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Just because we were done with Darkside and his little sister, volcanic attack, didn't mean we were done completely. There were a  whole lot of other villains who ,not only had my location but Alaya's at the tip of their fingers now.
"Are you sure no one's watching?" I asked over the phone and heard an explosion from a far distance.
"Yeah, now I am...what do we do?" She panicked.
"Alright,get everyone in the purple portal next to you" I said.
"What pur..." She almost asked but stopped when a little kid, Trish and a man walked right into my family layer through the portal I had opened.
"Ohhh, that purple.. woah!" She sounded as Sadie pulled her in and I closed it.
"Wow, so this is it huhh..." Trish asked, looking around.
Everyone was there, including my older brother and sister and Hartley who had gone off to college about two months ago.
" this is her ?" Amy, my sister asked while getting closer to Alaya.
"That's what we said... waaaaayyyy out of his league " miles stretched and even though he was joking,he didn't manage to sound like it. I guess you could say that was his super power.
" And I like her already" Amy smiled.
"Amy Madden... mayhem but... Madden's on all my brackets lists" she introduced.
"Kk oh I know who you are.. everyone that follows the latest pop music does " Alaya said, stretching her hand for a shake.
"And Laylay...oh my God, Layla!" Sadie screamed,directing her eyes towards Hartley.
"What's wrong with your sister ?" Amy asked her.
"She's like a really huge fan of Hartley...she follows everything about her life like the Kardashians " Alaya explains.
"Ah ah..girl, I'm not going down for do that" Sadie declined then smiled at Hartley.
"But it wouldn't be a shame to sell your hair sample every now and then" she ended with a little laugh.
"Oh ,the hair collections...I remember when I used to do that " Hartley let out.
"Oh yeah, Hart... didn't you that to me?" Starli, my brother's superhero girlfriend announced, pretending to be curious.
"Guys...!" Trish screamed in the midst of everyone.
"I know the meeting of everyone is amazing but ...we have an entire villain army searching for us." She highlighted the main issue.
"Not just them..the superheroes are rounding themselves up to go after it because of the threat it  poses as" my uncle blue granite said, pointing at Alaya who hid behind her sister.
"Hey, my baby sister is not 'it'" Sadie defended, shielding her.
"I'm sorry,Sadie.. but... superhumans are not so different from people " Hartley started.
"They don't understand Alaya and what they don't understand,they destroy" she added.
"Alaya, baby...I know you and flash form have a thing but..." My mom started.
"But what?" I asked,not aware of where this was going.
" It's not safe, young's not safe for our daughter" Bryce replied.
"Dad!?" Alaya stressed then looked back at her mom.
"I'm sorry, Alaya, two are amazing people separately with letters and all...but together...well, look around" Trish began, talking to both of us. I did look around. Everyone sitted, waiting for how we were gonna protect ourselves next. Even Jake and Hartley's twins were there ,not a year old enough to know what's going on. Not even they were safe.
"Hey?" Alaya sighed when I drew my gaze at her, the tears in her eyes made them shimmer.
"You know they're right" I said , pulling her close. She did.
"Ofcourse I do ,but Colby I.." she let out.
"I'm not real, the letter,I might be but that me is not real" I interrupted.
"I'm not safe for you,non of the person that I am is" I Said, guesturing at the entire layer.
"Colby.." she breathed.
"You loved writing to me because I made you feel like you could be an actual person without being judged " I reminded.
"I can't give you that because of who I really am. Away from the letters" I said.
"I know,but .." she wanted to argue.
"You deserve someone that can....and will.. because you may not know it.." I traield, feeling my tears whirl up.
"But you're the realest person I've ever met , Alaya...." I told her.
"The realest " she cried , silently.
" The realest" I said and wipe a small portion of her wet teary cheek.
"Hartley's gonna erase everyone's memory of what happened from the time we started writing to each other up untill now" I rested, stepping back and Hartley stepped forward.
"Colby?" She called. I could never forget the sadness in her eyes as she did this. The confusion.
"Hartley can you do this.." I asked the mother of my niece and nephew and she let out a sigh, rubbing her palms together then creating a small glimpse of purple light.
"It's a big spell ...I'd have to erase the memory of anyone around the world and beyond who could have had even the slightest contact" Hartley said.
"Colby please don't do this to me" Alaya cried. I walked over to her , holding her body steady as I placed a long passionate kiss on her lips then  teleported her back to Cleveland.
"Do it ..." I called it and a purple lightsaber surrounded everyone and everything except for me and Hartley. For a minute,it felt like the whole world was at a stop. Everything was so quiet until it moved again, clearing the purple light away.
"Huhhh..." Amy breathed immediately after clearing back to normal.
"It's done" Hartley looked at me.
"Not quite..I can still remember" I told her, the taste of Alaya's lips still tinted on mine.
"I know.." Hartley smiled then pointed at the still frozen Alexander family.
"But you have bigger problems to deal with than your own memory...they still have to get home" she said, throwing my entire concerns on a mental Cliff.
"Wait ...non of them will remember us or..or me" I hesitated. Somehow ,some part of me hoped that it wasn't true. That one of the most powerful witches in the world missed a spell. It was pointless to assume but still.
"Not even what you voice sounds like. Your entire energy will be lost,like you never existed " she confirmed.
"Huhh wow..." I sat myself down on the floor, holding my hand in my head. Suddenly , everything about Alaya started to sneak it's way back into my mind and my heart beat faster than anything I ever felt. She wasn't dead but she might as well have been, completely erased from the idea that we never were.
"Like I never  existed" I thought, running my hands through my hair.
"Hey,...what's going on and why are we all here in our family layer" Amy came forward, asking me and Hartley.
"And please tell me you didn't trick me into coming to one of our family game nights,you know how I hate to be controlled like a game" she added, looking at Hartley.
"Kk ah..why are you sitting down" Jake asked immediately after one of the twins , jasmine supersped into Hartley arms.
"It's a long story" Hartley and I both said at the same time. It wasn't necessary to erase my family's memory but they had to be included for the spell to work. So that meant we had days on end of filling them in.

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