Why Not (BU/FA)

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"Fanny, whoi do you hate everything so much?"

Another episode of the Battle for Battle for Dream Island had just ended, and everyone was exhausted; that was especially the case for Bubble, the one that could just cease to be with the lightest touch or provocation. Over the years, she's become more and more used to just dealing with the problems life throws at her, carefully maneuvering around the many barriers and pitfalls in order to live another day. Or at least last a bit longer before getting popped. It's a bit hard to do that without a brain to plan or strategize, but as with many things and many people in this corner of Goiky, *eventually* she was able to figure it out. She kinda had to. The dream of winning Dream Island had disappeared from her long ago; the only thing she *really* wanted was to survive the Battle. She couldn't care less if she was eliminated, alienated, separated from everybody else. As long as she didn't find herself stumbling out of her recovery center (or similar methods of revival) once more, that was all good.

But still, even after having years and years of experience in trying not to die, even with a pretty impressive record for someone that could perish and die if someone so much as breathes at her the wrong way, she could come out of episodes feeling *really* tired.

Wait, what does any of that even *mean*? Of course she'd be tired after all that; even the most experienced and skillful contestants have gone through fatigue from time to time due to all the absurd tasks that algebralian makes them do (though for Needle, that exertion seems to always come from something else). *Obviously* Bubble would be ready to just collapse and take a good ol' nap for a day or two. That's as evident as the sun rising in the morning, or things falling to Earth's center if left unsupported, or Golf Ball being a massive bossy nerd. Why even mention something so blatant? Well, that's what lacking a mind to guide and reason does to you.

And speaking *of* mindless behavior, that's exactly what Bubble wanted to do after such a draining task; only now, in these brief moments in-between all the repetitive episodes of agony, could she fret *relatively* less about what to do, what to say, who to trust, who to believe. She could just... enjoy life. Walk around, run around, maybe even hop around if Blocky isn't around to make fun of you for your mere existence. One could count the blades of grass on the ground, or determine the shapes of clouds in the sky, or stare at the sun for as long as you can before you go blind. You can count to a hundred, a thousand, or 2,763. You could do a silly little dance to no music at all, or exercise, or work on the absolute enigma that's somehow retaining a memory despite not having the slab of meat crucial to do it.

Or you could just talk to somebody else.

The electric fan didn't seem too keen on that one, though; her blades continued spinning, she continued breathing, and she just kept on living. The only thing that was off was the fact that it was as if Bubble hadn't asked the question at all. "Uh... Fanny?" She'd try and get her attention again. "Whoi do you hate so much?" Once more, there was absolutely no response; try as she might to maintain absolute and perfect silence, though, there'd be the slightest hints of grumbling. "Er..." That thin film of water and whatever would start to frown. "You alroight?" She'd ask. "Do you just... not wanna talk?" She'd start to get up, wanting to leave as soon as possible. "Oi mean... That's okay... Oi'll just-"

The one with the anger issues let out a sigh. "Bub, I respect you." She'd finally start. "I hate pretty much everyone around here, but you... I can tolerate you." She'd pause for a moment. "But I *hate* whenever people ask me about that." "Whoi's that?" Bubble asked. "Well..." The fan sighed. "Think of it like this; well, not think. Maybe. I dunno: Why are you so fragile? Why can I just pop you right now without much effort? All I have to do is..." She'd move her foot a bit to emulate a kick; she didn't wanna bother with standing up to do an actual one. "And then you're gone. Why's that?" Bubble was obviously a bit upset by that inquiry, but as she thought about it... She kept on thinking about it for an uncomfortably long time, longer than she ever had before; either because she didn't want to, or because she couldn't. "Oi don't know." Ultimately, she'd just end up shrugging. "Oi'm just loike this, Oi guess." Bubble paused for a moment, letting it sit for a bit longer. "Oi mean, it's not that bad; Oi can eat a Yoiyleberry or two to turn metal, and-"

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