A sudden realisation

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Hey all you awesome readers! Sorry i haven't updated in a while but I've had a ton of exams recently and I've been I'll as well :( but it's half term now so I'll be able to upload more frequently! Yay! :P so this is chapter two.... it's dedicated to Megan13 as we will be writing a story together soon! :) So if you want to check out the story I will be helping her with it is http://www.wattpad.com/1416949-where-should-i-start 'kay thanks! and enjoy!

Chapter 2

I started typing out a message. It said, "of course not!"

But that's not true... I quickly deleted it... what shall I tell them???

Whilst I debated what to write, I typed out a message to gabrielle, "Lol! Amy just asked me this at the same time! :O spooky"

Send. I quickly sent a similar message to Amy. Good that should buy me some time to think.

Ping! A message popped up from Gabrielle.

"Haha... well what's the answer then?

I guess I need to answer them now... but what do I tell them? Am I able to trust them?

"Well yeah kinda.... :/"

Send. I copied the message and sent it to Amy as well. Oh my gosh icant believe I just admitted to Mignon's best friend's that I have a crush on her boyfriend! What have I gotten myself into!

I quickly sent a message to both of them. "but please don't tell anyone!"

Amy replied, "aww don't worry lauren I won't :) I know what you're going through because I like him too"

Really? Amy still likes Alex? But I thought that she got over him ages ago..?

"I won't tell anyone, especially not alex or Megan. But this is kinda weird for me to talk about because he is my cousin so..."

"oh okay then I completely understand."

"well I gotta go now... bye Lauren! See you tomorrow at school!"

That just left me talking to Amy. I typed back to her.

"really? I thought you were over him???"

"yeah well it's difficult to get over him... I just pretended I was because he started dating Mignon"

"I see."

"how long have you felt this way about him Lauren?"

Hmm... good question...

"like a month now..."

"so all those jokes we were making about you and him must have been pretty difficult for you..?"

"yup. I just had to pretend I found it hilarious like the rest of you tho :("

"aww lauren :'( that must suck... I really truly feel sorry for you though cos I completely understand :/ well I sure it will get better for both of us soon..."

"I hope so..."

"I'm going now but remember it will all get better... bye!"

"bye amy!"

I sat there thinking about it all. Wondering, was telling them the right thing to do? As I contemplated this a message popped up from alex.

"Hey Lauren!! XD How are you today?"

"hi alex. I'm sorry but I'm really not in the mood to talk today."

And with that I logged off.

Ugh... why had I been so rude to him?!? It's not his fault! Now he's never going to like me. That's it. I've messed up things enough for one night. I'm going to bed. Night!

So yeah, that's chapter two! Hope you like it and please please please! Comment and vote.... even if you hate it please comment what you think!

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