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I managed to snagg Alaya away from my mom after overly assure her that we would only be outside my window, viewing the stars. Ofcourse I didn't mention the roof part for obvious reasons as I had already managed to observe.
"Again..I am so sorry for...that" she guestured as I led her out of the window and onto the roof.
"I just neverrrrr woah" she left off , setting her eyes on the clear open night sky before before us. I don't think she  even notice how or when she sat down but she managed to me.
" You don't get out much ,do you?" I asked as she kept looking up like in some kind of trance.
"Here...let me get you some pizza. Don't move" I told her and she slightly nodded ,not even looking at me.
I got into the window in my room, teleported into the kitchen and grabbed a box of pizza from the table and some drinks.
"Hey, hope the door is open and you're only outside your window" my mom began, tagging my sleeve.
"I promise..." I said then teleported out of the kitchen immediately and back into my room. It would have been easier to teleport right Infront of her but my superhuman life was still a secret I chose to keep from her so as to not drive her away. That and my parents would freak if I ever told her or anyone else about us. They already overreacted when I told my three closest friends Miles,Chad and Huey.
"Probably cold" I whispered to myself, spotting a soft furry black I only used when I was little and grabbing it before climbing out of the window. To my relief,she was still there... watching with keen interest, the stars above us. I sat next to her and she shivered at my touch,only noticing my presence then.
"Thank you" she sighed when I placed the blanket over and around her shoulder. I smiled, watching her hug it tightly.
"It's so furry and warm..and comfy" she said.
"Yeah , I was my favorite when I was a baby .still is" I told her.
"Well, then you must have been one hot little baby" Alaya concluded with a warm smile.
"Yes...and now.." I started , pushing her hair aside.
"So are you " I ended. Her hair daughter with the breeze in the atmosphere as I imagined so did mine and with all that she lay her head down on my shoulder,silent as the stars found the nearest light and faded away. Dawn was approaching, she was drowsy but fighting to stay awake when she lifted her head in time to see the sun wake up from the night that covered it.
"Oh my God.." she gasped, the vision of it all beeming her beautiful brown skin and lighting her chocolate dark eyes. I wasn't just flirting that previously... when I said she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
And Sadie came to it with good intentions, living voicemails and messages after messages on her  phone.. Colby's phone that neither of them could answer because he had it off the whole time they were there.
Pacing back and forth till she hit Ilana in the hundredth turn,my sister came at a stop as her panicked for the loss of excuses she would make now. Ilana folded her arms, waiting. Sadie didn't expect her to actually be in the room. Then again,the girl did pop in and out from nowhere back when they were still in highschool.
"So,where is she....I need to examine her immediately" the older girl began, searching the entire room with her eyes and walking into the bathroom. And while she was there ,another problem walked in. One Sadie hated to lie to more than Ilana herself.
"Mom..." She sighed.
"Save it said she'd be back by now" Trish stopped her, seriously.
"What kind of a sleepover is this?" She questioned with clear confusion. Just then , Ilana came back ,her attention burried worriedly into  her phone.
"Her heat levels are rising...." She expressed in intense panick,put the phone down then held Sadie's shoulders when she got close to her.
"Where is she?" She pressed as Trish joined in the middle.
"Kk and why is she saying her heat levels are high... she's at a sleepover,why should her heat levels be high" the mother asked.
Sadie was stuck. Both parties needed an answer to a question she wasn't in the trunks to dive into for.
"Please Sadie.." she remembered her sister beg longingly.
"Huhhhhhhh....I know were she is" Sadie let out a sigh, regretting her decision immediately. She always wanted a sister and now that she finally got one , loosing her and her trust were the last things she'd ever thought to put on her bucket list.
"Really..." Ilana stood straight and or at ease , looking at her.
"Well what are you waiting for...the heat  is too strong meaning she could be in some sort of danger" she reasoned in panic. It was always a pleasure to know that someone like Ilana existed. Someone who spent her time worrying about things more than she did.
"In danger.. she's just at a friend's place" Sadie slide and her mother turned her over , gaining her attention.
"Yeah well, I don't care little girl.. you're taking me to this friend" she demanded, giving Sadie a side of her she had only witnessed when she was the one being protected.
"I guess mom really did mean it when she said lay lay was now her daughter as well" she thought,a smile lining across her face.
"Ok but I don't know if they're busses heading to valley view at this time of the night,mom" Sadie rehearsed outloud, looking at the physical time of exactly three after midnight. Yes,they had stayed up all night and after midnight worrying about the girl. Only because Ilana wouldn't shut up about some heat levels. That's the reason Sadie had to blow her cover. The reason her sister may never forgive her for it. For some reason,her mother took Ilana way more seriously when it came to the opinion of whether something was good for laylay or not.
"She just made her , News flash ...I wished for laylay to be here" she shrugged internally scrunching her nose at the app maker.
"Then we'll use the car" Trish looked at her watch , feeling certain. Sadie just had about enough of it.
"Mom, Laylay isn't at a girl's sleepover" she bursted out all at once then covered her mouth.
The two people standing on each side of her faced her front , making a close.
"What did you say?" Trish focused as she and Ilana sized their eyes seriously. Sadie let out a sigh she held in for like a minute, giving up.
"I mean, she's at a sleepover....just not at a girl's" she put more light into her previous statement.
"Not at a girl's huhh?" Trish folded her arms.
"Which must be why her heat levels are high...she and Colby must be.." Sadie almost concluded.
"Colby??" Ilana chimed in, seeming a bit interested.
" baby.." Trish began to panic.
"Okay, don't panic...I'm sure their just kissing and stuff" Sadie smiled.
"You,do you have anything on that phone to find them" Trish turned to Ilana who pressed on her phone continuously then shook her head.
"I designed laylay to be used outside internet connections for girls who may not afford any..." Ilana explained,sadly sitting down.
"That means we can't put a pin on it were she is unless we find her" she Said. Then Sadie had an idea. A way out.
"The letters!" She shouted , making the two people look at her outburst of enthusiasm in a confused manner.
Sadie ran to Laylay's draw and pulled out a bunch of letters she had received from this 'coldy' and read the address on one of them out loud.
"Valley view 18th..." She started when Ilana grabbed the letter, reading it internally herself.
"Alright, so valley view isn't far from hear... because she teleported in her sleep!" Trish screamed, trying to stay calm. Laylay had never slept out before and certainly not at a boy's place.
"Kk she teleported from here in him allllllll the way up in valley view in her sleep?" Ilana hinted and Sadie gave her a node and a smile.
"I guess she really really wanted to see him, he's all she talks about these days" Trish said.
"And this time was purely in her sleep. She usually just disappears and reappears close to but never Infront of him" Sadie added.
"Fascinating...." The inventor expressed with interest.

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