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Dark sides exposed
I closed my eyes to the feeling of his invisible hand untie me lose. Somehow, I wasn't at all freaked out.
"So soft.." a whisper reached my ear and I giggled.
"Shhhh.." he hush while letting me of the chair that electrocuted me every after five seconds.
Colby knew he had little time but he still chose to be gentle, carrying me in his arms bridal style and turning me invisible as well.
"Huhh, what about your Dad?" I gasped, looking at the fidgeting man still on his seat. Colby laid my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry,I called for help." He whispered, carrying me now to some large barrels stacked together and putting down behind them.
"Alright..you guys stay here." He told me and Sadie.
"No problem " Sadie responded, pulling me into an enclosed corner with her. Colby left and right after that,I heard a bang. Something had fallen and on someone. I got out of Sadie's grip then peeped my head out of the hiding spot when I saw Colby's body into a collapsed wall.
"Colby..." I gasped with fear before Sadie's hand pulled me back down.
"Get back down here" she stressed, looking up and at me. Then I heard it again.
"Sadie no...he's getting hurt" I whimpered then put my head up , to see a man fully dressed in black walking towards him.
"Hey ,leave him alone" I shouted then pushed the barrel before right into his direction. This man turned around slowly and used a fire from his hands to blast it into ashes.
The good thing was that he was now too distracted to hurt Colby. The bad thing....I was that distraction.
"Alaya run!" He yelled,his echo making me superspeed backwards into the other barrels behind me which were filled with some slimey fluids.
"And who's this?... Alaya.." the man voiced out,still walking towards me slowly while the fluids I had crashed into made my skin spark electricity.
"Hey dark side" Colby called out just when this creepy guy was about to blast his fire at me.
Superspeeding Infront of him even faster than me then using his now purple glowing hand to punch him and send him flying across the other side of the dead end abandoned alley.
"The cartoon Darkside is way cooler" he said and turned,superspeeding towards me in half a second.
"Colby.." I breathed ,still not believing what I saw.
"I told you to hide...why weren't you hiding?" He asked immediately, clearly furious.
I had my reasons and I swear I was going to tell him but the girl that kidnapped me ran right straight into him , sending them both into a wall to my right.
"Colby!..." I called , getting set to race over there when an arm tied itself around my wrist, gripping it tighter. The human sense of touch was great and all but I wouldn't have to feel any of that pain if I was just a regular app..which I wasn't.
"Ah oh ..ahh..ah oh" I sounded as the grip got tighter and this person tossed me like a piece of paper into the other side of the alley , away from everyone else. I was still trying to ease the bruise on my wrist ,so I was not aware of who had left it there.
"Stupid sense of touch" I cursed then a fire came my way and ,my reflexes worked around me, dodging it.
"That was new" I thought. It certainly was but I had to snap out of it..Darkside ,as coldy refered to him,was now matching towards me.
"Who..sorry..what are you" his deep base voices of more than two people sounded and he formed another fire in his hands, throwing it at me.
"That's for me to know.." I said , jumping around it then automatically formed a blue light with my two hands. I had never done that before,so you can imagine my expression when I did throwing it right into his chest and sending him flying back into the alley.
"And for you to mind your business" I finished .
"Alaya.." Colby called and I instinctively ran back into the first Alley, feeling his arms around me the second that I got into the space. The guesture was comforting untill I realized why he had to do it,to hold me. I was falling on my knees.
"Colby..." I gasped ,the air I was once privileged to take in and out coming at a stop every time I tried to draw some of it in.
" Shhhh...it's ok.." he hushed, sitting me down on his lap and teleporting us out.
"Sadie..your dad" I managed to alert him, looking around the unfamiliar surrounding we were in.
"It's ok,their all here " he assured me and a hand ,a soft one grasped mine.
"Don't worry,Laylay... we'll take you to Ilana.. she'll know what to do" Sadie told me and her hand tapped my nose, turning everything dark completely.

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