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I let myself into my house, enjoying the peace and quiet. I get a drink and walk up to my room. Once there I get my mobile out and phone Alex.

"Hey Lauren!" he says.

Furiously I reply, "How could you Alex?  I trusted you and you do this to me? Why?"

Silence. Then he answers, "Uh... what?"

How dare he pretend not to know what I'm talking about?

"Alex you know exactly what I mean! You told Megan everything I told you! After promising not to!"

I hear him gulp on the other end of the line.

"Well you see... Megan made me promise to tell her if any other girl told me they liked me..."

"I don't care Alex! I trusted you and you betrayed me! You shouldn't make promises if you're going to go back on them as soon as its convenient for Megan! Megan hates me now! You've ruined my friendship... and my life!!!!" I shout down the phone.

I quickly hang up and burst into tears as everyhting comes crashing down on me. I have no friends now! Nobody will like me anymore! Thank goodness it's the start of the summer holidays next week so I won't have to see everyone at school.


Ugh, my alarm clock is ringing. Time to get up for the last day of school. I quickly wash and get dressed but don't bother putting on any make-up. Why should I when no one likes me anymore? I just hide at the back of class where no one can see me. 


I look at the clock, counting down the seconds until school is over. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Yes! No more school until September! The teacher dismisses us and I stand up and pick up my bag to leave. Ella is walking towards me! I wonder what she wants?

"Uh... hi Ella..."

"Lauren, why have you been avoiding me since Megan found out about your feelings for Alex? I don't care what anyone else says, you're my friend! Please can we just forget about this to have a great summer?"

"But... I thought you'd hate me?"

She shakes her head.

"Well... okay then..." I stammer, "Um... so do you want to meet up sometime?"

"Yes! Lets go to the beach! Wednesday at like 3? We can have a barbeque!"

I agree and give her a hug.

"Thanks for being here for me Ella"


Hi! I am so sorry that I haven't uploaded for ages! First I broke my finger whilst playing netball (the ball bent my finger back and I chipped the bone) so it was too painful to type. Then I had writers block. Then my finger was nearly better but I was doing work experience at a nursery with 2-3 year olds (who were so cute!) but they kept standingon my finger meaning it didn't heal as well as it should. But I'm back to uploading now and thanks for sticking with me! I know this chapter isn't long but I am now on my summer holidays so I can upload longer chapters a lot more frequently. Remember if you like it please vote and comment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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