Chapter 5-Funny Little Arrangements

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Molly came home with the school director/principal. And she was grinning super hard, as she walked through that damned door. Uh-oh, this ought to be good, I thought. I was a great student, so I was pretty sure I had nothing to worry about. Now Molly and Noah.. well let’s just say, I need popcorn, cause this will get interesting pretty quickly.

“Are you sure this is alright?” Mr. Blake asked unsure.

“Oh, it’s no problem. Anything to help you out, Mr. Blake. We love to help.” Molly sucked up. You kiss his ass girl, I thought. She must be trying to ask for something soon to be doing him a favor. Molly only sucks up when she wants something. Really badly.  Me, on the other hand, I end up being suckered because Mr. Blake is a very old, sweet man. I end up just wanting to help. He is a very caring person, and I’m a sucker for old sweet people.

“Thank you so much. This really helps me. He was going to stay in a hotel for a while, but his helps save a lot of money. So, really thank you. Oh, Ms. Parker, lovely to see you. How is your father doing?” he asked politely

“Oh, he’s great. Their actually on their way home from a business trip, if you’d like to call him soon.” I replied with a small smile.

“I think I’ll just have to do that. Good day Ms. Parker, and Ms. Peters, I’ll get in contact with you later about or arrangements.” Molly’s last name is Peters, and mine is Parker, if you hadn’t guessed. “And please tell your brother hello for me.” Mr. Blake said. He really should be retired by now. He must be about 65 or 70. But he really loved his job.

“What arrangements was he talking about?” I asked softly, as we were cooking dinner later that night.

“Oh, I meant to tell you about that. It started when I went to the store for groceries. He was there, and we began talking. He told me that his great nephew came to town, and was starting school here soon. He hasn’t begun yet though. Mr. Blake said he was very smart, and polite, but he hadn’t found a place to stay, so he was in a hotel that costed him a lot. So, then I offered to let his great nephew stay here for a couple months, until he gets on his feet.” That, is when I choked on my saliva.

“You did what!?!?!!?” I yelled in irritation. “He could be some crazy stalker, or a rapist, or a bunny eater, or a murderer!”

“No, Mr. Blake said he was a super nice kid. Never gets into any trouble. Ever. And besides, he’s extremely hard to say no to!” she said. I gave her a look that said ‘really?’ “Okay, and I need help with a big school thing he has to say yes to.”

I threw up my arms. “So you let him bring a stranger into our house, to get him to say yes for a stupid school project?” I exclaimed.

“Yup, basically. But who can say no to him? Seriously, it’s super hard.”

“Okay, I don’t blame you there. That’s definitely true. So when does the kid move in? And how old is he? Where is he sleeping? What’s his name? And I better get my privacy.” I lectured.

“He comes in a couple days. He’s either our year, or one above us, not sure of his name, he can sleep in the guest bedroom between ours, and you will get your privacy. Not that you need it, cause there’s no guys sneaking in and out of your room ever anyway.” She mumbled that last part under her breath, but I still heard it.

“Hilarious. And I’m serious about the privacy, Molly. I don’t want to be bothered in the shower, when I’m doing homework, or anything like that. He better be one of those quiet kids.”

“Well, he probably will be. I mean, if he’s Mr. Blake’s relative. He’ll probably be one of those cute nerdy type kids. We’ll be fine!”

“We better be.” I said cautiously. I wasn’t too sure about having another person living with us. We definitely had extra space, but we don’t know the kid. He could be a rapist or anything! I shook my head, making my way up to Noah’s room to tell him dinner was done, and explained that we were going to have a new roomate, because of his lovely sister.

----Preview of The Next Chapter------

So today is the day that the new kid should be here. Molly roped me into helping her prepare and clean. I was stuck doing the whole downstairs of the house, and making dinner. Mr. Blake was coming to introduce the mystery roomate over the dinner, so I had to make it ‘good’.

About an hour after cleaning, I got myself dressed properly, and headed downstairs. Molly should be back from the store any minute, because she was picking up some soda for dinner. Let’s just say, she was running late, and now Mr. Blake and his great nephew should be here any second also. My phone begins vibrating so I pull it out.

I’ll be there any second. Just down the road. Need you to open the door for me cuz my hands are full. Thnx, c u soon. ~MoMo

A few seconds later, there was a sound at the door, so I go open it while looking at my phone. “Molly, they should be here any minute! What happened at that store?” I questioned, then after that I looked up. Mr. Blake was standing there.

“Oh... um sorry sir, I thought you were Molly.” I apologized.”

“No worries, Ms. Parker. My nephew is getting his bags from my car, so he’ll be in momentarily.” Mr. Blake said happily.

“Okay. Do you want to come over to the kitchen for now? We’ve got dinner all set.” So we walked to the table, and he was seated. I told him I would go help his nephew real quick, because he still  hadn’t come in.

Walking out the door, I see a guy bending over the car, getting a suitcase. Hmm, he could actually be hot, I decided.

~~~~~~Note from Me: Just wanted to say comment, vote, whatever. Thanks for reading:) Next update should be pretty soon!

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