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Ok,maybe I should have been relived that  this ' Colby ' showed no sign of interest or memory in my teleporting in his living room back in Texas. But let's face it, something inside of me was itching to just find out why out of all places did my powers pick his house in his living room right Infront of him? Not to mention I felt like I had done it before.
"I'm telling Sadie.. something's off" I went on , handing her her pink water bottle as she stopped to take a break on the tread mill and drinking half of the bottle's supply.
"Agh, whatever it is...let it's probably for the best anyway" she advised,still fighting to catch her break.
"Ah,why don't you let it go, exercising thrice in one week ms 'once valued cheese puffs for breakfast '" I glared at her.
"I don't know what you're talking about " she lied, looking back on the instruction pad  and pressing start for the machine to keep moving as she walked.
" So we're just gonna pretend your workout episodes have nothing to do with Chad making a comment on your ass". I said to her but she rolled her eyes and kept running.
"Fine, slim down for the white boy and see how he likes it" I dissed then threw my eyes on the ground.
"Atleast I know how it'll feel when he likes it,Ms 'im a virgin because I can't find the perfect guy I see in my dreams to fuck me right ' " Sadie defended,still walking now on a more faster pace.
"News flash!..just pick one and let it's not real" she emphasized,the last part leaving an echo in my head that made me see blurrs before turning around to steam it down. It wasn't that big of a deal since Sadie and I argued from time to time . It was how siblings where. But there was something in the way she said it that hurt me.
"It isn't real" my memory replayed over and over again untill Sadie came to sit beside me on the bench.
"Hey,I'm sorry" she apologized. I shrugged. It probably didn't matter because I pushed her into a reaction. And everyone knew Sadie heard the last of it when pushed into a reaction. She was sassy.
"Huhhhh...why you pressed about him anyway,the Roommate" she asked.
"I don't know,sade... I just feel like there was a reason,you know" I sniffled.
"You think he's the guy you've been seeing in your dreams for the passed two years since that semester leap." Sadie simplified, saying it better than I ever would.
"Well,that would explain why you teleported yourself in his living room that time ...and in his room maybe once or twice on purpose this time" she eyed me , playfully and I laughed a little.
"I don't know, maybe my head just wants me to believe shit .. there's no way his the one I keep seeing,this guy comes in and out of his room with different types of girls every night" I began to use reason. Maybe it was for the best. But Sadie was there for me ,as usual.
"Nope..I say we don't give up.. I say we go through the trash" she suggested.
"My trash bin only has deleted things of what I saw or heard,Sadie" I told her.
"Well, it is in the trash isn't it??" Sadie got up ,her hand on my palm.
"When something's being forgotten in my phone , I simply unpack the trash or open the cloud" she said.
"So maybe what I'm missing is still there for me too" I chimed in as I saw her point of view.
"Sadie, you're a genius" I expressed, getting up.
"Yeah I am aren't I " she smiled.
"Which is why I'm suprised you're letting Chad's comment get to your head know he didn't mean it like that right" I questioned.
"I don't know..after Jere, anything that had to do with my weight Just gave me the nerves " she admitted.
"He said,I need to work out more and look more like..." She guestured at a skinny girl who took her place on the treadmill. I always knew Jere was an ass.
"Well, I have always tried to preach it to you...your man is an ass" I told her.
"And I know for a fact that Chad was saying your ass looked good fat not bad fat" I added.
"He said that?" She asked , interested and I gave her a node.
"I guess I should go apologize,huhh?" She asked again and I nodded again.
"Argh ..non of this gone look pretty "  she added, rolling her eyes as we matched out of the gym.
Because I the app was made on the version windows 10 My 'that girl lay lay ' trash icon was exactly how you'd imagine it to be, metal with a little purple recycling sign at the center. I spent an entire afternoon with Sadie , digging up what may look like something I missed two years ago and finally came across footages of me writing, sending and receiving letters from one person every time before that day..
"I gatta show these to him" I sighed , taking out a box where we saw mom Trish pack them up in through one of the footages.
"Kk told ya..." She giggled as I gave her a hug and ran downstairs to meet my roommate with proof that he and I existed but was somehow deleted.
"Mmmmmmhhh, Colby..." Someone moaned when I got to the living room, spotting Colby with her on top of his lap and into his neck. My tears ,from nowhere, finally found a way to bleed through my eyes and there I was silently crying for nothing.
"Alaya..." He called as I made my attempts to go back upstairs. I couldn't face him , obviously. Not with the expression I had on,so I kept moving upstairs till he caught up with me, turning entire image around and saw the box of letters in my hands.
"Hey, Alaya..I , ..I " Colby stuttered, looking over the big pile of letters inside , his face told me that he knew exactly what I was in it. He knew that half of these were his and the other were sent to him from me.
"Colby, is there a problem..can I leave" the girl he was practically eating up on the couch asked. I let out an annoyed hint. Obviously, I was the first girl that he ever made feel special and from the looks of things,I wasn't the last.
"Alright,Wendy ..leave" he said to her , running after me upstairs. I got into my room were Sadie was still finding a place to hide my big cartoon animated trash.
"Lay lay a little help, this trash might smell good but it's still heavy" she said,in struggle when I went over to her and dumped the box back into the trashcan and threw myself on the bed , slumming the door telekinetically in the face of the person that wanted to come running in.
"Alaya.. Alaya please open up ,I ..I'm sorry" I heard him say, wiggling the door knob.
"It doesn't matter,'s not real right?" I called out.
"Alaya, I swear I'm gonna explain everything to you if you just.. let me in" he spaced, finally leaving the door's handle but still pressing himself into its wooden exterior.
My heart felt completely heavy. Even with his words flying above my head , I couldn't see them. They 'i now remembered him say before he told Hartley to erase everyone's memory' weren't real.
"It's not real Colby non of it was wasn't real" I cried and Sadie sighed, coming to sit besides me.
"Ok that's it ,I'm coming in" Colby said. I wasn't worried ,the door was completely shut and locked with the keys right on my lamp stand. I even double checked to see if they were still there.
"Go ahead" I dared him and this guy actually jumped into my room from our of nowhere. That jump. As I stood up, remembering exactly how I took my leap that day...out of nowhere.
"It was you" I said, meeting his eyes as Sadie got up so he could take her seat, picking up the key from the lamp stand and using it to open the door and leave us.
"Alaya" he begged to gently hold my chin but I shrugged away.
"Don't touch made everyone forget made me forget us" I said , staying true to my facts.
"It was for a reason, Alaya...I was constantly putting you in danger and ..we weren't even old enough to had a life ahead of you that I knew you deserved " he listed ,not a single thing making much of a difference to me.
"Does it look like I care.." I asked.
"You made me toss you in the trash" I yelled , point at the cartoon version of the trash that Sadie failed to move in the middle of the room.
"I know baby and I'm .. again I'm sorry" he apologized.
"Sounds like you wouldn't think twice before doing it again" I looked away.
"Exactly, it's not safe for You.." he said. With frustration,I got up and stood on my feet.
"You know what, leave..out of my room" I demanded. Clearly this. Wasn't going anywhere.
"Alaya..I " Colby began.
"No I get it made me forget so I could move on to someone that treated me the way you did in those letters" I simplified.
"Someone who didn't put you in constant danger  too" he added.
" can leave now. Since you wanna never make me experience what it is to truly love someone " I cried.
"Alaya.." he called me again.
" I love you Colby..loved you even then" I admitted.
"I know you weren't real to you  but you fellllllllt real..." I emphasized.
"Huhhh...I did?" He breathed out stepping close but I stepped away.
" don't get to decide whether I want you in my life or not , I's my life ,my feelings that no one aside from my family ever took seriously because I was a bit strange, " I said.
"I may not have been human completely but I had them and they felt always did" I cried.
"Wow..." He sighed , nodding his head.
"Get out" I said , then teleported him out of my room with one stare and used my telekinesis to shut the door.
"And stay out....since that's how you want it" I screamed.

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