A rocky game of rounders

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"Ruth, it's not what it looks like!" I whisper desperately.

"Well then what it is? Megan and Alex usually go to the cinema on a Saturday but today Alex turns up at the beach with you! Why isn't he with Megan! And Lauren I want answers this time because it looks like he is cheating and Megan doesn't deserve that!" Ruth says angrily.

So it looks like he is cheating and of course everyone will be like oh no poor Megan! But it's not like she's little miss sweet and innocent! She is always flirting with other guys! Anyway I better answer Ruth.

"Ruth I swear nothing is happening with me and Alex. I didn't even know that he was coming! I was meant to be getting the bus with Amy but she text me to say that he had missed the bus. And then Alex got on and sat next to me. All we did was talk! Nothing else! And Megan is coming to the beach later anyway. I guess they decided to have their date at the beach."

"Oh... so you two just ended up sitting together on the bus? Nothing more?"

"Yes! If I'm honest I didn't even want to sit next to him but it would seem rude if I said he couldn't... anyway can we go join the others now this is all cleared up?" I ask, hoping that she will say yes and stop questioning me.

"Uh, ok!"

We walk over to the others in silence. As we get nearer they look at us strangely. Oh no! They're probably all going to want to know what we were talking about.

"Hey guys! We're back!" I say, trying to distract them, "Shall we go get a spot on the beach? Amy is going to be late because she missed her bus."

A chorus of "yes's" and "yup's" fill the air and we walk down to where we usually sit. I end up walking next to Alex and Gabrielle. Gabrielle and Alex start talking about some family thing that they have to go to tomorrow. Thank goodness! At least it's not awkward anymore. But still... I feel out of place here... I can't stop thinking about what Alex will think of me when I'm in my bikini...

I slow down so that I'm walking with Ruth and Amelia and we start chatting. This is so much better. Less awkward and it doesn't look like I'm spending all my time with Alex.

When we get to our usual place we lay out our towels. Ruth, Gabrielle and Jess decide to play a game of rounder’s but me and Amelia decide to stay behind for now and sunbathe... wait, wait, wait! Where's Alex? I don't remember seeing him playing with the others... I look to my right and see Alex standing next to me! No! What can I do?

Okay... he's lying down, ready to sunbathe... that probably means that his eyes will be closed... so it's not too bad... I'll quickly take off my sundress because I have my bikini on underneath. Oh no! He's opened his eyes and he's looking straight at me! I grab my towel and make a big fuss about shaking the sand off it, effectively hiding myself from Alex. Good, his eyes are closed again. I quickly put down my towel and lie on it with my eyes shut.

But what if he's looking at me? Wait, he wouldn't be... he's dating Megan. But what if he is looking at me? What will he think when he sees me? That's it! I can't take it anymore! I get up quickly.

"Uh, guys? I'm going to go join the others." I say, hoping Alex won't be coming.

"I'll come with you!" Alex says.

My heart sinks. I glance at him as he gets up. Even the way he brushes the sand of himself is awesome...

"Ugh... well I'm not lying here by myself." Amelia grumbles, "I guess I'll join you."

We walk over to the others. Plastering a fake smile on my face I say, "Can we join in?"

Everyone agrees and we get put into teams. I guess I am finally having some luck because Alex is put on the opposite team to me.

The game starts up and it's our team's turn to bat. I sit on the sand, watching them, until it's my go.

Ooh! It's my go now! I get up and walk over to wear I'm starting. The ball is heading towards me... I hit it and take off, running towards the bases. I've just passed first base... I'm approaching second... they're still not even close to my ball! I can do this! I can get a rounder! I speed up as I approach third base.

Ow!!! I trip over a rock and go flying! No, I'm gonna smack my face on the floor! It's gonna be so embarrassing! Wait... I'm not on the floor... I seem to be in someone's arms... I look up to find Alex looking down at me... oh my goodness! Alex is actually holding me! He's got his hands on my bare stomach! His arms are wrapped around me! I look into his eyes... he seems to be staring down at me... his eyes seem like they're looking right into my soul.

Some is clearing their throat... I look around and suddenly remember that we are surrounded by all our friends... oh look Amy's turned up. I look up at Alex again and remember that he is dating Megan.

Oh my god! What is Megan going to say? She's bound to hear about it! What can I do?

I decide to pretend to faint. I didn't move my head when looking at anyone, only my eyes, so they probably haven't noticed. And hey, if I've fainted then I've got an excuse for why I stayed in his arms for so long.

I allow myself to go limp and close my eyes. I hear Alex saying, "I think she's just fainted! What do I do? Do I continue holding her? Or put her down? Someone please help! I don’t want her to get injured!"

Aww, bless! He doesn't know what to do... I hope he continues holding me though cos this feels nice. It makes me feel safe, like he will always protect me, and be there for me, and... it feels comforting... like home.... it’s obvious, me and Alex are meant to be together!

Ruth starts telling everyone what to do. Of course it would be her doing that since she would be the only one who paid any attention in our first aid lessons at school! Aww… she’s just told Alex to gently put me down. He gently lowers me to the floor and I decide that is my cue to ‘wake up’.

I slowly flicker my eyelids until they are fully open. Now I look around groggily and ask, “What happened? Why am I on the floor?”

Alex replies, “We were playing rounder’s, remember? And you ran around and tripped over a rock and came flying towards me? Then I caught you? Then you fainted…”

“Uh… I remember playing rounder’s… and then I vaguely remember tripping…” I reply, sounding confused, “Anyway, you guys finish the game… I’ll just watch… oh and Amy hi!”

I walk out of the way and sit down, supposedly watching the game but really watching Alex.  He obviously feels something for me, he just doesn’t realise yet. He could have let me fall but he didn’t. And he stared into my eyes for ages when I first landed in his arms! And then when I supposedly ‘fainted’ he was really worried! It’s so obvious that he likes me but is it just as a friend? Or is it something more?

But does he realise he likes me? And if not... how can I get him to like me?

To be continued...


Hey! Thanks for reading! This chapter isn't finished but I'll upload the rest tonight :D Please comment and vote. Also I was wondering what you would prefer... Alex dating Mignon (who he thinks he really loves), Alex dating Lauren (who really likes him) or something else! :) Please let me know in the comments and if you do, you might be picked for the fan to dedicate the next chapter to! 

So anyway, comment vote, let me know what you want to happen! Anything really but please give me feedback! Oh and thank you so much! This is number 848 in the whats hot list! :D So please can you try to comment and vote and we will try to get it climb even higher!

I absolutely love this chapter, it is my favourite chapter so far, so please tell me what you think! If you agree (and love it), disagree (and hate it [but if you hate it please tell me why so that I can improve]) or are indifferent please comment your views! 

Okay thats all! Once again about a million thanks for making this onto the whats hot list and lets try to climb even higher on the list! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx all of you reading this are awesome and i love you all!

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