"Do you like him?"

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Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my story! Please comment and/or vote if you like it (hopefully you will like it) :) it's kinda based on what happened to me so yeah :S anyway here it is! The first chapter of Story of my Life and it is dedicated to LRocky because she was my first fan on here! :D


I logged onto facebook and checked my notifications. Alex had commented on my status. After replying I went onto chat. Amy and Gabrielle were online. I started up a chat with both of them.

"Hey Beanz!"

(Beanz is Amy's nickname)

"Heya :)"

"how are you"

"I'm god"

Laughing I typed back, "your god? Lol"

"lollage XD I meant good :P and how are you?"

"I'm ok... still laughing about what Ruth said though :P"

"what did she say?"

"she said that it seemed like I spoke to Megan's boyfriend more than Megan does!"

"well it's kinda true..."

Huh? What does she mean by that? I decided to think about it whilst talking to Gabrielle.

"Heya :)"

"hey lauren"

"how are you?"

"I'm okay :) what about you, my little preggers friend? ;)"

I should probably explain. Everyone in my class seems to think I'm pregnant with twins and that the father is alex... Megan's boyfriend! But I'm not. Anyway back to the chat message.

"haha I'm okay, can't believe everyone thinks I like alex though."

"well do you?"

Just then a message popped up from Amy. It said, "Lauren do you like alex?"

Huh?? Why are they both asking me this? And what am I meant to reply?

So what do you think? Do you like it? What do you think Lauren will say? If it's confusing just let me know and I'll explain :) sorry if it's a little short/boring but I'm writing it on my iPod so it looks longer xxxxxxxxx

Story of my LifeWhere stories live. Discover now