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A good old-fashioned pen and paper. That's how it started. She wasn't fond of writing,which explained her inconsistent behavior to never reply when I expected. But even the lazy cursive letters,I could here her speak to me. I was a way she needed to breath ...and she was mine.
"And today I looked at the stars again,just like you asked me to" I hinted a smile as I read on, imagining the light in her eyes as she put them into the night's skies.
They were brown. I know this because she'd send a picture of herself attached to the letter everytime. So the big brown orms that almost hit black when paid less attention to, looked at the stars. Not for any particular reason, atleast not for me. But I made one up for her because when I asked in writing,she replied.
"Why..."in writing. It would have been easier,yes, to just text or chat the normal way. But this girl was different. We didn't meet the normal way and somehow I always felt comfortable that it wasn't otherwise.
I had never met this girl, physically. Which explained my friend's doubts in weather she existed or not.
"You're probably being catfished" Miles began to Suggest, reading through the letter she had previously sent then passing it forward to Huey who passed it on to the next idiot, Chad. Even though they made sense most of the time,my friends weren't exactly, Normal either. And I accepted them because I wasn't anything better to begin with. If anything,I was far worse and nowhere near normal with my chosen one superpowers and my nightmares where I took over the world without a conscious.
"Alright.. give that back" I forced the letter out of Chad's grip as he frowned.
"Kk guys ,stop being mean kk..." Huey began, laughing it out.
"why don't you track her using your dad's supercomputer?" He suggested and I groaned, throwing my face into a pillow.
"You were right,there is nothing as perfect and as calming as the deep blue sky. No wonder almost everything good comes from it" I read through again then tossed it on the lamp stand to right.
"I don't know..." I said out loud because I really didn't know .
They had a point,as usual. This girl felt too good to be true.
"Kk I went to de ATL once , it's not as cold as the Atlantic ocean on the natural wild's channel" Chad began, obviously picking up one of my girl's letters.
"And she's funny too..." He added, putting on the lamp stand together with the rest. I sat up , finally fed up with them talking about her as if she wasn't real.
"Alright,you want proof?" I asked, getting up off the bed after reaching for the two letters in my hand.
"Ahhh we didn't say..." Huey stretched but stopped when I opened a door that led to the underground layer my dad made for our family.
Placing the two letters down on the space for writing analysis, I could see the last of my friends get in and close the opening behind them. Luckily,my parents weren't home because they would have asked for what essence did I need to analyze a stupid letter from a girl I had never met before. They would have used those exact same words.
"Alaya high Alexander.." miles read the first thing that popped on the big screened computer then everyone saw a beautiful image of the girl I always saw in every picture she'd send along with her letter on the pen pal email address.
"Wow...it got all of that from two letters and a picture?" Huey asked , suprised then I nodded a yes.
"From her hand writing,the envelope she used to seal the papers in with her saliva,the tinted DNA on the papers she left when resting her hand as she jolted everything down aaandd..." I listed , jumping to the other side of the computer.
"These pictures..they have her DNA in everywhere" I ended.
"You had me at hand writing dude.." Chad walked forward , looking at her. No, checking her out as the computer ran her on a montage before running her home location and surveillancing every available angle around it.
"And her home location?!" Miles asked in disbelief.
"Wait,so you knew it was this easy to find her ... right" Huey questioned me and I turned my back with a sigh , staring into the screen. The home address of  'the Alexander's' printed on their mail box.
"Nnnooo..." I almost lied.
"Yes ,he did..." Miles responded on my behalf.
"No ,I didn't " I argued , taking the letters of the space pad and shutting the entire analysis down before walking away back where we had come from. I could feel my friend following me as I openned the door way to my room , letting each of them walk in before closing it again.
The sense of a pep talk from Huey was on a rise and I could see it ,just by the way he looked at me but then the universe was on the chosen one's side again.
"Shit...I'm late for karate" miles alerted, checking on his phone that began to beep at the same time as Chad's.
"Yeah, Huey...we gotta go too. Your dad's visiting" Chad said.
"Arrggg " the step brothers both groaned.
"Kk dudes ,kk again.." I hinted out.
"Yeah , something about making his mom officially his kk" Huey laughed.
"As if marrying her and ruining me my little sister's life wasn't enough " Chad grumbled.
"Yeah ,I hate it more than you do , Chad...with Charlotte as my sister and all"  Huey readapted.
"Step sister " Chad corrected.
"Kk Chad's right, don't act like you don't watch porn" miles hinted and everyone except Huey laughed.
"But relax...I won't let you get anywhere near my little sister" Chad promised , pressing his chest hard when pointing into it.
"What about me?" I asked , tweaking my eyebrows and Chad pushed me aside , heading for the door with step brother behind him.
"Oh I know,I'd kill you for sure , Madden... especially with this Alaya girl you're too scared to meet and fuck like every other girl" Chad responded and usually,that joke would have my pride rising at a hundred. Knowing how easy it was for me to something like that and have my friends notice. But this girl in my letters.
"Laylay.."my fingers grazed on the top of her written sincerity.
"Yeah,dude...he has a point " miles caught my attention and I finally looked up to find him alone. The brothers were already gone.
"Maybe that's the reason you don't want to meet her.." he added , giving me a fist pump and walking towards and out of the door , closing it behind. I needed so much to argue.
"Maybe that's the reason you're scared to meet her" but his words left a record in my head.
"Oh I know,I'd kill you for sure , Madden... especially with this Alaya girl you're too scared to meet and fuck like every other girl" and then Chad's.
The second letter I had left on the stand when we got back from the analysis fell and I stretched my hand lazily, picking it up.
"Sometimes, I look at your pictures and just wish I could touch you,see you...I feel like I have . Not just in my dreams anyway..on another related note ,the stars are still beautiful" I read with a small smile on my face , imagining how she'd sound when saying the words out loud.  The computer and her address both detected that she lived right there in Texas but in a different town,away from valley view. So the country accent of a young African American lady ,naive but full of positivity and life came to mind.
"I love writing to you , Colby Madden..with you ,I can pretend everything is real and normal ... even though it isn't. I can be normal without having to worry about whose looking,ready to point out the weird side of me" it read.
"Kk , I feel the same way..lay" I hinted then paused at her pen pal name.
"Alaya..." I ended, feeling complete with every letter I let out.

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