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The girl from Cleveland was the source of everything good inside of me. Eventually, the time came when my dream made sense and the reality of it revealed itself.  Turns out it was just the chosen one before me who had lost his way and threatened to enslave the earth.
"Come here, baby" I pulled her in to sit on my lap , kissing her cheek in the process.
"Argh,Colby .. you're gonna squeeze the baby out of me" she winned.
It was because of her that I found out the truth. She gave my own destiny instead of that chosen one's. And it wasn't hard too. Just a few scars to show for it. But when all was done,She wasn't complaining.... until now.
"I didn't sign up to this so you better act humble" she told me and she was serious. I almost fell back laughing .
"I love you..." I said and just when she was about to repeat after me ,the door bell rang.
"After you get that door" she shrugged me off.
"I always get that door" I complained but one threatening look was enough to have me at the entrance, opening it in half a second.Jake and Hartley's twins were the first time enter.
"Hey, uncle Colby" they both said in unison and not looking at me. Jasmine was  on her tablet and junior was typing something on his phone. They weren't far from generation zee because the Omega generation did things to computers we could only dream of. When the boomers said ,it couldn't get worse than us, God must have said'challenge accepted '.
"Still getting the door too , huhh" Chad asked , getting in after them with Sadie by his side then finally, everyone just sort of followed through. Even Iona came.
"Nice place to make my app have your baby ,Colby.." she commented, looking around.
"Yeah about do know she can no longer be classified as an app anymore, right?" I had to asked. This girl still treated Laylay like some experiment. You don't even wanna know the tests she took her when she heard my girl was gonna have a baby.
"Says the guy who keeps pressing her off button by mistake" she nodded and carried on with walking away into the kitchen. I didn't understand it either but for some reason, I didn't hate her. She sounded like Jake. Smarter than everyone but cool.
"So!" A voice shouted behind me and I jumped, moving to look around.
"Hartley" I yelled. Why wasn't I suprised?.
"I see the spell didn't work well for her either " she smiled. I could never unsee what Jake saw in her but on some days I'd wonder elsewhere. She was practically my impossible crush as a growing teen even though she happened to have been three years older.
"Actually, it worked much better than I expected" I smiled , following her gaze on my brother. The reason the crush faded.
"Now ,If I could just kill him" I said outloud. Hartley stopped me before I could make a scene.
"Come on.. its  the least I could do" I told her.
"You wanna help me...stay out of it" she demanded, watching the father of her kids kiss Judith right Infront of her and them.
"That's gotta sting" Amy came over, eyeing everything down.
"So when do we torch her" she added and held her fist against mine for a fist bump.
"Guys!" Hartley snapped but her voice was so loud ,it got everyone's attention in the room.
"Can we  just...go help Alaya in the kitchen please" she said to Amy and pulled her into the spoken direction.
"Oh ,if it isn't the villain that almost killed me trying to take over the world" starling began, watching me get close. I know she was all sweet when we were kids but Ms Judith 'whatever her surname was'turned out to be a real pain in everyone's ass. I was actually not suprised that I wanted to kill her. Hartley could have done that a while back easily if it was upto her.
"Hey, if it isn't the incarnated demon that out to kill us all when we aren't looking" I said.
"Jake?!" She turned to Jake.
"Slow your role , I'm actually here to talk to my brother " I stopped her.
"Whatever you wanna say ,You Can say it to both of us" she folded her arms.
" weren't invited " I practically yelled , making everyone look at me.
"Kk yes ,I lay lay" she smartly responded and just when I was about to knock her teeth out Alaya called.
"Colby!" She scream whispered, walking my way quickly.
"Colby ,you should be greatful that you're not in prison...that's why I invited her" she said, smiling at Judith.
"Yeah Colby...that's why" Judith agreed.
"Can we talk about things before we actually do them from now on?" I requested,not really asking her. Laylay could see just how mad I was so she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me , nodding with a smile at the end. I immediately found my cool, looking into her eyes. It's like she had put this spell on me from the moment I knew she was alive.
"Judith, come... there's something I need all hands on and it's huge" she said and led Judith out of my sight with excitement. Smart girl.
"That's an honest girl ,you got there" Jake began.
"Thanks, I'd say the same but... Hartley isn't your girl anymore " I dissed.
"Ooh, I'm actually offended " he pretended to groan.
"Yeah ,you are" I nodded,very sure of my words. The reason why my brother and Hartley were never together was clearly beyond me. They had kids, feelings for each other and could take care of the life they built around their world. But Hartley,as well as Jake, would tell me to stay out of it.
So I did. It took me a while to get there too but I was finally there, making a life with Alaya. If I could do it, I had faith in them too.
"Hey,pen pal" I heard her telepathically communicate with me.
"Hey , pretty cursive" I responded.
"Can I give you that ' I love you 'now?" She asked and I hinted outloud while talking to Jake ,my Dad, my three best friends,Marky and Mr Alexander.
"Sure, I wanna hear how you love me Infront of your dad" I responded and her inner voice went sink immediately.
"Why didn't you tell me dad was with you!?" She exclaimed, making me wince a little bending my head.
"That better not be my little girl in your head" Mr Alexander sounded. I did want to be the one to break it to him. I just smiled and shook my head , recovering from his 'little girl's ' haunting scream.
"I love you too, Colby" her voice came around Like breeze, soft and gentle. Almost as if she kissed me with them just like she would back when we started with letters.
"How about I send you a letter, pretty cursive?" I asked her.
"How about you send me a dozen ,pen pal?" She left off and I felt her smirk at the end of that so I did so too.
"Yep...his definitely talking to your little girl , Bryce" Jake said to him. I didn't argue.. because I was. Just talking to her was enough to have me image things out of reality. Because that was the best way to love ... outside reality were feeling outweighed everything.

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