• Haircut •

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( Summary : Leon needs a haircut and Claire comes to the rescue!

Status of their relationship in this one shot : Married!

It was a late night, around 6:30 PM, which is the time where both Claire & Leon are able to spend some time together since from 5ish AM to 4:30ish PM, they're both at work. Leon works for the D.S.O, a company that helps protect the world from any and all attacks, it also specializes in protecting the president. It is a very elite job but it wasn't necessarily Leon's choice to work there in the first place.

As for Claire though, she works at TerraSave, which isn't as elite as the D.S.O is. TerraSave specializes in helping with the aftermath of B.O.W attacks, sometimes even global attacks. TerraSave isn't as time consuming either ; there are days where Claire is at home, all alone, just waiting for Leon to come home to her. She isn't the clingy type but it can get lonely sometimes.

Leon's position at the D.S.O is a secret agent, he simply just works in the fields. Claire is a representative for TerraSave. She sort of helped found the company. She does all sorts of work for TerraSave. It's safe to say unlike Leon, Claire does enjoy her job and makes the best of it. Then again, unlike Leon, Claire wasn't forced to work for TerraSave, she had a choice. Either way, they both have each other to motivate one another, Leon has stated more than once that Claire is who keeps him going and vice versa.

Considering it's a Friday and both of them are officially out of work, Leon & Claire feel free, which is such a rare feeling for them. Claire can't remember the last time she was able to just lie down in bed and watch a TV show, it feels so strange to her. It's an unfamiliar task to her. She's currently watching 'Brooklyn 99', it's a sitcom that was recommended to her by Moria, a close friend of hers whom also happens to work at TerraSave with her!

Whilst Claire is watching her show, Leon is in the shower. Sometimes the two of them shower together but they but know that whenever that happens, cleaning themselves never actually gets done... So that's why Claire let him do it alone this time. They also value being apart at times. Not because they're losing love for one another or because they're sick of each other, it's simply because it's healthy! It gives you time to yourself, time to think and besides, being around the same person for to long can lead to internalized irritation for said person.

Claire was cuddled up beneath the blankets, their bed was absolutely cluttered. Claire gets cold easily, she can't help but have at least three blankets on the bed at all times. It also just makes her feel safe. Whenever she's doing something vulnerable, such as laying in bed and watching a show, it makes her feel more secure to be covered by hefty blankets. Although, in a real serious situation, that would do her more bad than good. But just for watching some silly show, it worked.

From the bedroom, Leon & Claire's shared bathroom was connected to it, right by their closet there is a door that leads to it. Claire could hear random noises as Leon showered, she could mainly hear the sound of the rapid water spouting out from the head of it. The TV was louder though and surprisingly, the show was quite humorous. Claire actually used to make fun of sitcoms, she found them tacky & boring but this one was good. Moria has great taste.

A little while after, whilst Claire was still watching the show, she heard the shower switch off. She felt warmth form within her stomach knowing she'd get to see Leon. Especially with his hair wet... She loves it. Anyhow, she continued to watch her show, not wanting to seem like she was yearning for him, despite the fact she was. She loves him so very much. Claire honestly becomes feral anytime he gets out of the shower ; she believes that's when he looks his ultimate best.

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