A twist of fate

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I look at the clock. 

"Guys! It's five thirty am! We've been talking all night!" I exclaim.

"Really?" Ruth asks, "We can go on my trampoline if you want? And watch the sunrise at the same time?"

We all agree and walk outside.

"Bagsies I'm first!" Amy shouts and we all run onto the trampoline.


 The next week passes quickly in a blur of sleepovers, shopping trips and swimming in the sea. Everything seems to have been forgotten in the joy of summer. Everything seems peaceful and calm again... too calm.

I log onto facebook and have a look at my friends profiles. When I get to Megan's I notice that her relationship status has changed. I'm guessing that she has finally changed it to in a relationship. I click on her info and see that it says she is now single! What? That must be a mistake? Surely they wouldn't break up? Not after everything they've been through?

I decide that I have to be sure so I quickly go on to Alex's profile. His says he is single as well! They must of broken up! But who dumped who? Has Alex dumped Megan for me? And if he has... what am I going to do? Should I risk my friendship?

I hurridely go onto chat and start talking to Ruth. If anyone knows what happened it will be her.

Lauren: Hey Ruth xx :)

Ruth: Heya x what's up?

Lauren: Jw but do you know what's happened between Megan and Alex??? :/

Ruth: Well... yeah but... I'm not sure if I should tell you...

Lauren: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? 

Ruth: Fine. But you didn't hear it from me. Megan dumped Alex earlier today because she says she seems as more of a friend rather than anything else...

Lauren: But..? I thought she was "sooooo in love with him and going to marry him and move to New York with him?

Ruth: Yup, well apparently not anymore.

Lauren: Wow. Well thanks for the info :D gotta go! Bye! TTYL xx

Ruth: Bye!

I log off.

Wow... Megan dumped Alex. Now what? He must still be upset so I can't ask him out for at least two weeks because that makes me seem desperate. But if he asks me out can I date him? No... Megan's my friend. That's breaking the girl code.

But... she dumped him. So surely she can't be upset. And if she ever actually liked him she would want him to be happy... which means if he wanted to date me I could say yes because he would be happy! Yes! Oh, I really hope he does ask me out. I'll get to run my fingers through his gorgeous brown hair and stare into his hazel eyes for hours. And feel his super strong arm muscles... I can't wait. It will be amazing.

But if he does ask me out... does he actually like me? Or would he only be asking me out so that he can say he has a girlfriend? What should I do? I don't want to upset Megan but I don't want to lose this opportunity. And I don't want everyone to think I'm a slut. Especially since they already think I'm pregnant with Alex's children. Everyone will think we're only dating because of my so-called "prgnancy"... I don't know what to do and I can't ask anyone for advice as Megan will here about it.

Ring, ring.

Oh.. that's my phone. I quickly pick it up and look at the caller id. It's Alex! What should I do?


Hey :) I know I've already updated today but I've had so many people vote and comment that I decided to upload again... so if you want more frequent uploads in the future, comment and vote! ;)

Also my story is now teen fiction #213, romance #649 and what's hot #947 so thank you so much for helping me get here. Please help it climb even higher by commenting and voting. Thanks!

P.S. What do you think Alex wants?

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