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Probably because I squealed so loud my heart almost felt like it was starting to fall out. Replying back to him,since the first time had always been a thing. An accelerating thing.
"You know at some point you're gonna teleport Infront of him"  Sadie,as usual,put in her contributions. Which I loved but not when I tried to stay positive to someone.
"Ooohhh" she sounded out, impressed the second she read something off my letter that she just got right out of my hands.
"Give that back" I said, snatching it back from her and placing it in the mailbox.
"No, seriously.. think about what mom said" she highlighted, escorting me back into the house through the living room door.
"Sadie, it'll be ok.. it's not like I wanna meet him and don't make sound weird,we just pen pals" I told her .
"Pals who right to each other every chance they got" she defined. I didn't know how to break it to her that, that was how a pen pal agreement actually worked.
"Sadie... " I stretched but did so at the same time as mom Trish when she was getting into the living room through the kitchen. I stopped so Sadie could listen to her first.
"I've checked all the boxes for supplies you need once you get back to the next semester" she said and I moved closer to see if my supplies were also covered,not just Sadie's.
"And yes, Laylay... even your complicated ones" she assured , looking at me. I had no idea what she was talking about because light scented floral perfume from Ariana Grande's collection was not 'complicated'.
"And speaking of complicated..." Sadie chimed in and I took a deep breath.
"Laylay teleported to valley view again" and there it was.
"You what?" Mom Trish questioned.  It's weird that she actually sounded suprised.
"I know mom Trish,I'm working on it" I refocused, assuring her. The only merit to my glitching when I teleported was that it was never Infront of him or near his radius because I knew exactly were that was and did my best to stay off it.
"Well clearly your powers are trying to tell you something, honey..." Mom Trish began, sitting us both down on the couch behind us.
"It's not about working on it as much as it is about listening" she advised, like always. I sighed , frightened at the thought.
"But If I listen to them, I might end up visiting him and I don't know if he wants that" I breathed.
"Hell,I don't know if I do" I admitted. Mom Trish tacked a hair behind my ear and looked at me with so much care and love,I actually felt it much she lived for me. Her and Dad Bryan finding out about my avatar secret was a mistake,yes. But so far ,it was the best I ever made.
"I know it's the best feeling in the world.. to have someone see you without seeing you"
"But, some point you're gonna have to stop controlling that like you already are" she said , hugging my shaking body.
"I can still do this ...." I stood my ground, letting her break the hug. Afraid to see that if I met him, I'd have to keep the other half of me that I never mentioned in them letters because he never saw any reason to ask a secret. That automatically meant I was going to have to lie to him.
I didn't know if I felt comfortable with lying to him. So with my mind singing itself to sleep upon that, I told myself that I could control my urges to teleport right into his arms.
"I'll show you.." I said to mom Trish and Sadie but mostly to me. I needed to show all of us.

And just as I was about to fall deep into another one of them human sleeps,I'm in the sky and my butt is falling off of it u till I land with a thund in some rose bushes.
"Ah geeze..." I winced . I think I crushed some cat or something because the sound of my pain wasn't the only thing being reflected in my complaints. I got up , stretched myself and saw the little animal run off.
" If I had a penny for every time. " I begin to think while walking a bit further away from the roses myself when a hand pulls me out fully.
"Kk yes,I knew I heard something" this guy with an afro , neatly combed says to some people behind him that I couldn't see as he draws me closer to him. I first started with cleaning myself before stopping to thank him and be on my way but something catches my eyes when reaching his gaze. Someone behind him out of the three that already were. I stare completely in utter shock and I think he does too because he doesn't keep his eyes off me either.
" Hey, isn't that your girl" one of them standing to his left hand side asks, nudging it a little and he brushes it off , running towards me .
"Dude... Chad's right" the guy who pulled me out says and I smiled at him then lower my head down.
There's total silence when the four guys escort to a park bench nearby, helping get sitted with Colby right next to me. Even though my eyes begin to commit to the ground,his don't shake the relationship we started before hand. He just keeps looking at me and I feel a bit  unease, not knowing what his thinking in that moment.
" Ahh,so we got this thing we gotta do...Colby.." the guy with the afro starts, holding his hand out for a high five or something which Colby takes, nodding his head and repeats the same thing to the other two guys with us.
The amount of eyes on me reduce by two now,so it's just Colby even though it still felt like that before. My anxiety kicks itself up a notch and I can't help but fidget.
"He must think I'm a freak for winding up in them bushes like that...did he even see how I got there" my inner voice whispers and I don't know whether to respond or not. Probably not.
"Why you looking at me like that?" I can't help but ask out loud. Colby moves closer, taking a strand of my hair in his finger and pushing it aside behind my ear.
"Because you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" he says, sending Shiverers more than the ones I get when reading his letter down my spine. My head shakes a little, letting me release a little sigh of relief or exhaustion or something in between.
"Don't say that" I say and his eyes comically rest on my lips. I'm not facing him directly but I see from the corner of my eye.
"Won't stop me from thinking it.. those pictures are great but.. nothing beats what I'm seeing right now" Colby  tells me. I feel heat build up in my cheeks and a tiny smile creep from under them.
"Hey,if you got time...I was just heading out to eat something.." he begins to offer.
I lift my head up to him. He just pulled me out of some rose bushes and yet there he was, needing to hang out like nothing happened. Obviously,I agree because I'm hungry and a part of me kinda wants to get a good thing out of teleporting myself in my sleep.
"Who knows, maybe you're dreaming and still home right this minute" I think.

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