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Well, to recap. Everything should have been ok. We were on the roof ,she fell asleep so I took her to my sister, Amy's room just like I had promised my mom I would. I , know. It didn't sound right to me either. But this girl...
"Colby, focus" my mom alerted me,still powering up the computer with electric volts high enough to kill ten thousand people. I shake my feel out of it and commence typing away on the keyboard. If my dad's GPS is still on him, chances are,I could find them this way.
As I was saying, everything should have been ok. But taking Alaya to sleep in a room seperate from mine was a mistake. One of 'the chosen one's ' enemies popped in unannounced and took her . Literally. Bitch broke through the wall , thought Alaya was Amy because she was sleeping in Amy's room and just...just took. I couldn't do much to save her, neither of us could. So you know she was in and out in flash. And my dad... He was the only one to telekinetically grab the enemy before she got away and ended up being sucked into the portal with them. It was the only thing giving me hope...that he was there.
"Awwww... don't worry, we'll find her" my mom tried to console but in the process,she stopped the charging then continued after realizing it.
After a few minutes of typing on the computer, I detected a small green splint that wet on and off.
"Yeeeeeeessss..." My mom celebrated , overcharging the computer. I knew then that I had to think fast before it shut down. Grabbing my tablet and placing the data there as the lights went deep all around us.
"Oh..." She sounded out, lowly.
"It's tablet is fine." I said, showing it to her. My mom was about to celebrate again but something saved the day. A knock on the door on the front porch upstairs, outside the liar.
I supersped back and forth, finding my cool with the little strands of hair I could comb my hand with.
"It's Alaya's sister and it looks like she's come with company." I restored back into words.
"It's ok Colby...we can handle this.."my mom encouraged.
"Just shape shift into your girlfriend and I'll go down there to send you 'her' up myself " she reasoned like a professional villain who had been obsessed with concocting plots every time... because she was. I drew in some air and let go , finding my cool once again. I never said it to her face, ofcourse. But I needed mom more for situations such as this and she was always there.. still is.
"Okay... how do I look" I said, shape shifting into Alaya while walking towards my dad's full body mirror.
"Why does he have this again?" I asked.
"Kk who's come in handy for once...look at you" she chuckled, guesturing at the reflection of the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. It made me want to find her ever more because it wasn't her.
"Ok, while you're deciding on how to play this I'm going up to meet the inlaws" my mom said and patted my back then started her way up through the stairs.
"She did not just say 'in laws'..." I thought.The idea of being trapped with an entire family because of one girl made my skin crawl.
"Ehhhnn...." I sounded out then cleared my throat so my voice could sound like hers.
"Eiiiilllllleeeeewww..much better" I said to myself. It was a good thing all this happened only after I had seen and heard from her physically. My Shape shifting only worked when I was sure the image being portrayed was accurate. That being said, I saw my mom text me from my tablet to come upstairs immediately.
"Huhhhh..ok Colby...a minute ago,you were willing to put yourself inside her. Ofcourse you didn't but still.." I breathed, beginning my pep talk while checking myself out as Alaya.
"This shouldn't be too hard" I said, walking out of the lair the same way my mom went in..the stairs then finding myself coming down another set of stairs longer than the ones I left till finally I was there, Infront of 'my ' family. Well,half of it because this kid marky and their Dad, Bryce weren't with them. Smart choice to leave him behind. No, was safer for me that they left him behind considering the things I had put in my mind every time I'd look at his daughter, Alaya. The things I'd do to her.
"Oh and there she is..." My mom looked at me with a smile, guesturing for me to sit down in between who I assumed was Sadie because of the research I had already carried out on her with Alaya memory of her Instagram accounts, Snapchat account and everything in between. Aside from being pretty,my girl was an open book. Nothing really felt like a secret with her. Except for the fact that I'm a superhuman who could put her life at risk at any given time such as this.
"Oh Laylay we were so worried..." 'mom Trish ' expressed while my mom got up from her seat and went back upstairs, probably to leave us alone.
"It's ok mom, you don't have to worry" I smiled, hoping they wouldn't sense how tense I was.
Then Sadie came to a close near me and some other girl I wasn't aware of was in her family. Alaya never mentioned her once ,for someone who mentioned people alot.
"And your body? you feeling alright" she whispered after looking out left to right then back at me.
"Oh not the girl body talk" I feared internally. Because I was capable of shape shifting into a female aswell, the fear of women talking about women has I always haunted me. I could look like them ,such as now , but I couldn't biologically suffer the way they did. So I prayed for this conversation to be over.
"Oh kk yeah... everything is intact" I said, showing a thumbs up.
"Ok, how about your body temperature..." Her mom asked, looking a bit relieved.
"Ahhh..body temperature?" I questioned, not sure. I know Alaya wasn't sick.
"Yes, that's the whole reason we're here, Laylay.." this new girl tells me then shows me a depiction of rising and falling numbered graphics on her phone. Here's the strangest part, the rising number graphics lit up more.
"Your heat levels are too high, you must be melting from the inside" she added.
And I know I've said this a couple of times but women will always suprise me. Just the whole process their bodies went so they could carry on with a beautiful day.
"And I thought periods were bad"I thought.
"Technically she can't melt...her insides her already human now" Sadie corrected.
"Human?"I picked up.
"Oh yeah...she even goes through her period now, tell her honey" her mom agrees with a positive realization.
"At 17?.. isn't that too late?" I managed to reflect.
"Fascinating...." This girl with the phone sighed, interested in everything like someone excited about a research or something.
"It is?" I let out.
"Yes, Laylay... The fact that you came from this app and are somehow turning human as each day goes by is's ..." She tries to define.
"A good thing??" I questioned, not sure.
"Well, we'll see in about a few seconds " she said then I stood up at once, in shock.
" turning human..what do you mean, I'm..." I searched through and through but the people still sitted didn't look to alarmed then I remembered.
"Calm down,you're still Alaya" my conscious reminded me.
"Laylay what's wrong with you?" Sadie asked, gently pulling me down.
"Ahhh that's a very good question.. that I will" I stalled, hoping for a miracle then my mom came back through the kitchen and I let out a sigh of relief. Who knew wanting to be with someone wasn't all you needed to them.
"Ok Colby..I mean.. Alaya.. Colby is in desperate need of your attention.." my mom started , getting close.
"Oh my God,is everything ok?" Alaya's mom asked, alarmed.
"Oh his fine ...he just needs her to pull his thumb out of his bathroom sink" the professional lied, embarrassing me in the process.
"Oh yeah..I said he should chill cause you were calling me" I let out, pointing at her.
" you left him stuck ...what even happened?" Sadie asked.
"I was trying to brush my teeth..." I started.
"Got it" Sadie and her mom interrupted. This has probably happened before.
"Remember when you flushed the tooth brush down the toilet, thinking it'll come back up kk" her mom added and the three of them laughed at that.
"Mom...!!!???" I stressed.
"Ah ah..let's not pretend Colby is the only strange one" her mom stopped me.
"Atleast,I'm strange... she's not human "I thought.
"Well, Eva..thank you for letting her sleep over,your son is all she ever talks about " she went on.
"He is isn't he?" My mom question tagged and for some reason,she looked like she was the one being talked about and not me. I couldn't get it.
"True.. Laylay is like an actual baby so she's only attracted to good people.." Sadie chimed in and the memory of our date at the frozen yogurt restaurant flash before my eyes. No wonder she seemed out of distance with that waiter.
"you've raised  a really good son, Mrs Madden" she added.
"I have haven't I ?" My mom question tagged again, looking at me with a proud eye and a smile.
Usually,I liked it when people applauded me but this time, I felt like it wasn't me they were this show had to end. That and other minor reasons such as rescuing this lovely family's non human daughter whom I was still inlove with even after that.
"Ok..umm mom, Sadie...girl " I stood up, listing them down.
"Alright...umm...we have to go but Alaya, you better calm down before you burn out ok" her mom said, winking at me once as she stood up along with Sadie and the girl.
"No problem, I'll put myself in water if I have to" I responded, escorting them all out quickly.
"Bye..." I waved.
"Don't forget to call me on your way back and..." Her mom kept on talking and I immediately shut the door then opened it again to come face to face with an angry 'her'.
" kk" I apologized then shut it again, slamming my back on the door and sliding down with a sigh of relief.. shape shifting back to normal.
"Ehhhnn... good luck dealing with yours and her family at once...they also seem a bit out it" my mom joked , helping me up then handing me the tablet.
"Kk yeah.. atleast they have an excuse for being out of it...what's ours" I hinted, opening a portal to the location I tracked my dad's GPS in.
"An excuse??" Mom questioned as we walked into it and hid behind some crates.
As I said, everything should have been fine from then on.....but then Sadie , Alaya's sister walked back in.
"Sorry, forgot my....." She paused, looking at the space within the portal then behind it.
"Sadie....??" I heard Alaya call from somewhere.
"Who??" My dad asked afterwards before I teleported to were Sadie stood , grabbed her arm and teleported back behind some crates then closed the portal.
"And Colby... Colby's here" Alaya squealed a whisper , sounding more than excited to see me.
That feeling was literally the best in the world, even for an all sexual contact believer such as myself. But it had to end...I had another bigger problem at hand. Sadie.
"Oooooohhhh...I knew something was up when she called mom..'mom' " the girl conjured up, her idiolect not very different from Alaya's. Then I remembered that Alaya never called her mom ' mom's but ' mom Trish.
"You call your mom 'mom Trish '?"I recalled myself asking her. And the serious face she put on immediately.
"Yeah don't you?" She responded.
"Ofcourse"I thought.
"Oh I forgot.." I told her.
"You???" Sadie stressed the question.
"Yeah, so you're gonna call your mom and tell her you came back to ..." I connected, ignoring her.
"Grab my coat?" She said as if asking.
"Right..but then had to join me and Alaya to the movie because you were worried about her over heating even more" I said,not really asking.
"Over what ?" My mom asked.
" Forget it..." Sadie declined in the same second I used my super speed to take her phone from her left pocket and hand it to her.
"I wasn't asking" I said , allowing her to take the phone and make the quiete call.

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