to remember me letting him get away with the kiss, so alls well.

~~~~ Next chapter is the birthday party! What do you guys think about family drama? 0.o

Two chapters in one night! Be proud! Vote, comment, etc. And if someone wants to make a cover for this book, that’d be awesome! Like really really awesome. Thanks!

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