She wasn't meant to hear that...

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Uh-oh... this isn't good. Ella and I glance at each other, hoping that the other person  has something to say. Nope, her face is blank. Guess I'll have to think of something then...

"I've already asked you. When I find out what?" Megan demands.

"Um... we were just talking about how... um... Ellen... has a new horse?" I stammer out.

The seconds tick past in silence.

"Well what's that got to do with me?"

Wow. That was close. Thank goodness she believes us.

Ella pipes up, " Well we know how competitive you and Ellen get over your horses... and we didn't want you two arguing about it."

"Yeah!" I continue, "We were hoping you wouldn't find out because we didn't want an arguement."

Megan thinks about this. I risk a glance at Ella and see that she is holding her breath. 

"Anyway! We have to go to p.e. now... so bye Megan!" I quickly say, desperate to get away from her.

"Um, Lauren? We have the same lesson? I normally walk down with you two?" Megan said, confused.

Oh, great... she's right. Oh well, we'll just have to stop talking about it...

"Haha, I'm such a ditz! How could I forget that? I guess I was just having a blonde moment." I said, laughing at myself.

We all walk down to the basketball courts. As usual, Megan is talking about Alex and how much fun they had had last night. Great. Just what I want to hear.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this! I was determined to make this chapter longer but... I started reading some old conversations I'd had with one of my friends on facebook for inspiration (as the whole situation with him was my inspiriation for starting this stroy) but as I was reading it it made me too upset to write anymore because things are just so different between us now :( I'm really sorry and I hope you all  understand but I really will try to write a lot more next time. Also it actually took me ages to write this even though its really short. I'm so sorry but I will try to write loads next time. Pinky promise :)

On a completely unrelated note, this story has finally reached over 200 reads! This might not sound like a lot but to me it's great! Please, if you like it, vote. Don't just assume that everyone else will.

Okay that's all. Please vote and comment. 'Kay, byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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