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Japan, Shibuya

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Japan, Shibuya.

THERE WAS NOTHING BUT SILENCE IN THE ROOM, after what had happened you saw the players would give you looks of concern which you assumed it was because of your words.

"With the crime of domestic abuse, do you think he will go free?"

They already put two and two together with your sister's attitude and the words from her; "since you left." 

They don't really know what to say right now. Seeing that, you sighed. Standing up from the table and leaving the room with Fumi following behind. You saw that one of them wanted to stop you but hesitated, watching you leave the room. Fumi paid the bill for food as you left the restaurant. You waited for a minute as she comes out after.

Despite what happened, she suddenly started to talk cheerfully, as if nothing happened and you simply listened.

"Oh yeah! And do you think I should dye my hair fully black? Do you think it would go well with my eyes?" She asked, pointing to her teal blue eyes as she smiled, her small natural fangs visible. You pondered, imagining her with fully black hair.

"Yeah. I think you look okay with fully black hair but maybe you should put a streak or something that makes it obvious that you are Fumi. Cause Kiyora also have black hair."

"Oh, okay!" 

"And I want to visit Rin."

"What about your friend in Germany? Don't you want to visit him too? I can just buy us tickets!" You know that she can buy you tickets to Germany, but you don't know where he lives and if he remembers you but you certainly still remember him and teaching him about soccer.

"..No need. I believe Kaiser is satisfied with his life. He has worked for his current life, and I don't want to disrupt his life." Fumi stayed silent for a second before nodding as you two started to head towards the salon, where Fumi was going to dye her hair.

" Fumi stayed silent for a second before nodding as you two started to head towards the salon, where Fumi was going to dye her hair

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Japan, Kamakura.
Itoshi Residence.

"Bye bye Y/n-chan! I'll come back to get you laterr!" Fumi said, waving goodbye to you as the car she was in drives off. You held a plastic bag, inside was ochazuke with bream, Rin's favourite food.

You walked to the front door, knocking on it and waiting for someone to answer. There was no response for 3 minutes but the door opened up, revealing Rin was the one who opened the door. He's surprised that you came here to see him since you didn't exactly inform him or seem like the person who would still visit him.

"Hey, Rin. Gonna let me in now?" You snapped him out of his thoughts. He let you in the house as you looked around, noting that Mrs. Itoshi isn't probably home along with Mr. Itoshi.

"..What are you doing here, Y/n?"

"Can I not visit you? I even brought Ochazuke with bream." You saw his eyes widen in surprise for a second before reverting back to his blank expression. He takes the plastic bag from you, muttering a small thanks before heading towards the stairs.

He turned his head to look you, so you followed him upstairs to his room. His room was clean and organized, the TV in his bedroom was on with the screen paused. You assumed that he was watching a horror movie since the scene he paused at was quite.. the bloody scene.

He put the plastic bag on his table while you sat on his bed, watching as he also sits down on his bed next to you but then suddenly wrapped his arms around your body from your side. It caught you off-guard but you realized he was hugging you, like how he did in your childhood.

You smiled a bit, Rin wasn't as cold as you thought you suppose. Not like he was cold to you too much anyway. You held him, turning your body to face him as he hugged you tightly, not wanting to let go.

However, while you two were hugging, you failed to notice another pair of teal eyes watching from the outside. Sae had just came to the house and came upstairs, accidentally spotting you and Rin hugging. And of course, the younger Itoshi that you hugged already knew he was coming home.

Rin hugged you tighter, burying his head in the crook of your neck which you paid no mind to as Sae looked at Rin, glaring at him as a vein appeared on his forehead.

And what response did his younger brother give him?

A look of victory with a smirk on his face that said..

' I win, nii-chan. She's mine. '

Status : Not edited !Word Count : 856 words

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Status : Not edited !
Word Count : 856 words.
Written on.. 4th June 2024 !



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