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Third Selection Central Room

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Third Selection Central Room.

AFTER EGO'S ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE REGULARS, you could see the realization dawning on the non-selected players' faces. Barou was glaring at Isagi, a vein was even visible on his forehead. But then you see him turn his head to look at you, which his face changed to his usual one and nodded, before turning his head back.

' ??? '

"I have a question, Ego-san."

Yukimiya is now raising his hand, asking Ego a question politely.

' I feel like people like Yukimiya is extinct here. '

"Why is Shidou-kun not one of the members? He scored plenty of goals, and he's the No.2 is he not?"

"Yes, excellent question."

"Shidou Ryusei had an average of two goals per match during tryouts, demonstrating the makings of a striker second to Itoshi Rin. His behavior outside of matches cannot be overlooked.. But it is also true that his physical abilities are very high."

"However, all the goals he scored were a product of his own skill. In other words, in both stages of the tryouts, Shidou Ryusei was unable to spark a chemical reaction even once with Itoshi Rin and the second stage."

Ego's words made you think about Shidou again. He kneed Rin in the face because Rin wasn't.. interesting to him? You forgot the reason, you think that you dislike him but at the same time you somehow don't despite your hatred towards people who uses people and even hurt them.

"And given that flagrant display of violence at the end of the match.. If he were to do such a thing during the U20 match, he'd get a red card, putting our team at an overwhelming disadvantage.. So for the very reasons.. I made the decision that Itoshi Rin and Shidou Ryusei should not be on the same pitch."

"And above all, none of you.. would be able to handle the egoist Shidou."

"How about I give it a try?"

The players look over to you when you said the words in no hesitation. They're of course, surprised at your confidence of possibly able to spark a chemical reaction with Shidou.

"You probably would be able, however, if only you can handle that egoist, it would drag the team down since he wouldn't be willing to cooperate with the other players."

"That's why if this team were to find themselves in a pinch.. He'd be a joker that would replace Itoshi Rin."

"As a powerful drug that could completely reverse the flow of the game.. His job would be switch with Itoshi Rin in a time of need."

𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓. ¦ BLLK! Various x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now