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It had been two years, exactly two years since I had felt this indifference. Since time seemed to have taken a leap into the future. Me and Sadie's first semester was already gone and we were literally heading into the next one the following day.
"Huhhh, what's real" I sighed, touching my lips as I tasted the strawberry lipstick on the lower ones. It's like I could almost feel it ,still. Something, someone kissed me and made me make a Jump back into my room from somewhere.
"Alright, you're all moved you need anything?" Jeremy asked as he walked in, giving me a wide smile. I shook from my fantasy and gave him my atmost attention. He deserved it, helping me move all the heavy furniture into my new apartment alone. Yes ,after five years of living with the Alexander's and three more years of living with Sadie during college,I and everyone else around me had decided that it was time I make my own journey as a person. Sadie opted for that too and then moved into an apartment of with Jeremy after falling inlove one summer break while I, well I  settled for Atlanta. I know, I was far from home..we both where. But we needed it.
"Thanks Jeremy ,tell Sadie to stop freaking out...I've not yet burned down the house" I joked , giving him a high five and a hug.
I wanted to let go but it took longer than expected because Jeremy was not letting go.
"Jeremy..." I pressed, hearing him sniffled above me.
"I'm sorry..I ..I just .." he tried to put himself together.
Wow,what a man.
"Jeremy come acting like am dying,stop this" I sympathized with him.
"I know,I'm still gonna miss you though " he added.
"I'm gonna miss you too..." I sighed.
"Now,bye bye" I waved and before he could say anything else ,my hand had him teleported back to New York.
Then I remembered something.
"My roommate's number" I thought, teleporting to New York myself. Ok,so technically I wasn't living on my own per say but does the person really count if you don't know not even their first name.
"Oh good, I was wondering when you'd realize it" Jeremy folded his arms , glaring at me in my first entry.
"Jere,stop being a know I need that number" I tried to ease off but Jere was not budging. Not untill Sadie sat on his lap , played with his curls and kissed his forehead.
"Please baby...I give you a present when she leaves" Sadie practically bribed. Jeremy unwillingly put out his hand with the white card on it and gave it to me.
"Thanks , will not regret this" I said.
"Oh I already am" he replaced.
"Let's see for how long " Sadie added, getting on her knees and pushing her braids back ,agh ,I already knew what they were gonna do. So I teleported out of there before they could. Problem number one: I did not teleport back 'back'. Just somewhere totally familiar but out of my memory. Like I had been there before. I could see myself walking upstairs in that strange place and my vision began to glitch.
"Where I ?" I self questioned, beginning my first step on one of the staircase when I felt an image walk in through the other side behind.
"Alaya??" He called as I turned to face him. A medium tall ,dyed blonde guy in his early twenties probably and he was staring at me with that stare that I had seen in my dreams so many times.
"Kk...hi.. I don't know how you know me..but I, can explain how I got here" I stuttered. Teleportation is not up for discussion so I had to lie to this strange but familiar soul. He folded his arms , interested.
"I'm new in town, confused your house for my aunt's and now kk here I am" I lied with a laugh. He didn't seem to buy it but he was stirring into the idea.
"So he's cute but not smart, can't have both"I internally displaced.
"Ok, can walk right out,you know the way right" he said, pointing at the door and I smiled slight, beginning to get out.
And then I did the stupidest thing ever. I teleported out of there.
It could have been out the nerves I was feeling ,every touch he gave me as he tagged my hand felt so familiar. I don't know,I got nervous and we all know I can't control my powers when Im nervous.
So now I'm back at my house in Atlanta, expecting my roommate in less than five hours, I haven't cleaned up and I don't know if this guy or girl is messy or tidy. And I think I just exposed myself to a stranger that looked like someone from my dreams. Problem number....I lost track of counts and it I've barely began to make my own decisions and live on my own as a person.
Although I was relieved that she hadn't teleported back in two whole days,I was still concerned. The same reason she did it this time somehow didn't seem different from the first. She wanted to see me. She had been wanting to see me.
"How can that be, Hartley erased her memory" Chad reminded me , pulling over the drive of the house I was moving into in Atlanta. It was a long way from work  but atleast I could teleport there once I got acquaintanted with the hidden surroundings.
"I don't know" I shook my head and opened the car, getting out with my stuff.
"Let's just pack it up, I was supposed to be here that same day when all that shit happened" I told him.
"Can't call it shit when you liked it" Chad rehearsed.
"Dude.." I started.
"No, can't admit it but you also missed her and a part of you wished she accidentally teleported to you more often " he defended as we entered the already wide open door.
"And?.. did you carry only one suitcase?" He asked, staring.
"I'll teleport back to get more.. even my bed" I said.
The inside of the house almost blinding us with the amount of light this roommate of my was letting in.
"Girl..." Chad and I chorused.
Obviously,this was a girl. What kind of dude is this organized.
"Or gay" we replaced, thinking about it for the second time.
"Please let it be girl.." I begged for some hope in the universe.
"Kk and let it be Alaya.." Chad mimicked as I placed the box down and hit his arm. Chad was about to return the favor when we heard two familiar feminine voices arguing and some lizzo music in the background in the kitchen. The door was slightly ajar,not like the front entrance which was wide enough to let more than three people in.  This one was just opened a little to let anyone coming in through the front door or upstairs know that there where people around and right they were.
"This is bad lay lay, bad!" The first one stressed.
"Laylay?" I picked up as we got close.
"It isn't that bad,look one's coming after which means he probably forgot and probably thought it was a dream" the second voice defended.
"Or actual human being teleported Infront of him.." the first one completed.
"How many can say that" she added.
And I could see their backs turned when the second one made a stance to respond but the sound of Chad's phone vibrating stopped as she turned around with her friend at the same time.
"Oh , probably my roommate" the second one, Alaya said. Getting up from her stool.
"Try not to teleport Infront of him" Sadie mumbled.
This was it . The Smart thing to do which also happened to be my quick out of hypertension plan was teleport or superspeed out before she even got closer. Great plan right? Sure it was. But like every other great plan , it had some obviously things I forgot to consider.
"Damn ,that girl Sadie's put on quite an ass since the last time we saw her" ladies and ,Chad Myers. My shit of a best friend.
Now , I thought Alaya was the one heading over to check on us but Sadie angrily beat her to it.
"A lot of ass , huhh.." the knotless braids colored girl streamed, opening the door before her.
"First of all ,I said quite.. quite an ass" Chad nervously corrected. I always admired the bravery close to stupity of this guy. It always seemed to amaze me.
"" Alaya tried to tell her what she had seen so far as she kept her eyes on me, tapping her shoulder.
wouldn't lie and say Alaya hadn't gained some curves since the last time I saw her either but I also wouldn't be stupid enough to say it to her face. Especially that she ,at that point, considered me as a total stranger, hitting on her is one move I thank God,I wasn't brave enough to make.
"Hang on Laylay..let roast this fool.." Sadie brushed off.
"Who the fûck are you?" She questioned, clearly upset.
Talk about first impressions, Chad. Talk about them.

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