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We got at the frozen yogurt and ice cream restaurant five minutes after that and so far I was impressively convinced. Non of it was a dream.  She was right there and her hair was shinier than in the pictures and her eyes... don't get me started on her eyes . The way she used them to look at everything like she had never seen any of it before. Literally,she seemed mostly suprised about everything there.
"Kkk thank you...." She giggled at the waiter who had placed her large cup of frozen yogurt on the table.
"" her eyes grew the second she looked away from him and at the cup itself,with the usual giant stroll in the middle.
"Ahh kk yeah.. gigantic yogurts are like that" I hinted out.
"I bet if I suck it all at once ,my brain would freeze " she conjured and I let out a hint. If she was trying to make me laugh she was doing a great job.
"Nah but seriously..this place is amazing..I didn't know humans owned restaurants for giants" she said . She actually said that and this time ,I let out more than a hint , laughing outloud.
" Humans??" I asked ,still laughing then she stopped in the middle of trying to place her little mouth on the stroll, looking at me then this waiter guy came back right then , diverting her attention away from me.
"Oh hi... you're back" she squeezed her tone then looked at me.
"His back" she smiled and I gave her a quick node. I can't lie . I was a little amused by her . Okay a lot amused. She just seemed so a good way.
"Kk yes ,and I can see you're enjoying your jumbo " the waiter questions, bending down over her shoulder. That irritated me . I don't think Alaya saw that or even notice what this guy was doing.
" Jumbo ? ,is that what you calling it?" She asked him  and he nodded.
"Oh that sounds big" she commented.
" does" he smiled.
"Hey buddy, I haven't ordered yet.. isn't that why you're here" I called for his attention.
"Ah yes,are you ready to order , Colby?" He asked me ,finally doing his job.
"Yeah , I'll have my usual and.." I began while watching him write something down and hand it to Alaya.
"Oh ,this looks like your number..awwww" she cooed , looking at it thoughtfully.
I didn't say much because it looked like she had something else to add.
"You know,I appreciate the social invitation but I don't have a cell phone" she told him, innocently and tossed the piece of paper on the ground.
This was the part of my date were I should have laughed the most at the waiter's stupid face but I kept my cool because I doubted Alaya knew exactly what she had done Infront of,not just me but everyone else around him.
"Kk you're joking" the waiter shook his head.
"Oh no , I wish ..but that's why I'm attracted to a guy who can actually read and write so he won't mind replying my letters" she told him with a smile, pointing at me. She was serious,by the way.
Mr waiter with no name tag walked away , embarrassed while Alaya happily Carried on with trying to slurp her giant yogurt as if nothing happened. I gave myself a little time to study this behavior before stepping into another related topic.
"So I know it's been two days since I heard from you but.. aren't you supposed to be two cities away from here?" I asked and she stopped, looked down then stared at me.
"Yes, but TSU, and my sister Sadie is just visiting for semester break" she responded.
" But to answer your question..aumm..I'm actually in valley view visiting an aunt before we head back " she added.
"Oh..." I chimed in.
"Yes,but you can't come over...she doesn't believe in opposite gender relationships only untill marriage,she thinks it's a sin before kkk God" she laughed.

"Well that's a bummer, considering I can read and write " I said and she looked down shyly with a smile.
"Ah kk yeah" Alaya hinted, tacking her hair back.
"Nice joke with the no cell phone thing "  I added.
"Oh no,I really don't have a cell phone,but mom Trish said I'm gonna get one when heading back this semester " she explained. The two things I got from that were that she's phoneless which made sense because she never once ever asked for my line and that she's a student in her first Year at Texas southern university. It had to be first year,she looked atleast nineteen years old. She looked my age ,only smaller cause of her petite body.
"And you call your mom..'mom Trish '" I asked then there it was again. The look of utter seriousness or awareness before responding.
"Yeah.. don't you" she replied.
"I guess I would if her name was Trish in my case ,she's mom Eva" I told her tweaking my eyebrows and she smiled briefly at that.
" Hey ahh I hope it wasn't..I wasn't.. weird coming out of those rose bushes earlier...I ,..I fell and .." she stuttered stopped mid sentence, taking a breath.
"I'm sorry.." she apologized. For what? I have no idea.
"Kk you still have a little.." I hinted , reaching out to brush a leaf out of the side of her hair.
"Kk oh yeah... sorry" she apologized, again.
"No, it's look beautiful " I said then she looked at me with a little smile anf squinted eyes as if reminding me of something. I raised my hands in surrender then looked at her.
"Thank you" she sounded out , pulling her head back down.
"Hey, I know this is sudden but I was gonna head home and gaze at the stars like I said I would in the letter" I said.
"I mean ,you don't have to if you don't want to considering your aunt might..." I started to look for alternatives of what ifs.
"I'd love that..I just gotta tell my mom Trish" she giggled in the middle.
"I thought you don't have a phone" I traced, confused.
"No but you do " she replied, making more sense than I'd expect her too as she continued drinking her yogurt.
Sadie called an hour after that, literally freaking out. Understandably. I did just teleport out of my bed.
"Ok, Sadie..calm down" I tried to ease off.
"But that girl, liana's here and she says she's been getting a lot of over heated energies from the" sadie complained in a whisper , stressing the 'you' out of everything. I know, worrying was kinda her thing,still is.
" That must be because of the jump from there to valley view" I concluded.
"The what!?" She scream whispered. I opened my mouth to shed a little more light but Colby's door knob began to jiggle, signalling his coming into the room..his room.
"Alright, sadie..I gotta go but just tell mom Trish I'm at a friend's place...a girl" I said to her when he opened the door and got in , sitting besides me.
"Pshhh... girl you know she won't believe that" Sadie exclaimed, making me hold the phone at a distance away from my ear.
"Please Sadie.." I begged and waited for her to respond.
"I'll see what I can do but y'all better not make me an auntie there" she yelled.
"Kk Roger that...thanks Sadie " I hinted as she cut the call herself.
"So much for making babies" Colby said, stretching his arm deliberately over my shoulder.
"We were gonna play video games before dark with door opened just like you promised your mom Eva , remember" I reminded him, taking his arm off me gently.
"Oh yeah...must have slipped my mind but.." he stalled, putting it back on.
"That's not how you turn it on" I smiled , brushing it off.
"The video game" I added.
"How do you know how to turn it on...the video game" Colby carefully placed, smirking at me.
"One..." I started counting and had him connecting the wires and handing me one controller before the count of two. He's mom eve said she knew her son was a bit 'nooooouuuuty' as she pronounced it with her British accent. So I could easy scream for help if he tried anything.
"Don't look at me like that,you made me pull out the big guns" I said, noticing him begin to 'thraw a fit' like his said he would. 
"You made me pull out the big guns" Colby mimicked me.
"Are you sure you can handle's pretty violent" he deepened, sounding frustrated and upset at the same time.
"Well, with the way you make it sound in them letters.... I'm pretty sure it's way better than the trash my baby brother marky plays" I replied.
"Oh kk yeah, I remember you mentioning the little guy once" he hinted a little.
"How is he? Did his eyebrows grow back on again" He asked.
"Kk yeah but we took pictures with Sadie's phone so it's still funny regardless " I chuckled.
"Kk  I gotta see those pictures " he laughed, turning the video game on and shooting down something with green slimy substances for blood immediately.
"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed then  jumped up and onto the bed , tossing my game pad at him.
" Alaya..." Colby called, following me .
"Are you okay " he asked as he got closer to me. But my focus was still on the screen. Everything in it was on pause but didn't fail to look scary nevertheless.
"Not better than the trash, not better than the trash" I blurted out and Colby looked back , following my gaze on the screen.
"Oh kkk ..." He chuckled as if realizing something and attempted to get even closer when his mom Eva walked in.
"Yes, honey .you screamed " she started,in question.
"Ahh this is not what it looks like " Colby immediately put out into words. On the contrary. It was exactly what it looked like. There I was, shaking off my toes with him less than half an inch away from my body which lay above his on the bed.
"Awww come here,baby.." mom Eva cooed, shrugging Colby off of me and pulling me gently out of his grasp.
"Mom..." Colby tried to reach out.
"Ub up..." She exclaimed at him then looked at me, diverting my eyes from the screen and onto her.
"Did he scare you, darling?" She asked. I looked at the screen one more time then nodded , facing her.
"Awwww.." mom eva cooed.
"Mom.." Colby wanted to make her understand but she was already leading me out of the room.
"You need to sit here and cool off"  she demanded.
"But that's not why.." he sounded out loud.
"Now!" She yelled then banged the door behind us the second we got out, hugging me tighter than tight itself. It was suffocating but comforting. I felt like mom Trish was still here. Even though his mom Eva had no idea that she was just protecting me from the scary video game instead of her son.

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